Maria U. Darcy, Ph.D.

2003 Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 
Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Women's Studies
"Maria Darcy"
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Charles D. Claiborn grad student 2003 Arizona State
 (Women as sexual persons: An analysis.)
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Darcy M, Tracey TJG. (2003) Integrating abilities and interests in career choice: Maximal versus typical assessment Journal of Career Assessment. 11: 219-237
Tracey TJG, Darcy M. (2002) An idiothetic examination of vocational interests and their relation to career decidedness Journal of Counseling Psychology. 49: 420-427
Tracey TJG, Darcy M, Kovalski TM. (2000) A Closer Look at Person-Environment Fit Journal of Vocational Behavior. 56: 216-224
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