Daniel S. Fisher

1990 Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, United States 
 1987-1990 Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
 1990-2007 Physics Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
 2007- Applied Physics Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
statistical physics; theoretical evolutionary biology
"Daniel S. Fisher"


Mean distance: 12.25 (cluster 13)
Cross-listing: Evolution Tree - Chemistry Tree


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Bertrand I. Halperin grad student 1979 Harvard
 (Fluctuations in Low-Dimensional Systems.)


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Daniel B Weissman grad student
Susan N. Coppersmith grad student 1983 Cornell
A. Alan Middleton grad student 1985-1990 Princeton
Leon Michael Balents grad student 1994 Harvard
Aris L Moustakas grad student 1990-1996 Stanford
Sharad Ramanathan grad student 1997 Harvard
Meredith Diane Betterton grad student 2000 Harvard
Jennifer M. Schwarz grad student 1994-2001 Harvard
Gil Refael grad student 2003 Harvard
Ila R. Fiete grad student 2004 Harvard
Michael M. Desai grad student 2006 Harvard (Chemistry Tree)
Olivia Lawrence White grad student 2006 Harvard
Kendra Stewart Burbank grad student 2008 Harvard
Antoine Georges post-doc 1989-1991 Princeton
Hidenori Tanaka post-doc 2018-2019 Stanford
BETA: Related publications


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Melissa MJ, Good BH, Fisher DS, et al. (2022) Population genetics of polymorphism and divergence in rapidly evolving populations. Genetics
Pearce MT, Agarwala A, Fisher DS. (2020) Stabilization of extensive fine-scale diversity by ecologically driven spatiotemporal chaos. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Agarwala A, Fisher DS. (2019) Adaptive walks on high-dimensional fitness landscapes and seascapes with distance-dependent statistics. Theoretical Population Biology. 130: 13-49
Blundell JR, Schwartz K, Francois D, et al. (2018) The dynamics of adaptive genetic diversity during the early stages of clonal evolution. Nature Ecology & Evolution
Pearce MT, Fisher DS. (2017) Rapid adaptation in large populations with very rare sex: Scalings and spontaneous oscillations. Theoretical Population Biology
Levy SF, Blundell JR, Venkataram S, et al. (2015) Quantitative evolutionary dynamics using high-resolution lineage tracking. Nature. 519: 181-6
Hallatschek O, Fisher DS. (2014) Acceleration of evolutionary spread by long-range dispersal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111: E4911-9
Desai MM, Walczak AM, Fisher DS. (2013) Genetic diversity and the structure of genealogies in rapidly adapting populations. Genetics. 193: 565-85
Fisher DS. (2013) Asexual evolution waves: Fluctuations and universality Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2013
Desai MM, Fisher DS. (2011) The balance between mutators and nonmutators in asexual populations. Genetics. 188: 997-1014
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