Deana B. Davalos, Ph.D.

2000 Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 
Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies
"Deana Davalos"
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Ernest Chavez grad student 2000 Colorado State
 (The effects of family communication and parental school support on delinquent behaviors: An analysis of gender and ethnic factors.)


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David P. Engel research assistant 2013-2013 Colorado State (PsychTree)
Alana M. Campbell grad student 2012 Colorado State
Barbara C. Banz grad student 2014 Colorado State
BETA: Related publications


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Banz BC, Davalos DB. (2018) Attentional and Neural Processing of Affective and Alcohol-Related Images in University-Attending Emerging Adults. Emerging Adulthood (Print). 6: 213-218
Fisher GG, Chaffee DS, Tetrick LE, et al. (2017) Cognitive Functioning, Aging, and Work: A Review and Recommendations for Research and Practice. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Banz BC, Davalos DB. (2017) Attentional and Neural Processing of Affective and Alcohol-Related Images in University-Attending Emerging Adults Emerging Adulthood. 6: 213-218
Pantlin LN, Davalos D. (2016) Neurophysiology for Detection of High Risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Research and Treatment. 2016: 2697971
Campbell AM, Davalos DB. (2015) Levels of attention and task difficulty in the modulation of interval duration mismatch negativity. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 1619
Foster SM, Kisley MA, Davis HP, et al. (2013) Cognitive function predicts neural activity associated with pre-attentive temporal processing. Neuropsychologia. 51: 211-9
Kisley MA, Campbell AM, Larson JM, et al. (2011) The impact of verbal framing on brain activity evoked by emotional images. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience. 10: 513-24
Davalos DB, Rojas DC, Tregellas JR. (2011) Temporal processing in schizophrenia: effects of task-difficulty on behavioral discrimination and neuronal responses. Schizophrenia Research. 127: 123-30
Campbell AM, Davalos DB, McCabe DP, et al. (2011) Executive functions and extraversion Personality and Individual Differences. 51: 720-725
Yadon CA, Bugg JM, Kisley MA, et al. (2009) P50 sensory gating is related to performance on select tasks of cognitive inhibition. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 9: 448-58
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