Seth M. Spain, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2010 | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL |
Industrial PsychologyGoogle:
"Seth Spain"Mean distance: 11874
Sign in to add mentorFritz Drasgow | grad student | 2010 | UIUC | |
(Multivariate dynamic criteria: A process model of job performance.) |
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Wood D, Lowman GH, Harms P, et al. (2019) Using functional fields to formally represent the meaning and logic of behavior: A worked example using Dark Triad-related actions Personality and Individual Differences. 136: 24-37 |
Antonakis J, Banks GC, Bastardoz N, et al. (2019) The Leadership Quarterly: State of the journal The Leadership Quarterly. 30: 1-9 |
Cheong M, Yammarino FJ, Dionne SD, et al. (2019) A review of the effectiveness of empowering leadership The Leadership Quarterly. 30: 34-58 |
Wang A, Tsai C, Dionne SD, et al. (2018) Benevolence-dominant, authoritarianism-dominant, and classical paternalistic leadership: Testing their relationships with subordinate performance The Leadership Quarterly. 29: 686-697 |
Rodgers JD, Lodi-Smith J, Hill PL, et al. (2017) Brief Report: Personality Mediates the Relationship between Autism Quotient and Well-Being: A Conceptual Replication using Self-Report. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders |
Harms PD, Wood D, Spain SM. (2016) Separating the why from the what: Reply to Jonas and Markon(2015). Psychological Review. 123: 84-9 |
Cheong M, Spain SM, Yammarino FJ, et al. (2016) Two faces of empowering leadership: Enabling and burdening Leadership Quarterly. 27: 602-616 |
Blevins DP, Tsang EWK, Spain SM. (2015) Count-Based Research in Management: Suggestions for Improvement Organizational Research Methods. 18: 47-69 |
Spain SM, Harms PD. (2014) A sociogenomic perspective on neuroscience in organizational behavior. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8: 84 |
Harms PD, Spain SM. (2014) Follower perceptions deserve a closer look Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 7: 187-191 |