Louis Manfra, Ph.D.

2006 George Mason University, Washington, DC 
Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
"Louis Manfra"
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Adam Winsler grad student 2006 George Mason
 (The effects of speech awareness and speech instructions on young children's self -talk and cognitive self -regulation during a dimensional change counting task.)
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Tavassolie T, Bleiker C, Manfra L, et al. (2020) How profiles of school readiness relate to grade 3 performance among low-income ethnically- and linguistically-diverse children Applied Developmental Science. 1-23
Manfra L. (2018) Impact of Homelessness on School Readiness Skills and Early Academic Achievement: A Systematic Review of the Literature Early Childhood Education Journal. 47: 239-249
Hill MS, Wagovich SA, Manfra L. (2017) Word Learning During Reading: Effects of Language Ability in School-Age Children Communication Disorders Quarterly. 39: 270-280
Murakami CD, Su-Russell C, Manfra L. (2017) Analyzing teacher narratives in early childhood garden-based education The Journal of Environmental Education. 49: 18-29
Ansari A, Lόpez M, Manfra L, et al. (2016) Differential Third-Grade Outcomes Associated With Attending Publicly Funded Preschool Programs for Low-Income Latino Children. Child Development
Hartman S, Winsler A, Manfra L. (2016) Behavior Concerns Among Low-Income, Ethnically and Linguistically Diverse Children in Child Care: Importance for School Readiness and Kindergarten Achievement Early Education and Development. 28: 255-273
Manfra L, Squires C, Dinehart LHB, et al. (2016) Preschool writing and premathematics predict Grade 3 achievement for low-income, ethnically diverse children Journal of Educational Research. 1-10
Manfra L, Tyler SL, Winsler A. (2016) Speech monitoring and repairs in preschool children's social and private speech Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 37: 94-105
Hartman S, Manfra L. (2015) Change in child behaviour concerns associated with childcare quality features among a sample of low-income Latino children Early Child Development and Care. 1-14
Manfra L, Davis KD, Ducenne L, et al. (2014) Preschoolers' motor and verbal self-control strategies during a resistance-to-temptation task. The Journal of Genetic Psychology. 175: 332-45
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