Timothy H. Murphy, Ph.D.

Neuroscience University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada 
Stroke, Vascular System, Dendritic Plasticity, Oxidative Stress
"Timothy Murphy"
Mean distance: 14.11 (cluster 6)


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Brandon J. Forys research assistant 2018- UBC
Mostafa (Neo) Mohsenvand grad student Brain Researc centre, UBC
Shengxiang Zhang grad student
Pankaj K. Gupta grad student 2018-
Nicholas J Michelson grad student 2018- UBC
Oliver Prange grad student 2001 UBC
Andy Y. Shih grad student 2001-2006 UBC
Thomas C. Harrison grad student 2008-2013 UBC
Diana H. Lim grad student 2009-2015 UBC
Yicheng Xie grad student 2011-2015 UBC
Alexander McGirr grad student 2019 UBC
Allen W. Chan post-doc UBC
Majid H. Mohajerani post-doc UBC
Matthieu P. Vanni post-doc UBC
Gergely Silasi post-doc 2011- Brain Researc centre, UBC
Craig E. Brown post-doc 2005-2009 UBC
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Yan Y, Murphy TH. (2024) Decoding state-dependent cortical-cerebellar cellular functional connectivity in the mouse brain. Cell Reports. 43: 114348
Michelson NJ, Bolaños F, Bolaños LA, et al. (2023) Meso-py: Dual brain cortical calcium imaging in mice during head-fixed social stimulus presentation. Eneuro
Xiao D, Yan Y, Murphy TH. (2023) Mesotrode chronic simultaneous mesoscale cortical imaging and subcortical or peripheral nerve spiking activity recording in mice. Elife. 12
Fong T, Hu H, Gupta P, et al. (2023) PyMouseTracks: flexible computer vision and RFID based system for multiple mouse tracking and behavioral assessment. Eneuro
Ramandi D, Michelson NJ, Raymond LA, et al. (2023) Chronic multiscale resolution of mouse brain networks using combined mesoscale cortical imaging and subcortical fiber photometry. Neurophotonics. 10: 015001
Sepers MD, Mackay JP, Koch E, et al. (2022) Altered cortical processing of sensory input in Huntington disease mouse models. Neurobiology of Disease. 169: 105740
Xiao D, Forys BJ, Vanni MP, et al. (2021) MesoNet allows automated scaling and segmentation of mouse mesoscale cortical maps using machine learning. Nature Communications. 12: 5992
Bolaños LA, Xiao D, Ford NL, et al. (2021) A three-dimensional virtual mouse generates synthetic training data for behavioral analysis. Nature Methods
Balbi M, Xiao D, Jativa Vega M, et al. (2021) Gamma frequency activation of inhibitory neurons in the acute phase after stroke attenuates vascular and behavioral dysfunction. Cell Reports. 34: 108696
Murphy TH, Michelson NJ, Boyd JD, et al. (2020) Automated task training and longitudinal monitoring of mouse mesoscale cortical circuits using home cages. Elife. 9
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