Takaki Komiyama, Ph.D.

University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
"Takaki Komiyama"
Mean distance: 12.91 (cluster 17)


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Liqun Luo grad student 2006 Stanford
 (Unraveling the logic of olfactory circuit assembly.)
Karel Svoboda post-doc HHMI Janelia Farm Campus


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Keelin Marie O'Neil research assistant UCSD
Shudi Xu research assistant 2020-2021 UCSD
Bethanny Danskin grad student UCSD
Wankun Li grad student UCSD
Monica W. Chu grad student 2011- UCSD
Jeffrey E. Dahlen grad student 2012- UCSD Neurosciences
Akinori Mitani grad student 2012- UCSD
Sirawaj Itthipuripat grad student 2014- UCSD
Shuqi Chen grad student 2020- UCSD
Andrew J. Peters grad student 2010-2016 UCSD
Enida Gjoni post-doc
Hiroshi Makino post-doc
Nathan Gray Hedrick post-doc 2017- UCSD Neurosciences
BETA: Related publications


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Hattori R, Hedrick NG, Jain A, et al. (2024) Author Correction: Meta-reinforcement learning via orbitofrontal cortex. Nature Neuroscience
Hedrick NG, Wright WJ, Komiyama T. (2024) Local and global predictors of synapse elimination during motor learning. Science Advances. 10: eadk0540
Dunton KL, Hedrick NG, Meamardoost S, et al. (2024) Divergent learning-related transcriptional states of cortical glutamatergic neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Danskin BP, Hattori R, Zhang YE, et al. (2023) Exponential history integration with diverse temporal scales in retrosplenial cortex supports hyperbolic behavior. Science Advances. 9: eadj4897
Hattori R, Hedrick NG, Jain A, et al. (2023) Meta-reinforcement learning via orbitofrontal cortex. Nature Neuroscience
Hedrick NG, Lu Z, Bushong E, et al. (2022) Learning binds new inputs into functional synaptic clusters via spinogenesis. Nature Neuroscience. 25: 726-737
Ren C, Peng K, Yang R, et al. (2022) Global and subtype-specific modulation of cortical inhibitory neurons regulated by acetylcholine during motor learning. Neuron
Hwang EJ, Dahlen JE, Mukundan M, et al. (2021) Disengagement of motor cortex during long-term learning tracks the performance level of learned movements. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Wu A, Yu B, Chen Q, et al. (2020) Context-dependent plasticity of adult-born neurons regulated by cortical feedback. Science Advances. 6
Ma Z, Liu H, Komiyama T, et al. (2020) Stability of motor cortex network states during learning-associated neural reorganizations. Journal of Neurophysiology
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