Baback Moghaddam, Ph.D.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Statistics
"Baback Moghaddam"

Baback Moghaddam is a Principal Scientist at JPL/Caltech working in the Machine Learning Group since 2007. Prior to joining Caltech he was a Senior Research Scientist at the Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory (MERL) in Cambridge Massachusetts. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1997, where he was a member of the Vision & Modeling Group of the MIT Media Laboratory since 1992. As part of his doctoral work at MIT (under Alex Pentland) he developed an automatic visual recognition system which won the 1996 DARPA "FERET" Face Recognition Challenge. During the last 20 years at MIT, MERL and JPL/Caltech he has published over 70 publications and received 12 patents in the areas of computer vision, statistical modeling, pattern recognition and machine learning.

Mean distance: 16.8 (cluster 29)
Cross-listing: MathTree


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Alex Pentland grad student 1992-1997
 (Ph.D. from MIT EECS)
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Kitching T, Amara A, Gill M, et al. (2011) Gravitational Lensing Accuracy Testing 2010 (GREAT10) Challenge Handbook Annals of Applied Statistics. 5: 2231-2263
Bridle S, Balan ST, Bethge M, et al. (2010) Results of the GREAT08 Challenge: an image analysis competition for cosmological lensing Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 405: 2044-2061
Bridle S, Shawe-Taylor J, Amara A, et al. (2009) Handbook for the GREAT08 challenge: An image analysis competition for cosmological lensing Annals of Applied Statistics. 3: 6-37
Zhou SK, Chellappa R, Moghaddam B. (2004) Visual tracking and recognition using appearance-adaptive models in particle filters. Ieee Transactions On Image Processing : a Publication of the Ieee Signal Processing Society. 13: 1491-506
Moghaddam B, Tian Q, Lesh N, et al. (2004) Visualization and User-Modeling for Browsing Personal Photo Libraries International Journal of Computer Vision. 56: 109-130
Moghaddam B. (2002) Principal manifolds and probabilistic subspaces for visual recognition Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 24: 780-788
Moghaddam B, Yang M. (2002) Learning gender with support faces Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 24: 707-711
Moghaddam B, Biermann H, Margaritis D. (2001) Regions-of-interest and spatial layout for content-based image retrieval Multimedia Tools and Applications. 14: 201-210
Moghaddam B, Nastar C, Pentland A. (2001) A Bayesian similarity measure for deformable image matching Image and Vision Computing. 19: 235-244
Tian Q, Moghaddam B, Huang TS. (2001) Display Optimization for Image Browsing Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 167-176
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