Byron Campbell

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
"Byron Campbell"
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Spear NE, Campbell BA. (2014) Ontogeny of learning and memory Ontogeny of Learning and Memory. 1-334
Porges SW, Riniolo TC, McBride T, et al. (2003) Heart rate and respiration in reptiles: contrasts between a sit-and-wait predator and an intensive forager. Brain and Cognition. 52: 88-96
CAMPBELL BA, TEGHTSOONIAN R. (2000) Electrical and behavioral effects of different types of shock stimuli on the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 51: 185-92
Hunt PS, Hess MF, Campbell BA. (1998) Inhibition of the expression of conditioned cardiac responses in the developing rat Developmental Psychobiology. 33: 221-233
Hunt PS, Campbell BA. (1997) Autonomic and behavioral correlates of appetitive conditioning in rats Behavioral Neuroscience. 111: 494-502
Hunt PS, Richardson R, Hess MF, et al. (1997) Emergence of conditioned cardiac responses to an olfactory CS paired with an acoustic startle UCS during development: Form and autonomic origins Developmental Psychobiology. 30: 151-163
Hunt PS, Hess MF, Campbell BA. (1997) Conditioned cardiac and behavioral response topography to an olfactory CS dissociates with age Animal Learning & Behavior. 25: 53-61
Richardson R, Wang P, Campbell BA. (1996) Developmental and pharmacological analysis of the cardiac response to an acoustic startle stimulus. Psychophysiology. 33: 31-41
Kurtz MM, Campbell BA. (1995) Paradoxical autonomic responses to aversive stimuli in the developing rat. Behavioral Neuroscience. 108: 962-71
Richardson R, Wang P, Campbell BA. (1995) Delayed development of conditioned heart rate responses to auditory stimuli in the rat. Developmental Psychobiology. 28: 221-38
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