Jean Matter Mandler, Ph.D.

Cognitive Science University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
"Jean Mandler"
Mean distance: 19.51 (cluster 15)
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Shannon M. Pruden research assistant 1996-1999 Cognitive Science, UCSD
Shannon M. Pruden research assistant 1997-1999 (PsychTree)
Laraine McDonough grad student UCSD
Tamar Murachver grad student (PsychTree)
Patricia J. Bauer post-doc UCSD
Robyn Fivush post-doc 1982-1984 Department of Cognitive Science, UCSD (PsychTree)
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Nomikou I, Rohlfing KJ, Cimiano P, et al. (2018) Evidence for Early Comprehension of Action Verbs Language Learning and Development. 15: 64-74
Mandler JM. (2012) On the spatial foundations of the conceptual system and its enrichment. Cognitive Science. 36: 421-51
Mandler JM. (2011) A leaner nativist solution to the origin of concepts Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 34: 138-139
Mandler JM. (2010) The spatial foundations of the conceptual system Language and Cognition. 2: 21-44
Mandler JM. (2008) Infant concepts revisited Philosophical Psychology. 21: 269-280
Mandler JM. (2008) On the birth and growth of concepts Philosophical Psychology. 21: 207-230
Mandler JM. (2008) Some suggested additions to the semantic cognition model Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 31: 721-722
Mandler JM. (2007) On the origins of the conceptual system. The American Psychologist. 62: 738-51
Mandler JM. (2004) Thought before language. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 8: 508-13
McDonough L, Choi S, Mandler JM. (2003) Understanding spatial relations: flexible infants, lexical adults. Cognitive Psychology. 46: 229-59
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