Jonah A. Berger, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA |
Marketing Business Administration, Social PsychologyGoogle:
"Jonah Berger"Mean distance: 23748
Sign in to add mentorItamar Simonson | grad student | 2007 | Stanford | |
(Divergence in cultural practices: Tastes as signals of identity.) |
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Packard G, Berger J. (2020) Thinking of You: How Second-Person Pronouns Shape Cultural Success. Psychological Science. 956797620902380 |
Rifkin JR, Du KM, Berger J. (2020) Penny for Your Preferences: Leveraging Self-Expression to Encourage Small Prosocial Gifts: Journal of Marketing. 2224292092806 |
Van Zant AB, Berger J. (2019) How the voice persuades. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology |
Berger J, Humphreys A, Ludwig S, et al. (2019) Uniting the Tribes: Using Text for Marketing Insight Journal of Marketing. 84: 1-25 |
Gullo K, Berger JA, Etkin J, et al. (2019) Does Time of Day Affect Variety-Seeking? Journal of Consumer Research. 46: 20-35 |
Berger J, Packard G. (2018) Are Atypical Things More Popular? Psychological Science. 956797618759465 |
Berger J, Barasch A. (2018) A Candid Advantage? The Social Benefits of Candid Photos Social Psychological and Personality Science. 9: 1010-1016 |
Packard G, Berger J. (2017) How Language Shapes Word of Mouth’s Impact Journal of Marketing Research. 54: 572-588 |
Sela A, Berger JA, Kim J. (2017) How Self-Control Shapes the Meaning of Choice Journal of Consumer Research. 44: 724-737 |
Weingarten E, Berger J. (2017) Fired Up for the Future: How Time Shapes Sharing Journal of Consumer Research. 44: 432-447 |