Michal Maimaran, Ph.D.

2008 Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
Marketing Business Administration, Experimental Psychology
"Michal Maimaran"
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Itamar Simonson grad student 2008 Stanford
 (The bold -timid divide in consumer choice.)
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Khan U, DePaoli A, Maimaran M. (2019) The Unique Role of Anger among Negative Emotions in Goal-Directed Decision Making Journal of the Association For Consumer Research. 4: 65-76
Huang S, Kupor DM, Maimaran M, et al. (2019) Leveraging Means-Goal Associations to Boost Children’s Water Consumption: Persuasion in a Four-School, Three-Month Field Experiment Journal of the Association For Consumer Research. 4: 77-86
Sela A, Hadar L, Morgan S, et al. (2019) Variety-Seeking and Perceived Expertise Journal of Consumer Psychology. 29: 671-679
Maimaran M, Fishbach A. (2014) If It's Useful and You Know It, Do You Eat? Preschoolers Refrain from Instrumental Food Journal of Consumer Research. 41: 642-655
Kramer T, Maimaran M, Simonson I. (2012) Asymmetric option effects on ease of choice criticism and defense Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 117: 179-191
Maimaran M, Simonson I. (2011) Multiple Routes to Self- versus Other-Expression in Consumer Choice: Journal of Marketing Research. 48: 755-766
Maimaran M, Wheeler SC. (2008) Circles, squares, and choice: The effect of shape arrays on uniqueness and variety seeking Journal of Marketing Research. 45: 731-740
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