Erich C. Fein, Ph.D.

2005 Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH 
Industrial Psychology, Personality Psychology
"Erich Fein"
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Howard J. Klein grad student 2005 Ohio State
 (Goal propensity: Proposal and initial validation of a compound personality trait.)
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Tziner A, Fein EC, Kim SK, et al. (2020) Combining Associations Between Emotional Intelligence, Work Motivation, and Organizational Justice With Counterproductive Work Behavior: A Profile Analysis via Multidimensional Scaling (PAMS) Approach. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 851
Tziner A, Fein EC, Vasiliu C. (2020) Testing a Comprehensive Model of Organizational Justice Perceptions and Personal States with Personal and Organizational Outcomes International Journal of Biometrics. 15: 17
Stanway AR, Fein EC, Bordia S. (2020) The Moderating Role of Conscientiousness between Psychological Contract Breach and Loyal Boosterism. Research in Dance Education. 21: 82-97
Fein EC, Benea D, Idzadikhah Z, et al. (2020) The security to lead: a systematic review of leader and follower attachment styles and leader–member exchange European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 29: 106-125
Treuren GJM, Fein EC. (2018) Off-the-job embeddedness as a moderator of the relationship between work and life conflict and turnover intention International Journal of Human Resource Management. 1-22
Fein EC, Skinner N, Machin MA. (2017) Work Intensification, Work–Life Interference, Stress, and Well-Being in Australian Workers International Studies of Management and Organization. 47: 360-371
Ahmed E, D'Netto B, Chelliah J, et al. (2016) Psychological Contract Breach: Consequences of Unkept Promises of Permanent Employment Contemporary Management Research. 12: 183-210
Fein EC, Tziner A, Vasiliu C, et al. (2015) Considering the gap between Implicit Leadership Theories and expectations of actual leader behaviour: A three-study investigation of leadership beliefs in Romania Journal For East European Management Studies. 20: 68-87
Fein EC, Skinner N. (2015) Clarifying the effect of work hours on health through work-life conflict Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. 53: 448-470
Tziner A, Fein EC, Birati A. (2014) Tempering Hard Times: Integrating Well-Being Metrics Into Utility Analysis Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 7: 554-568
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