Donald H. Kluemper, Ph.D.

2006 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United States 
Management Business Administration
"Donald Kluemper"
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Mark B. Gavin grad student 2006 Oklahoma State University
 (An examination of ability-based emotional intelligence in the structured employment interview.)
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Wayne SJ, Sun J, Kluemper DH, et al. (2022) The cost of managing impressions for Black employees: An expectancy violation theory perspective. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Kluemper DH, Taylor SG, Bowler WM, et al. (2019) How leaders perceive employee deviance: Blaming victims while excusing favorites. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Jawahar IM, Stone TH, Kluemper D. (2019) When and why leaders trust followers: LMX as a mediator and empowerment as a moderator of the trustworthiness-trust relationship Career Development International. 24: 702-716
Kluemper DH, Mossholder KW, Ispas D, et al. (2018) When Core Self-Evaluations Influence Employees’ Deviant Reactions to Abusive Supervision: The Moderating Role of Cognitive Ability Journal of Business Ethics. 159: 435-453
Kluemper DH, McLarty BD, Bing MN. (2015) Acquaintance ratings of the Big Five personality traits: incremental validity beyond and interactive effects with self-reports in the prediction of workplace deviance. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 100: 237-48
Kluemper DH, McLarty BD, Bishop TR, et al. (2015) Interviewee Selection Test and Evaluator Assessments of General Mental Ability, Emotional Intelligence and Extraversion: Relationships with Structured Behavioral and Situational Interview Performance Journal of Business and Psychology. 30: 543-563
Kluemper DH, DeGroot T, Choi S. (2013) Emotion Management Ability: Predicting Task Performance, Citizenship, and Deviance Journal of Management. 39: 878-905
Little LM, Kluemper D, Nelson DL, et al. (2013) More Than Happy to Help? Customer-Focused Emotion Management Strategies Personnel Psychology. 66: 261-286
Choi S, Kluemper DH, Sauley KS. (2013) Assessing Emotional Self-Efficacy: Evaluating Validity and Dimensionality with Cross-Cultural Samples Applied Psychology. 62: 97-123
Taylor SG, Kluemper DH. (2012) Linking perceptions of role stress and incivility to workplace aggression: the moderating role of personality. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 17: 316-29
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