Thierry Chaminade

CNRS & Aix-Marseille University 
neuroscience, social ognition
"Thierry Chaminade"
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Andrew N. Meltzoff research assistant 2002-2003 University of Washington
Jean Decety grad student 2001-2003 INSERM
Mitsuo Kawato post-doc 2003-2005 ATR
Chris Frith post-doc 2006-2007 UCL


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Gordon Cheng collaborator 2002-
Dietrich Stout collaborator 2002-
Ayse Pinar Saygin collaborator 2006-
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De Castro Martins C, Chaminade T, Cavazza M. (2022) Causal Analysis of Activity in Social Brain Areas During Human-Agent Conversation. Frontiers in Neuroergonomics. 3: 843005
Chaminade T, Spatola N. (2022) Perceived facial happiness during conversation correlates with insular and hypothalamus activity for humans, not robots. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 871676
Spatola N, Chaminade T. (2022) Precuneus brain response changes differently during human-robot and human-human dyadic social interaction. Scientific Reports. 12: 14794
Stout D, Chaminade T, Apel J, et al. (2021) The measurement, evolution, and neural representation of action grammars of human behavior. Scientific Reports. 11: 13720
Rauchbauer B, Nazarian B, Bourhis M, et al. (2019) Brain activity during reciprocal social interaction investigated using conversational robots as control condition. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 374: 20180033
Wolfe FH, Deruelle C, Chaminade T. (2017) Are friends really the family we choose? Local variations of hypothalamus activity when viewing personally known faces. Social Neuroscience
Chaminade T. (2017) An experimental approach to study the physiology of natural social interactions Interaction Studies. 18: 254-275
Wykowska A, Chaminade T, Cheng G. (2016) Embodied artificial agents for understanding human social cognition. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 371
Wolfe FH, Auzias G, Deruelle C, et al. (2015) Focal atrophy of the hypothalamus associated with third ventricle enlargement in autism spectrum disorder. Neuroreport. 26: 1017-22
Stout D, Hecht E, Khreisheh N, et al. (2015) Cognitive demands of lower paleolithic toolmaking. Plos One. 10: e0121804
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