Juliano Laran, Ph.D.

2008 University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
Marketing Business Administration, Experimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
"Juliano Laran"
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Chris A. Janiszewski grad student 2008 UF Gainesville
 (Behavioral consistency and inconsistency in the pursuit of self-control.)
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Wang X, Janiszewski C, Zheng Y, et al. (2021) Deriving Mental Energy From Task Completion. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 717414
Mittal C, Laran J, Griskevicius V. (2020) How Early-Life Resource Scarcity Influences Self-Confidence and Task Completion Judgments Journal of the Association For Consumer Research. 0-0
Salerno A, Laran J, Janiszewski C. (2019) The Bad Can Be Good: When Benign and Malicious Envy Motivate Goal Pursuit Journal of Consumer Research. 46: 388-405
Laran J, Janiszewski C, Salerno A. (2019) Nonconscious Nudges: Encouraging Sustained Goal Pursuit Journal of Consumer Research. 46: 307-329
Etkin J, Laran J. (2019) Restricting Choice Freedom Reduces Post-choice Goal Disengagement Journal of the Association For Consumer Research. 4: 36-46
Simpson B, White K, Laran J. (2017) When Public Recognition for Charitable Giving Backfires: The Role of Independent Self-Construal Journal of Consumer Research. 44: 1257-1273
Wilcox K, Laran J, Stephen AT, et al. (2016) How being busy can increase motivation and reduce task completion time. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 110: 371-84
Durante KM, Laran J. (2016) The Effect of Stress on Consumer Saving and Spending Journal of Marketing Research. 53: 814-828
Laran J, Janiszewski C, Salerno A. (2016) Exploring the Differences between Conscious and Unconscious Goal Pursuit Journal of Marketing Research. 53: 442-458
Vanbergen N, Laran J. (2016) Loss of Control and Self-Regulation: The Role of Childhood Lessons Journal of Consumer Research. 43: 534-548
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