Anubha Mishra, Ph.D.

2011 Family & Consumer Sciences University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 
Marketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology
"Anubha Mishra"
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Mary A. Eastlick grad student 2011 University of Arizona
 (A study of cognitive processing and inhibitions of adopters and non-adopters of technology based products.)
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Helm SV, Renk U, Mishra A. (2016) Exploring the impact of employees’ self-concept, brand identification and brand pride on brand citizenship behaviors European Journal of Marketing. 50: 58-77
Eastlick MA, Ratto C, Lotz SL, et al. (2012) Exploring antecedents of attitude toward co-producing a retail checkout service utilizing a self-service technology The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research. 22: 337-364
Serido J, Shim S, Mishra A, et al. (2010) Financial parenting, financial coping behaviors, and well-being of emerging adults Family Relations. 59: 453-464
Lotz SL, Eastlick MA, Mishra A, et al. (2010) Understanding patrons' participation in activities at entertainment malls International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 38: 402-422
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