Stewart Agras, M.D.
Affiliations: | Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA |
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Agras S. (2017) Simpler therapy may successfully treat adolescents with anorexia nervosa. Evidence-Based Mental Health |
Forsberg S, Fitzpatrick KK, Darcy A, et al. (2015) Development and evaluation of a treatment fidelity instrument for family-based treatment of adolescent anorexia nervosa. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 48: 91-9 |
Le Grange D, Accurso EC, Lock J, et al. (2014) Early weight gain predicts outcome in two treatments for adolescent anorexia nervosa. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 47: 124-9 |
Lock J, Brandt H, Woodside B, et al. (2012) Challenges in conducting a multi-site randomized clinical trial comparing treatments for adolescent anorexia nervosa. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 45: 202-13 |
Mitchell JE, Agras S, Crow S, et al. (2011) Stepped care and cognitive-behavioural therapy for bulimia nervosa: randomised trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry : the Journal of Mental Science. 198: 391-7 |
Mitchell JE, Agras S, Wonderlich S. (2007) Treatment of bulimia nervosa: where are we and where are we going? The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 40: 95-101 |
Lock J, Couturier J, Bryson S, et al. (2006) Predictors of dropout and remission in family therapy for adolescent anorexia nervosa in a randomized clinical trial. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 39: 639-47 |
Klosko JS, Barlow DH, Tassinari R, et al. (1994) A comparison of alprazolam and behavior therapy in treatment of panic disorder Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research. 3: 163-179 |
Taylor CB, Farquhar JW, Nelson E, et al. (1977) Relaxation therapy and high blood pressure. Archives of General Psychiatry. 34: 339-42 |