Cort W. Rudolph, Ph.D.

Psychology Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States 
Aging, Sustainable Employability
"Cort Rudolph"
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Boris B. Baltes grad student 2006-2011 Wayne State
 (A meta-analytic framework for understanding how leader-subordinate age differences impact leadership effectiveness ratings: A novel approach to relational demography.)


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Ryszard Jacek Koziel grad student 2021- Saint Louis University (PsychTree)
Ian M. Katz grad student 2015-2020 Saint Louis University
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Rauvola RS, Rudolph CW. (2023) Worker aging, control, and well-being: A specification curve analysis. Acta Psychologica. 233: 103833
Weiss D, Weiss M, Rudolph CW, et al. (2022) Tough times at the top: Occupational status predicts changes in job satisfaction in times of crisis. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 139: 103804
Koziel RJ, Friedrich JC, Rudolph CW, et al. (2021) Age-Differentiated Leadership and Healthy Aging at Work: Evidence from the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18
Rudolph CW, Zacher H. (2020) "The COVID-19 Generation": A Cautionary Note. Work, Aging and Retirement. waaa009
Rudolph CW, Rauvola RS, Costanza DP, et al. (2020) Generations and Generational Differences: Debunking Myths in Organizational Science and Practice and Paving New Paths Forward. Journal of Business and Psychology. 1-23
Kniffin KM, Narayanan J, Anseel F, et al. (2020) COVID-19 and the workplace: Implications, issues, and insights for future research and action. The American Psychologist
Zacher H, Rudolph CW. (2020) Individual differences and changes in subjective wellbeing during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Psychologist
Rudolph CW, Zacher H. (2020) COVID-19 and careers: On the futility of generational explanations. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 103433
Rudolph C, Allan B, Clark M, et al. (2020) Pandemics : Implications for Research and Practice in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Rudolph CW, Zacher H. (2020) “The COVID-19 Generation”: A Cautionary Note Work, Aging and Retirement. 6: 139-145
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