Marianne Martens

School of Library & Information Science Kent State University, Kent, OH, United States 
"Marianne Martens"
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Marija Dalbello grad student 2012 Rutgers, New Brunswick
 (A Historical and Comparative Analysis of Multiplatform Books for Young Readers: Technologies of Production, User-Generated Content, and Economics of Affective and Immaterial Labor)
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Campana K, Mills JE, Martens M, et al. (2019) Where Are We Now? The Evolving Use of New Media with Young Children in Libraries Children & Libraries. 17: 23
Campana K, Mills JE, Haines C, et al. (2019) To Tech or Not to Tech? The Debate about Technology, Young Children, and the Library Children & Libraries. 17: 20
Martens M, Rinnert GC, Andersen C. (2018) Child-Centered Design: Developing an Inclusive Letter Writing App. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 2277
Martens M. (2017) “An Entry-Level Field:” A California Case Study on New Media in Youth Services Programming New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship. 23: 47-69
Martens M, Baldini M. (2016) Out of the Box and Into the Book: Innovative Library Partnerships to Close the 30 Million Word Gap Children & Libraries. 14: 12-13
Martens M, Latham KF. (2016) Convergence in Library and Museum Studies Education: Playing Around with Curriculum? Journal of Education For Library and Information Science. 57: 79-82
Martens M. (2014) Technology in Children's Programming: A View from the Digital Trenches Children & Libraries. 12: 37-38
Martens M. (2013) Considerations of How Children Think: Danish Responses to the International Children's Digital Library New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship. 19: 139-156
Martens M. (2012) Issues of access and usability in designing digital resources for children Library and Information Science Research. 34: 159-168
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