Syaheed B. Jabar

2013-2018 Department of Psychology University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada 
 2018-2022 New York University 
Probability, Priors, Expectations, Visual Perception, Visual Working Memory, Decision-Making
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Britt Anderson grad student 2013-2018 University of Waterloo
Daryl Fougnie post-doc 2018-2022


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Melvin J. Yap collaborator 2013-
Alexandre L. S. Filipowicz collaborator 2017- Penn
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Jabar SB, Sreenivasan KK, Lentzou S, et al. (2023) Probabilistic and rich individual working memories revealed by a betting game. Scientific Reports. 13: 20912
Jabar SB, Fougnie D. (2022) Perception is rich and probabilistic. Scientific Reports. 12: 13172
Jabar SB, Fougnie D. (2022) How do expectations change behavior? Investigating the contributions at encoding versus decision-making. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 48: 226-241
Jabar SB, Fougnie D. (2020) How complex can the 'shape' of expectations be? Investigating error distributions under skewed priors. Journal of Vision. 20: 286
Jabar SB, Fougnie D. (2019) ‘Priors’ need not occur at perception: Pre vs. Post-stimulus cueing in a delayed matching task. Journal of Vision. 19: 142d
Hon N, Jabar SB. (2018) Learning in the Target Prevalence Effect. Perception. 301006618773081
Jabar SB, Filipowicz A, Anderson B. (2017) Knowing where is different from knowing what: Distinct response time profiles and accuracy effects for target location, orientation, and color probability. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Jabar SB, Filipowicz A, Anderson B. (2017) Tuned by experience: How orientation probability modulates early perceptual processing. Vision Research. 138: 86-96
Jabar SB, Anderson B. (2017) Not All Probabilities Are Equivalent: Evidence From Orientation Versus Spatial Probability Learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance
Jabar SB, Anderson B. (2017) Orientation Probability and Spatial Exogenous Cuing Improve Perceptual Precision and Response Speed by Different Mechanisms. Frontiers in Psychology. 8: 183
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