John Frisby
Affiliations: | University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England, United Kingdom |
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Sign in to add traineeWendy J. Adams | grad student | University of Sheffield | |
Ian Davies | grad student | ||
Mark Bradshaw | grad student | 1986-1989 | University of Sheffield |
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Pollard S, Mayhew J, Frisby J. (2009) Looking back on PMF. Perception. 38: 879-84 |
Acosta-Mesa HG, Cruz-Ramírez N, Frisby J, et al. (2004) Digital image processing of functional magnetic resonance images to identify stereo-sensitive cortical regions using dynamic global stimuli Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science). 3315: 572-581 |
Vigon L, Saatchi R, Mayhew JE, et al. (2002) Effect of signal length on the performance of independent component analysis when extracting the lambda wave. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 40: 260-8 |
Vigon L, Saatchi R, Mayhew J, et al. (2000) Independent component analysis of saccade-related electroencephalogram waveforms Electronics Letters. 36: 1006-1007 |
Porrill J, Frisby JP, Adams WJ, et al. (1999) Robust and optimal use of information in stereo vision. Nature. 397: 63-6 |
Adams W, Frisby JP, Buckley D, et al. (1996) Pooling of vertical disparities by the human visual system. Perception. 25: 165-76 |
Zheng Y, Billings SA, Mayhew JEW, et al. (1996) Motion parameter recovery and 3D scene segmentation Electronics Letters. 32: 884-885 |
GÃ¥rding J, Porrill J, Mayhew JE, et al. (1995) Stereopsis, vertical disparity and relief transformations. Vision Research. 35: 703-22 |
Frisby JP, Buckley D, Wishart KA, et al. (1995) Interaction of stereo and texture cues in the perception of three-dimensional steps. Vision Research. 35: 1463-72 |
Mclauchlan PF, Mayhew JE, Frisby JP. (1991) Stereoscopic recovery and description of smooth textured surfaces Image and Vision Computing. 9: 20-26 |