Benedek Kurdi

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Social cognition
"Benedek Kurdi"
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Morehouse KN, Kurdi B, Nosek BA. (2024) Responsible data sharing: Identifying and remedying possible re-identification of human participants. The American Psychologist
Kurdi B, Sanchez A, Dasgupta N, et al. (2023) (when) do counterattitudinal exemplars shift implicit racial evaluations? Replications and extensions of Dasgupta and Greenwald (2001). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Mandelbaum E, Dunham Y, Feiman R, et al. (2022) Problems and Mysteries of the Many Languages of Thought. Cognitive Science. 46: e13225
Kurdi B, Morehouse KN, Dunham Y. (2022) How do explicit and implicit evaluations shift? A preregistered meta-analysis of the effects of co-occurrence and relational information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Kurdi B, Dunham Y. (2022) What can the implicit social cognition literature teach us about implicit social cognition? The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 45: e80
Kurdi B, Carroll TJ, Banaji MR. (2021) Specificity and incremental predictive validity of implicit attitudes: studies of a race-based phenotype. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 6: 61
Kurdi B, Dunham Y. (2021) Sensitivity of implicit evaluations to accurate and erroneous propositional inferences. Cognition. 214: 104792
Charlesworth TES, Yang V, Mann TC, et al. (2021) Gender Stereotypes in Natural Language: Word Embeddings Show Robust Consistency Across Child and Adult Language Corpora of More Than 65 Million Words. Psychological Science. 956797620963619
Kurdi B, Ratliff KA, Cunningham WA. (2020) Can the Implicit Association Test Serve as a Valid Measure of Automatic Cognition? A Response to Schimmack (2020). Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 1745691620904080
Kurdi B, Krosch AR, Ferguson MJ. (2020) Implicit evaluations of moral agents reflect intent and outcome Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 90: 103990
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