Kirsten E. Smayda

2017 Psychology University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
"Kirsten Smayda"
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Roark CL, Smayda KE, Chandrasekaran B. (2021) Auditory and visual category learning in musicians and nonmusicians. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
McHaney JR, Gnanateja GN, Smayda KE, et al. (2020) Cortical Tracking of Speech in Delta Band Relates to Individual Differences in Speech in Noise Comprehension in Older Adults. Ear and Hearing
Smayda KE, Worthy DA, Chandrasekaran B. (2018) Better late than never (or early): Music training in late childhood is associated with enhanced decision-making. Psychology of Music. 46: 734-748
Smayda KE, Worthy DA, Chandrasekaran B. (2017) Better late than never (or early): Music training in late childhood is associated with enhanced decision-making Psychology of Music. 46: 734-748
Smayda KE, Van Engen KJ, Maddox WT, et al. (2016) Audio-Visual and Meaningful Semantic Context Enhancements in Older and Younger Adults. Plos One. 11: e0152773
Blanco NJ, Love BC, Ramscar M, et al. (2016) Exploratory Decision-Making as a Function of Lifelong Experience, Not Cognitive Decline. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Chandrasekaran B, Yi HG, Smayda KE, et al. (2015) Effect of explicit dimensional instruction on speech category learning. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Smayda KE, Chandrasekaran B, Maddox WT. (2015) Enhanced cognitive and perceptual processing: a computational basis for the musician advantage in speech learning. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 682
Maddox WT, Chandrasekaran B, Smayda K, et al. (2014) Elevated depressive symptoms enhance reflexive but not reflective auditory category learning. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 58: 186-98
Sheft S, Smayda K, Shafiro V, et al. (2013) Effect of musical training on static and dynamic measures of spectral-pattern discrimination. Proceedings of Meetings On Acoustics Acoustical Society of America. 19
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