Ava Guez
Affiliations: | 2017-2020 | Department of Cognitive Studies | École normale supérieure Paris, Paris, Île-de-France, France |
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Sign in to add mentorHugo Peyre | grad student | 2017-2020 | École Normale Supérieure, Paris |
Franck Ramus | grad student | 2017-2020 | École Normale Supérieure, Paris |
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Guez A, Piazza M, Pinheiro-Chagas P, et al. (2022) Preschool language and visuospatial skills respectively predict multiplication and addition/subtraction skills in middle school children. Developmental Science. e13316 |
Guez A, Peyre H, Williams C, et al. (2021) The epidemiology of cognitive development. Cognition. 104690 |
Tang J, Su Y, Yao Y, et al. (2021) Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Mediates the Relation Between "Specific Math Anxiety" and Arithmetic Speed. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 615601 |