Natela M Shanidze, PhD

2001-2005 Physics University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
 2006-2011 Neuroscience University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
 2012-2013 Neurology Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
 2014- Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, San Francisco, CA, United States 
Vestibular System, Eye movements
"Natela Shanidze"
Mean distance: 14.96 (cluster 29)
Cross-listing: MichiganTree


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William Michael King grad student 2011 University of Michigan
 (Coordination of Eye and Head Movements in Cavia porcellus.)
Preeti Verghese post-doc Smith Kettlewell
BETA: Related publications


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Shanidze NM, Verghese P. (2024) Smooth pursuit deficits impact dynamic visual acuity in macular degeneration. Optometry and Vision Science : Official Publication of the American Academy of Optometry. 101: 435-442
Velisar A, Shanidze NM. (2023) Noise estimation for head-mounted 3D binocular eye tracking using Pupil Core eye-tracking goggles. Behavior Research Methods
Lotze A, Love K, Velisar A, et al. (2022) A low-cost robotic oculomotor simulator for assessing eye tracking accuracy in health and disease. Behavior Research Methods
Shanidze NM, Lively Z, Lee R, et al. (2022) Saccadic contributions to smooth pursuit in macular degeneration. Vision Research. 200: 108102
Verghese P, Vullings C, Shanidze N. (2021) Eye Movements in Macular Degeneration. Annual Review of Vision Science
Shanidze NM, Velisar A. (2020) Eye, head, and gaze contributions to smooth pursuit in macular degeneration. Journal of Neurophysiology. 124: 134-144
Shanidze N, Verghese P. (2019) Motion perception in central field loss. Journal of Vision. 19: 20
Shanidze N, Heinen S, Verghese P. (2017) Monocular and Binocular Smooth Pursuit in Central Field Loss. Vision Research
Shanidze N, Ghahghaei S, Verghese P. (2016) Accuracy of eye position for saccades and smooth pursuit. Journal of Vision. 16: 23
Shanidze N, Fusco G, Potapchuk E, et al. (2016) Smooth pursuit eye movements in patients with macular degeneration. Journal of Vision. 16: 1
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