Xudong Chen
Affiliations: | 2014 | Engineering and Applied Sciences | Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States |
"Xudong Chen"Mean distance: 19.11 (cluster 17)
Sign in to add mentorRoger W. Brockett | grad student | 2014 | Harvard | |
(Multi-Agent Systems with Reciprocal Interaction Laws.) |
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Chen X, Belabbas M, Ba T. (2019) Controlling and Stabilizing a Rigid Formation Using a Few Agents Siam Journal On Control and Optimization. 57: 104-128 |
Chen X. (2019) Controllability of continuum ensemble of formation systems over directed graphs Automatica. 108: 108497 |
Chen X. (2019) Structure theory for ensemble controllability, observability, and duality Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems. 31: 1-40 |
Gao Z, Chen X, Basar T. (2018) Controllability of Conjunctive Boolean Networks With Application to Gene Regulation Ieee Transactions On Control of Network Systems. 5: 770-781 |
Chen X, Belabbas M, Başar T. (2017) Cluster Consensus with Point Group Symmetries Siam Journal On Control and Optimization. 55: 3869-3889 |
Chen X, Belabbas M, Başar T. (2017) Global Stabilization of Triangulated Formations Siam Journal On Control and Optimization. 55: 172-199 |
Chen X, Belabbas M, Basar T. (2017) Controllability of Formations Over Directed Time-Varying Graphs Ieee Transactions On Control of Network Systems. 4: 407-416 |
Liu J, Chen X, Basar T, et al. (2017) Exponential Convergence of the Discrete- and Continuous-Time Altafini Models Ieee Transactions On Automatic Control. 62: 6168-6182 |
Chen X. (2017) Swarm Aggregation under Fading Attractions Ieee Transactions On Automatic Control. 62: 5198-5204 |
Gao Z, Chen X, Başar T. (2017) State-controlling Sets for Conjunctive Boolean Networks Ifac-Papersonline. 50: 14290-14295 |