Cluster #1 (Go to map): Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Wilhelm Gottfried Ploucquet (Info) Universität Tübingen forensic medicine jandh 2014‑04‑20 Sim
Rudolph Augustin Vogel (Info) Universität Göttingen hayden 2005‑02‑25 Sim
Ferdinand Christoph Oetinger (Info) Universität Tübingen botany jandh 2009‑05‑22 Sim
Johann Friedrich Gmelin (Info) Universität Göttingen chemistry, botany jandh 2009‑05‑22 Sim
Michael Alberti (Info) Friedrichs-Universität Halle medicine jandh 2009‑05‑22 Sim
Christian Friedrich von Jäger (Info) Karlsschule Stuttgart jandh 2014‑04‑24 Sim
Paul Heinrich Vogel (Info) Universität Erfurt jandh 2014‑12‑08 Sim
Adam Nietzki (Info) Friedrichs-Universität Halle jandh 2015‑01‑06 Sim
Augustin Friedrich Walther (Info) Universität Leipzig anatomy, pathology jandh 2009‑06‑02 Sim
Georg Ernst Stahl (Info) Friedrichs-Universität Halle chemistry, medicine tcoderre 2007‑06‑22 Sim
Friedrich Hoffmann (Info) Friedrichs-Universität Halle tcoderre 2009‑06‑17 Sim
Johann Gottfried von Berger (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg medicine jandh 2009‑06‑02 Sim
Theodoor Jansson van Almeloveen (Info) University of Harderwijk Greek and history; medicine jandh 2013‑01‑10 Sim
Augustin Heinrich Fasch (Info) University of Jena anatomy, botany jandh 2009‑06‑02 Sim
Rudolf Wilhelm Krauß (Krauss) (Info) University of Jena medicine jandh 2009‑05‑22 Sim
Theodorus Craanen (Info) Leiden medicine, Cartesian philosophy jandh 2010‑05‑29 Sim
Heinrich Heinrici (Info) Friedrichs-Universität Halle jandh 2012‑07‑08 Sim
Theodorus van de Graeff (Info) University of Harderwijk jandh 2009‑05‑15 Sim
Johann Zacharias Platner (Info) Universität Leipzig jandh 2014‑04‑29 Sim
Johannes Jacobus Rau (Info) Leiden anatomy jandh 2011‑10‑27 Sim
Jacob Vallan (Info) Utrecht botany jandh 2009‑05‑16 Sim
Werner Rolfinck (Info) University of Jena iatrochemistry, botany, anatomy, surgery tcoderre 2007‑06‑22 Sim
Gottfried Möbius (Info) University of Jena medical physiology jandh 2012‑06‑16 Sim
Bernhard Friedrich Albinus (Info) Leiden Anatomy jandh 2011‑10‑27 Sim
Franz (Franciscus Sylvius) de le Boë (Dubois) (Info) Leiden chemistry, physiology, anatomy hayden 2005‑02‑25 Sim
Johann Bernard Daniels (Info) University of Duisburg jandh 2010‑05‑29 Sim
Johannes van Horne (Info) Leiden anatomy jandh 2009‑05‑16 Sim
Bernard Nieuwentijt (Info) Council of Purmerend medicine, mathematics, experimental natural philosophy jandh 2014‑06‑26 Sim
Olof Rudbeck, Jr. (Info) Uppsala shollow 2007‑11‑06 Sim
Johann Albrecht Sebisch (Info) University of Strasbourg Medicine, anatomy, botany jandh 2014‑10‑24 Sim
Nikolaus Eglinger (Info) University of Basel jandh 2009‑08‑27 Sim
Georg Wolfgang Wedel (Info) University of Jena alchemy, medicine, philosophy tcoderre 2007‑06‑22 Sim
Adriaan van den Spieghel (Info) University of Padua Anatomy tcoderre 2007‑06‑22 Sim
Daniel Sennert (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg iatrochemistry jandh 2009‑06‑02 Sim
Christopher Heinrich Ruperti (Info) University of Erfurt jandh 2013‑03‑11 Sim
Johann Arnold Friderici (Info) University of Jena medicine jandh 2012‑06‑16 Sim
Johann Theodor Schenck (Info) University of Jena Anatomy, Botany, Medicine jandh 2012‑06‑16 Sim
Emmanuel Stupanus (Info) University of Basel medicine hayden 2005‑02‑25 Sim
Burchard de Volder (Info) Leiden philosophy, mathematics hayden 2005‑02‑25 Sim
Lucas Schacht (Info) Leiden medicine jandh 2009‑05‑18 Sim
Bartholomaeus de Moor (Info) University of Harderwijk Medicine jandh 2015‑01‑02 Sim
Florentius Schuyl (Info) Leiden Medicine, botany jandh 2014‑12‑31 Sim
Frederik Dekkers (Info) Leiden medicine jandh 2012‑01‑25 Sim
Johann Andreas Schmitz (Info) University of Harderwijk guest 2010‑05‑29 Sim
Herman Oosterdijk Schacht (Info) Leiden jandh 2012‑01‑25 Sim
Johann Caspar Bauhin (Info) University of Basel Anatomy and botany jandh 2009‑08‑27 Sim
Cornelis Bontekoe (Info) Berlin tea jandh 2015‑01‑01 Sim
Frederik Ruysch (Info) Athenaeum Illustre Amsterdam pharmacy, anatomy jandh 2014‑03‑31 Sim
Johann Vesling (Info) University of Padua anatomy, botany jandh 2009‑05‑16 Sim
Melchior Sebisch, II (Info) University of Strasbourg jandh 2014‑10‑24 Sim
Giulio Cesare Casseri (Info) University of Padua Anatomist tcoderre 2007‑06‑22 Sim
Jan Jessenius (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg anatomy jandh 2009‑06‑02 Sim
Adolph Vorstius (Info) Leiden Medicine, botany jandh 2009‑05‑15 Sim
Henricus Regius (Info) Utrecht Theoretical medicine and botany, anatomy jandh 2009‑05‑16 Sim
Johann Philipp Eysel (Info) University of Erfurt Botany jandh 2013‑03‑11 Sim
Peter Ryff (Info) Universität Basel Mathematics, medicine jandh 2009‑05‑15 Sim
Anton Nuck (Info) Leiden Anatomy, physiology jandh 2010‑03‑27 Sim
Johann Rudolf Burckhardt (Info) University of Basel Anatomy and botany jandh 2014‑04‑01 Sim
Jakob Roth (Info) University of Basel Medicine jandh 2014‑04‑02 Sim
Johannes Nicolaus Stupanus (Info) University of Basel Medicina theorica jandh 2014‑04‑02 Sim
Girolamo (Hieronymus Fabricus) Fabrici d'Acquapendente (Info) University of Padua Anatomy, embryology tcoderre 2007‑06‑22 Sim
Franck Pieterszoon Burgersdijk (Info) Leiden philosophy jandh 2009‑05‑15 Sim
Johannes de Raei (Info) Athenaeum Illustre Amsterdam Cartesian philosophy jandh 2014‑12‑31 Sim
Antonius Deusing (Info) RUG Medicine jandh 2015‑01‑02 Sim
Philippus Matthaeus, Jr. (Info) University of Franeker Medicine, botany jandh 2015‑01‑05 Sim
Johann Andreas Fischer (Info) University of Erfurt Chemistry jandh 2013‑03‑11 Sim
Felix Platter (Info) University of Basel Medicine tcoderre 2009‑06‑16 Sim
Joseph-Guichard Du Verney (Info) Jardin du Roi Anatomy jandh 2014‑04‑01 Sim
Johannes Musaeus (Info) Universität Erfurt tylerz 2011‑09‑12 Sim
Theodor Zwinger, III (Info) University of Basel Anatomy and botany jandh 2014‑03‑30 Sim
Theodor Zwinger, Sr. (Info) University of Basel Medicina theorica jandh 2009‑05‑15 Sim
Johann Jakob von Brunn (Info) University of Basel Anatomy and botany jandh 2014‑04‑02 Sim
Aegidius Strauch (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg Mathematics, theology jandh 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Johann Georg Duvernoy (Info) Universität Tübingen anatomy hayden 2005‑02‑25 Sim
Gabriel Falloppio (Info) University of Padua anatomy, medicine tcoderre 2007‑06‑22 Sim
Salomon Alberti (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg Anatomy jandh 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Johan van Heurne (Info) Leiden medicine jandh 2011‑07‑26 Sim
William Harvey (Info) Oxford Physiology, medicine CJM3 2009‑03‑25 Sim
Aelius Everardus Vorstius (Info) Leiden Medicine, botany jandh 2015‑01‑03 Sim
Hermann Conring (Info) Julius-Universität Helmstedt jandh 2014‑06‑19 Sim
Michael Maestlin (Info) Universität Tübingen Mathmatical Modeling shollow 2007‑11‑11 Sim
Adriaan Heereboord (Info) Leiden philosophy jandh 2009‑05‑18 Sim
Guillaume Rondelet (Info) University of Montpellier biology tcoderre 2007‑02‑11 Sim
Georg Großhain (Info) Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg tylerz 2011‑09‑12 Sim
Caspar Bauhin (Info) University of Basel Anatomy and botany tcoderre 2009‑06‑16 Sim
Jacques-Bénigne Winslow (Info) Jardin du Roi Anatomy jandh 2014‑04‑01 Sim
Johann Meyfart (Info) University of Erfurt isaac99 2016‑01‑31 Sim
Johann Georg Macasius (Info) Universität Jena tylerz 2011‑09‑12 Sim
Pierre Magnol (Info) Montpellier botany hayden 2005‑02‑25 Sim
Vittore Trincavelli (Info) jandh 2011‑04‑20 Sim
Andreas Schato (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg mathematics, medicine jandh 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Bassiano Landi (Info) University of Padua infectious diseases jandh 2011‑04‑19 Sim
Georg Balthasar Metzger (Info) Universität Tübingen Anatomy and botany david 2009‑11‑11 Sim
Joannes VISCHER (Info) Universität Tübingen botany, pharmacy jandh 2011‑04‑27 Sim
Pieter Pauw (Info) Leiden medicine, botany jandh 2011‑07‑26 Sim
Reynerus Bontius (Info) Leiden Medicine jandh 2015‑01‑03 Sim
Antonio Musa Brasavola (Info) University of Ferrara Surgery tcoderre 2007‑06‑22 Sim
Otto Heurnius (Info) Leiden Medicine jandh 2014‑12‑15 Sim
Ernestus Hettenbach (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg medicine jandh 2009‑06‑22 Sim
August Quirinus Rivinus (Info) Universität Leipzig jandh 2014‑06‑19 Sim
Johann Wolf (Info) Julius-Universität Helmstedt jandh 2014‑06‑20 Sim
Charles Scarborough (Info) Oxford DavidJMiller 2015‑12‑01 Sim
Petrus Ramus (Info) College de France philosophy jandh 2009‑06‑21 Sim
Sébastien Vaillant (Info) Académie royale des sciences de Paris botany jandh 2009‑05‑15 Sim
Johannes (Jean) Winther von Andernach (Gonthier d' Andernach; Guinterius Andruacus) (Info) Paris Faculty of Medicine anatomy tcoderre 2007‑02‑13 Sim
Carolus (Charles de l'Écluse) Clusius (Info) Leiden botany jandh 2011‑10‑28 Sim
Jean Hucher (Info) Montpellier botany jandh 2009‑07‑24 Sim
Joseph Pitton de Tournefort (Info) Montpellier botany hayden 2005‑02‑25 Sim
Rudolf Jakob Camerarius (Info) Universität Tübingen biology david 2009‑11‑11 Sim
Pietro Pomponazzi (Info) University of Padua jandh 2011‑04‑19 Sim
Ambrosius Rhodius (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg medicine jandh 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Melchior Jöstel (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg medicine jandh 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Elias Camerarius, Sr. (Info) Universität Tübingen lasersohn 2011‑02‑02 Sim
Adrianus van Valckenburg (Info) Leiden Anatomy jandh 2015‑01‑03 Sim
Andreas Planer (Info) Universität Tübingen jandh 2011‑04‑27 Sim
Menelaus Winsemius (Info) University of Franeker medicine jandh 2011‑07‑26 Sim
Nicolo (Leoniceno) da Lonigo (Info) University of Padua, University of Ferrara Medicine, mathematics, philosophy tcoderre 2007‑06‑22 Sim
Immanuel Tremellius (Info) Heidelberg University Hebrew jandh 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Albert Kyper (Info) Leiden Medicine jandh 2014‑12‑15 Sim
Marsilio Ficino (Info) University of Florence jandh 2009‑07‑03 Sim
Johann Caspar Küchler (Info) Universität Leipzig jandh 2014‑06‑19 Sim
Franz Parcovius (Info) Julius-Universität Helmstedt Medicine jandh 2014‑06‑20 Sim
Andreas (Andries) Vesalius (van Wesele) (Info) University of Padua Anatomy, surgery tcoderre 2007‑02‑13 Sim
Jacob (Jacques) Sylvius (Dubois) (Info) Paris Faculty of Medicine anatomy tcoderre 2007‑02‑13 Sim
Abraham Calov (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg Mathematics, philosophy, theology jandh 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Pietro Roccabonella (Info) University of Padua pharmacy, medicine tcoderre 2007‑06‑22 Sim
Elias Camerarius, Jr. (Info) Universität Tübingen lasersohn 2011‑02‑02 Sim
Giovanni Battista della Monte (Info) University of Padua psychiatry jandh 2011‑04‑19 Sim
Jacob Zwinger (Info) Basel tcoderre 2009‑06‑16 Sim
Johannes Antonides van der Linden (Info) Leiden medicine jandh 2011‑07‑26 Sim
Georg Joachim von Leuchen Rheticus (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg, Kraków astrology jandh 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Angelo Poliziano (Info) University of Florence Philology jandh 2009‑07‑03 Sim
Georg Wosegin (Info) Universität Königsberg Mathematics, medicine jandh 2014‑12‑15 Sim
Matteo Realdo Columbo (Info) University of Padua Anatomy, Clitoris alysakow 2009‑04‑28 Sim
Michel Marescot (Info) Paris Faculty of Medicine jandh 2011‑10‑27 Sim
Jean Tagault (Info) Paris Faculty of Medicine anatomy tcoderre 2007‑02‑13 Sim
Sigismondo Polcastro (Info) University of Padua medicine jandh 2010‑11‑26 Sim
Caspar Peucer (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg astrology, medicine jandh 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Sebastian Dietrich (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg mathematics jandh 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Burchard David Mauchart (Info) Universität Tübingen lasersohn 2011‑02‑02 Sim
Petrus Hoffvenius (Info) Uppsala medicine jandh 2011‑07‑26 Sim
Valentin Otto (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg mathematics jandh 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Manuel Chrysoloras (Info) University of Florence, Constantinople Greek, humanism tcoderre 2007‑07‑19 Sim
Johannes Regiomontanus (Info) jandh 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Jakob Milich (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg jandh 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Philip of Pera (Info) tcoderre 2007‑11‑11 Sim
Scipione Fortiguerra (Info) University of Padua jandh 2009‑07‑03 Sim
Simon Piètre, Jr (Info) Collège Royal anatomy jandh 2011‑10‑27 Sim
René Drouyn (Info) Paris Faculty of Medicine jandh 2011‑10‑28 Sim
Domenico Maria Novara da Ferrara (Info) jandh 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Philipp Friedrich Gmelin (Info) Universität Tübingen botany, chemistry lasersohn 2011‑02‑02 Sim
Guarino da Verona (Info) University of Padua, University of Ferrara philosophy, Greek tcoderre 2007‑06‑21 Sim
Gregory Palamas (Info) Mount Athos Monastery Theology, philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑13 Sim
Girolamo Aleandro (Info) University of Paris jandh 2009‑07‑03 Sim
Jean Riolan, Jr. (Info) Collège Royal anatomy jandh 2011‑10‑27 Sim
Johann Friedrich Consbruch (Info) Karlsschule Stuttgart practical Medicine jandh 2014‑04‑20 Sim
Giovanni di Conversino da Ravenna (Info) University of Padua philosophy tcoderre 2007‑06‑21 Sim
Ognibene (Omnibonus Leonicenus) Lonigo (Info) Vicenza philosophy, humanism tcoderre 2007‑06‑22 Sim
Nicephorus Gregoras (Info) Constantinople Theology, Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑13 Sim
Nicodemus of Vatopedi (Info) Monastery of Vatopedi, Mount Athos Theology tcoderre 2007‑09‑13 Sim
Jean Riolan, Sr. (Info) Paris Faculty of Medicine jandh 2011‑10‑30 Sim
Francesco Petrarch (Info) University of Montpellier philosophy, humanism, poetry tcoderre 2007‑06‑21 Sim
Theodore Metochites (Info) Nicaea Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑13 Sim
Convenevole da Prato (Info) Carpentras Grammarian tcoderre 2007‑06‑21 Sim
Dionigi di Borgo San Sepolcro (Info) Avignon theology tcoderre 2007‑10‑24 Sim
Giovanni Colonna (Info) Avignon theology tcoderre 2007‑10‑24 Sim
Duccio di Amadore (Info) Prato Poetry guest 2007‑06‑22 Sim
Nicolas of Prato (Info) tcoderre 2008‑04‑11 Sim
Giovanni Boccaccio (Info) tcoderre 2007‑10‑24 Sim
Georgius Acropolites (Info) University of Constantinople History tcoderre 2007‑09‑18 Sim
Nicephorus Blemmydes (Info) Monastery of Ephesus philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑18 Sim
Theodorus Exapterigus (Info) tcoderre 2007‑11‑12 Sim
Theodoros Prodromos (Info) Patriarchate school, Constantinople Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑18 Sim
Demetrios Karykes (Info) Smyrna Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑18 Sim
Michael Italikos (Info) Philippopolis Philosophy, medicine tcoderre 2007‑09‑18 Sim
Stephanos Skylitzes (Info) Trebizond, Constantinople Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑09‑18 Sim
Theodore of Smyrna (Info) University of Constantinople philosophy tcoderre 2007‑11‑13 Sim
John Mauropous (Info) University of Constantinople tcoderre 2007‑11‑13 Sim
John Xiphilinus (Info) University of Constantinople tcoderre 2008‑02‑12 Sim
Nicetas Byzantius (Info) tcoderre 2009‑05‑14 Sim
Symeon the Studite Eulabes (The Pious) (Info) Studion Monastery tcoderre 2009‑10‑29 Sim
Peter Burckhard (Info) Universität Ingolstadt Medicine jandh 2015‑05‑21 Sim
Gilbert Jacchaeus (Info) Leiden jandh 2009‑05‑15 Sim
IJsbrand van Diemerbroeck (Info) Utrecht Medicin, pestilence jandh 2014‑12‑29 Sim
Leonhart Fuchs (Info) Universität Tübingen Botany jandh 2015‑05‑21 Sim
Nicolaas Hoboken (Info) University of Harderwijk medicine jandh 2014‑12‑31 Sim
Duncan Liddel (Info) Julius-Universität Helmstedt philosophy, medicine jandh 2009‑05‑19 Sim
Matthias Martinius (Info) University of Herborn theology, philosophy jandh 2010‑01‑21 Sim
Johannes Munnicks (Info) Utrecht Anatomy, botany jandh 2014‑12‑29 Sim
Wolfgang Peysser (Info) Universität Ingolstadt Medicine jandh 2015‑05‑21 Sim
Govard Bidloo (Info) Leiden anatomy jandh 2014‑12‑28 Sim
Philippus Matthaeus (Info) University of Franeker medicine, botany jandh 2014‑12‑28 Sim
Olof Rudbeck, Sr. (Info) Uppsala shollow 2007‑11‑06 Sim
Olaus Stenius (Info) Uppsala anatomy jandh 2009‑05‑16 Sim
Johannes Pagus (Info) Paris Philosophy tcoderre 2007‑02‑15 Sim
Johann Bauhin (Info) Universität Basel Botany jandh 2015‑05‑21 Sim
Nicolaus Biesius (Info) University of Louvain Medicine jandh 2014‑12‑30 Sim
Gerard Bontius (Info) Leiden medicine jandh 2012‑04‑06 Sim
Esaïe Colladon (Info) Geneva Philosophy tcoderre 2009‑06‑16 Sim
Anna Comnena (Info) Constantinople history david 2009‑07‑18 Sim
Reinier de Graaf (Info) Private Practice known for discovery of the Ovarian follicle jandh 2014‑12‑30 Sim
Thomas Erastus (Info) Basel tcoderre 2009‑06‑16 Sim
Konrad Gessner (Info) Universität Zürich Botany, zoology jandh 2015‑05‑21 Sim
Gaspard Laurent (Info) Geneva Philosophy tcoderre 2009‑06‑16 Sim
Michel Nostradamus (Info) University of Montpellier anatomy tcoderre 2007‑02‑11 Sim
Rutger Rescius (Info) University of Louvain Greek jandh 2009‑07‑03 Sim
Ewaldus Schrevelius (Info) Leiden Medicine jandh 2015‑01‑03 Sim
Arnold Senguerd (Info) Utrecht University, Athenaeum Illustre Amsterdam physics jandh 2009‑05‑15 Sim
Wolferd Senguerd (Info) Leiden physics jandh 2009‑05‑15 Sim
Johannes Walaeus (Info) Leiden Medicine, circulation of the blood jandh 2015‑01‑03 Sim
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