People with institution matching "CNRS, Toulouse": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
John P. Aggleton (Info) Cardiff University Behavioural Neuroscience tjb1000 2005‑11‑23 Sim
Bruno Bontempi (Info) CNRS stephanietrouche31 2010‑03‑16 Sim
Jacques Gautrais (Info) CNRS simon.thorpe 2008‑10‑14 Sim
Guillaume Poirier (Info) Dept of Psychiatry, UMass Medical School behavioural neuroscience poig 2008‑09‑29 Sim
Claire Rampon (Info) CNRS, Toulouse Hippocampal neurogenesis, learning, memory laureverret 2009‑06‑17 Sim
Simon J. Thorpe (Info) CNRS Visual system, Rapid Categorisation, Neural Coding rufin 2008‑05‑26 Sim
stéphanie trouche (Info) Tufts Neurosciences, neurogenesis, hippocampus, memory, dentate gyrus stephanietrouche31 2010‑03‑16 Sim
Laure Verret (Info) CNRS, Toulouse Learning, Memory, Alzheimer's disease laureverret 2008‑06‑03 Sim
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