Similar researchers to Arturo Contreras: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Arturo J. Contreras (Info) UT Austin (Physics Tree) Geology, Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑11 Sim
John M. Nagarah (Info) Caltech 2010‑11‑29 Sim(0.05)
Donald B. Brinkman (Info) McGill (Evolution Tree) ArmandVedel 2016‑10‑07 Sim(0.06)
Md. E. Huq (Info) SUNY Stony Brook (Primatology Tree) Primate evolution, functional anatomy pq 2015‑11‑13 Sim(0.06)
Parima Parsi-Pour (Info) Universität Tübingen (Evolution Tree) IW 2019‑10‑23 Sim(0.06)
Christiane Denys (Info) UPMC Univ Paris 6 (Primatology Tree) doc_fr 2017‑01‑30 Sim(0.06)
James R. DeVoe (Info) NIST (Chemistry Tree) Analytical chemistry ascheeli 2015‑02‑17 Sim(0.06)
Rajiv Kelkar (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine (Biomechanics Tree) eflatow 2017‑02‑17 Sim(0.07)
Adriel Cha (Info) Stanford (Stem Cell Tree) acha 2018‑08‑29 Sim(0.07)
Elwyn L. Simons (Info) Duke (Marine Ecology Tree) Vertebrate paleontology, primate evolution pdpolly 2010‑11‑23 Sim(0.07)
Margaret L. Fraiser (Info) UW-Milwaukee (Evolution Tree) Paleoecology pq 2016‑04‑07 Sim(0.07)
Lauren Wugalter (Info) Highline College (Chemistry Tree) Education curly0504 2018‑08‑28 Sim(0.07)
Allison L. Beck (Info) Chicago (Evolution Tree) Paleontology, Paleobiology pq 2015‑11‑04 Sim(0.07)
Bryan M. Gee (Info) University of Toronto (PhD candidate) (Evolution Tree) saurian55 2018‑08‑29 Sim(0.07)
William H. Gilbert (Info) UC Berkeley (Evolution Tree) Human evolutionary studies pq 2016‑01‑13 Sim(0.07)
Stacey dutton (Info) Agnes Scott College Epilepsy, ion channels, Scn1a, nav1.1 Staceydut 2019‑10‑23 Sim(0.07)
Bethany Allen (Info) University of Leeds (Evolution Tree) nussaibahrs 2020‑06‑14 Sim(0.07)
Derek Ernest Gilmor Briggs (Info) Yale (Evolution Tree) Paleobiology, Taphonomy dwbapst 2013‑09‑11 Sim(0.07)
Aaron R. Wood (Info) University of Michigan (Marine Ecology Tree) Vertebrate evolution, evolution of mammals pq 2015‑11‑04 Sim(0.07)
Norton Hiller (Info) Canterbury University, New Zealand (Evolution Tree) RobGess1 2019‑03‑30 Sim(0.07)
Fabrice Lihoreau (Info) Université de Poitiers. UFR des sciences fondamentales et appliquées (Primatology Tree) doc_fr 2017‑01‑26 Sim(0.07)
Junchang Lu (Info) SMU (Evolution Tree) Vertebrate paleontology pq 2015‑11‑04 Sim(0.07)
Linda L. Kao (Info) UCLA (EduTree) Technology of Education, Mathematics Education, Elementary Education pq 2016‑03‑11 Sim(0.07)
Timothy S. Myers (Info) SMU (Evolution Tree) Vertebrate paleontology pq 2015‑11‑04 Sim(0.08)
David R. Stoddart (Info) UC Berkeley (Geotree) Physical Geography, Physical Oceanography, Environmental Sciences pq 2017‑03‑24 Sim(0.08)
Jinling Li (Info) Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (Evolution Tree) jcamp 2010‑11‑24 Sim(0.08)
Yudian Cai (Info) East China Normal University, Shanghai skwok 2017‑08‑21 Sim(0.08)
Ozge Yoluk (Info) University of Maryland Baltimore, School of Pharmacy (Chemistry Tree) payal 2021‑12‑06 Sim(0.08)
Oleksandr Yaryhin (Info) Universität Tübingen (Evolution Tree) IW 2019‑10‑23 Sim(0.08)
Franck Guy (Info) Université de Poitiers. UFR des sciences fondamentales et appliquées (Primatology Tree) doc_fr 2017‑01‑26 Sim(0.08)
Paula M. Niedenthal (Info) UW Madison (PsychTree) Representation and processing of emotion jwielgosz 2013‑09‑09 Sim(0.08)
Gary Thorgaard (Info) WSU (Evolution Tree) Genetics, Evolution and Development Biology pq 2016‑05‑11 Sim(0.08)
Andrew H. Lee (Info) Midwestern University (Evolution Tree) bone biology, growth and metabolism, evolution and ecology jandh 2015‑04‑05 Sim(0.08)
Kyo Tanoue (Info) Penn (Evolution Tree) vertebrate paleontology, dinosaurs, Ceratopsia pq 2015‑09‑29 Sim(0.08)
Vladimir B. Birman (Info) Washington University (Chemistry Tree) david 2015‑07‑02 Sim(0.08)
Gilbert Antonio Leveille (Info) Michigan State (Chemistry Tree) nutritional biochemistry jandh 2018‑08‑30 Sim(0.08)
Jason Rajsic (Info) Queens University Visual Attention jrajsic 2010‑11‑21 Sim(0.08)
Beverly L. Davidson (Info) University of Iowa, Penn inherited genetic diseases george.perry 2010‑12‑11 Sim(0.08)
Stephanie Peek (Info) University of Wyoming (Evolution Tree) Paleobiologist, stable isotope ecology pq 2015‑11‑04 Sim(0.08)
Jim I. Mead (Info) Northern Arizona University (Evolution Tree) saurian55 2018‑08‑29 Sim(0.08)
Christelle Tougard (Info) Univ. Montpellier 2 (Primatology Tree) doc_fr 2017‑01‑30 Sim(0.08)
Michael Brookfield (Info) University of Guelph (Canada) (Geotree) Geology pq 2017‑03‑24 Sim(0.08)
Steven C Wallace (Info) East Tennessee State University (Evolution Tree) bizonboy 2013‑09‑03 Sim(0.08)
Alexis Licht (Info) Université de Poitiers (Primatology Tree) Myanmar, Sedimentology, Eocene, Anthropoids, Monsoon doc_fr 2017‑01‑30 Sim(0.08)
William J. Strong (Info) BYU (Anatomy Tree) Acoustics Physics, Music, Anatomy Biology pq 2016‑01‑23 Sim(0.08)
Meng Chen (Info) University of Washington (Evolution Tree) Vertebrate paleontology, evolution, ecomorphology yoberg 2010‑11‑20 Sim(0.08)
Cherrie D. Bramwell (Info) (Evolution Tree) MEHJones 2013‑11‑03 Sim(0.08)
Lyall I. Anderson (Info) University of Kansas (Evolution Tree) CptM 2019‑03‑09 Sim(0.09)
Niccolò Bonacchi (Info) Champalimaud Foundation Systems Neuroscience nbonacchi 2010‑11‑22 Sim(0.09)
Denver W. Fowler (Info) Museum of the Rockies (Evolution Tree) Dinosaur paleobiology df9465 2010‑11‑20 Sim(0.09)
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