Similar researchers to Hans Parge: Advanced Search
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Hans Parge (Info) Trinity College - Dublin (Chemistry Tree) ChristineCardin 2017‑09‑21 Sim
Christian K. Shin (Info) University of Maryland (Computer Science Tree) pq 2016‑01‑08 Sim(0.13)
Naomi P. Redmore (Info) Penn (Chemistry Tree) Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry pq 2017‑05‑07 Sim(0.14)
Kening Lang (Info) RPI (Chemistry Tree) Polymer Science lknwd007 2020‑11‑29 Sim(0.14)
Cijil Raju (Info) IISER Thiruvananthapuram (Chemistry Tree) Vigyaanik 2019‑05‑25 Sim(0.15)
giulia zanetti (Info) Birkbeck College (Cell Biology Tree) membrane trafficking, cryo-electron microscopy, COPII, cryo-electron tomography giuliazan 2019‑12‑10 Sim(0.16)
Sha He (Info) UCSD (Chemistry Tree) Colloidal Chemistry, Luminescent Materials, Doping, Epitaxy, Intefaces chfqy1988 2017‑07‑08 Sim(0.17)
Makoto Wada (Info) sk 2016‑10‑14 Sim(0.17)
Joseph McElrath (Info) Florida State (Literature Tree) American Literature, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies pq 2016‑05‑10 Sim(0.17)
Terry L. Price (Info) Virginia Tech (Chemistry Tree) HWGibson 2018‑08‑28 Sim(0.17)
Rint P. Sijbesma (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology (Chemistry Tree) polymer chemistry jandh 2011‑08‑06 Sim(0.17)
David E. Herbert (Info) University of Manitoba (Chemistry Tree) Z12Z53Z16 2013‑07‑18 Sim(0.17)
Wook-Dong Cho (Info) Penn (Chemistry Tree) pq 2016‑01‑08 Sim(0.17)
Adam M. Pederson (Info) Virginia Tech (Chemistry Tree) Organic & Polymer Chemistry pq 2015‑11‑22 Sim(0.18)
Giacomo Luigi Ciamician (Info) Università di Bologna (Chemistry Tree) Photochemistry jandh 2011‑07‑10 Sim(0.18)
Betty C. Won (Info) Penn (Chemistry Tree) pq 2016‑01‑08 Sim(0.18)
James P. Yesinowski (Info) Naval Research Laboratory (Chemistry Tree) solid-state NMR, semiconductors brahms 2016‑01‑08 Sim(0.18)
John R. Sander (Info) University of Iowa (Chemistry Tree) supramolecular chemistry and materials science pq 2015‑11‑10 Sim(0.18)
Paul J. Harrison (Info) UBC (Evolution Tree) wilhelm 2013‑03‑11 Sim(0.19)
Liset Menendez de la Prida (Info) Instituto Cajal CSIC Hippocampus, electrophysiology lmprida 2013‑02‑08 Sim(0.19)
Yi-Hsuan Tang (Info) Kaohsiung Medical University (Chemistry Tree) clkao 2019‑03‑06 Sim(0.19)
Kathleen L. McGuire (Info) University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University (Chemistry Tree) Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑12 Sim(0.19)
Anke Snijders (Info) Radboud university medical centre IvanToni 2014‑05‑30 Sim(0.19)
Frank Donald Popp (Info) University of Missouri - Kansas City (Chemistry Tree) organic heterocyclic chemistry, anticancer drugs HWGibson 2015‑09‑02 Sim(0.19)
Kristian C. Demary (Info) Tufts Ecology Biology, Entomology Biology, Genetics pq 2019‑01‑18 Sim(0.19)
Allison R Brown (Info) Rosalind Franklin Medical School Emotion regulation in psychopathy, aggression, and the role of empathy in the development and expression of psychopathy madeline.johnson 2019‑04‑03 Sim(0.19)
Eunhee Jeoung (Info) U Mass Amherst (Chemistry Tree) pq 2015‑08‑12 Sim(0.2)
Manza B. Atkinson (Info) University of Iowa (Chemistry Tree) supramolecular chemistry and materials science pq 2015‑11‑10 Sim(0.2)
Nicolas D. Winter (Info) Dominican University (Chemistry Tree) computational chemistry nwinter 2012‑08‑14 Sim(0.2)
Graeme Allinson (Info) University of Melbourne (Chemistry Tree) Environmental Science richardb 2013‑12‑04 Sim(0.2)
Michael F. Geer (Info) University of South Carolina (Chemistry Tree) Supramolecular Chemistry, Nanomaterials, Bioorganic, Organic Photochemistry, Physical Organic Chemistry, and Crystal Engineering pq 2015‑11‑16 Sim(0.2)
Ryan Stowers (Info) UT Austin (Chemistry Tree) cd 2019‑10‑16 Sim(0.21)
Kai Sassenberg (Info) Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien (PsychTree) ryanboyd 2020‑10‑09 Sim(0.21)
Ricardo Luis Sanz (Info) McGill (Montreal Neurological Institute) Cortical development, Circuitry formation, Synaptogenesis, Outgrowth, Regeneration ricardosanz 2015‑03‑22 Sim(0.21)
Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian (Info) (Chemistry Tree) jhgolbeck 2018‑02‑17 Sim(0.21)
Alexis C Estrada (Info) CSUN (Marine Ecology Tree) Marine Ecology AlexisCEstrada 2019‑03‑27 Sim(0.21)
Keith Huber Johnson (Info) MIT (Physics Tree) Physics, Applied Chemistry, Computational Chemistry jandh 2015‑09‑02 Sim(0.22)
Julian Chojnowski (Info) Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies Polish Academy of Sciences (Chemistry Tree) Anko90363 2016‑05‑06 Sim(0.22)
Edmund Langley Hirst (Info) Edinburgh (Chemistry Tree) carbohydrate chemistry jandh 2011‑08‑16 Sim(0.22)
Subodh P. Jagtap (Info) Georgia Tech (Chemistry Tree) Polymer Chemistry pq 2016‑03‑29 Sim(0.23)
Giovanni Rojas (Info) Universidad ICESI (Chemistry Tree) Polymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Catalysis giorojasj 2012‑10‑25 Sim(0.23)
Bin Ouyang (Info) UC Berkeley (Chemistry Tree) Thermodynamics, High throughput Materials Discovery bouyang 2020‑06‑09 Sim(0.23)
Alice Weng (Info) Ohio State Developmental Psychology pq 2016‑05‑30 Sim(0.23)
Rachael S. Skye (Info) Cornell (Physics Tree) ReumScott 2022‑04‑17 Sim(0.23)
John Overend (Info) UMN (Chemistry Tree) GopherFan 2018‑06‑26 Sim(0.23)
Ernst J.R. Sudhölter (Info) Twente, Delft (Chemistry Tree) Nano-organic chemistry jandh 2011‑08‑07 Sim(0.23)
Stephanie Frankenberger (Info) FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (Chemistry Tree) tarselli 2015‑07‑16 Sim(0.23)
Donghang Xie (Info) Virginia Tech (Chemistry Tree) HWGibson 2018‑08‑28 Sim(0.23)
Sunhee Choi (Info) Middlebury College (Chemistry Tree) sossos 2021‑09‑18 Sim(0.23)
David W.C. MacMillan (Info) Princeton (Chemistry Tree) Organic Synthesis, enantioselective catalysis jandh 2011‑12‑21 Sim(0.23)
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