Similar researchers to Bastien Mussard: Advanced Search
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Bastien Mussard (Info) (Chemistry Tree) toulouse 2019‑03‑09 Sim
Ilana Kolodkin-Gal (Info) Weizmann Institute (Microtree) princepeach 2019‑07‑12 Sim(0.17)
Ronald Hanson (Info) Delft University of Technology (Physics Tree) theinnovator 2019‑05‑03 Sim(0.17)
David Ji (Info) Oregon State (Chemistry Tree) Materials Chemistry kripke 2013‑03‑19 Sim(0.17)
Carl Börstell (Info) Stockholm University (LinguisTree) sn3 2019‑10‑30 Sim(0.18)
Malavika Murugan (Info) Duke Songbird, FoxP2 mmurugan 2013‑09‑12 Sim(0.18)
Priyadaranjan Ray (Info) Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (Chemistry Tree) Inorganic chemistry Vigyaanik 2017‑08‑08 Sim(0.18)
Hommo Tjarko Edzes (Info) RUG (Chemistry Tree) jandh 2021‑10‑30 Sim(0.18)
Yuanyuan Tian (Info) Nanyang Technological University (Chemistry Tree) hzhang166 2020‑05‑06 Sim(0.18)
Soo Jin Park (Info) UCLA (E-Tree) Signal processing, speech signal processing, automatic speaker verification, automatic speech recognition, automatic speaker diarization suzinia 2019‑12‑24 Sim(0.19)
Robert Emil Notari (Info) Ohio State (Chemistry Tree) jandh 2017‑11‑25 Sim(0.19)
Yunlong Zhao (Info) Harvard (Chemistry Tree) mlq518 2017‑06‑12 Sim(0.2)
Keith P. Romano (Info) Harvard (Microtree) princepeach 2019‑07‑12 Sim(0.2)
Xiaofei Chen (Info) University of Science & Technology of China (Physics Tree) pkugeo 2016‑07‑21 Sim(0.2)
Xiaocong Tian (Info) Nanyang Technological University (Chemistry Tree) mlq518 2017‑06‑12 Sim(0.2)
Charmaine D. Tutson (Info) Auburn University (Chemistry Tree) Gordeae 2017‑03‑09 Sim(0.22)
Frederik Wurm (Info) Universiteit Twente (Chemistry Tree) Polymer Chemistry, Biodegradable Materials Chemadd 2024‑01‑13 Sim(0.22)
Subrata Kumar Dinda (Info) IIT Bombay (Chemistry Tree) Vigyaanik 2019‑05‑19 Sim(0.23)
Jian P. Zhai (Info) HKUST (E-Tree) Chemical Engineering pq 2016‑05‑30 Sim(0.23)
Sean H. Majer (Info) Penn State University, University Park (Chemistry Tree) smajer 2021‑07‑07 Sim(0.23)
L. Scott Mills (Info) Univ. Montana (Terrestrial Ecology Tree) wildlife biology jandh 2024‑03‑18 Sim(0.23)
Nan-Nan Deng (Info) Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Chemistry Tree) Microfluidics Flame 2021‑05‑19 Sim(0.23)
Shawn Geniole (Info) Nipissing University jj2000 2019‑07‑24 Sim(0.24)
Seong-Min Jo (Info) Universität Mainz (Chemistry Tree) Chemadd 2024‑01‑13 Sim(0.24)
Qiulong Wei (Info) UCLA (Chemistry Tree) mlq518 2017‑06‑12 Sim(0.24)
Brian M Walsh (Info) Boston University (Physics Tree) bmwalsh 2019‑05‑02 Sim(0.25)
Chaojiang Niu (Info) PNNL (Chemistry Tree) mlq518 2017‑06‑12 Sim(0.25)
Xiangyi Luo (Info) Argonne National Laboratory (Chemistry Tree) kripke 2018‑01‑09 Sim(0.25)
Jee Hang Lee (Info) Sangmyung University reinforcement learning, decision making, norm-aware reasoning jeehang 2020‑09‑11 Sim(0.26)
Yuanwen Jiang (Info) Chicago (Chemistry Tree) hf121 2018‑03‑22 Sim(0.26)
Alwyn van der Merwe (Info) University of Denver (Physics Tree) theoretical physics, philosophy of science jandh 2019‑07‑31 Sim(0.26)
Dima Amso (Info) NYU, Brown Cognitive Neuroscience, Development pq 2015‑10‑12 Sim(0.27)
Craig T. Twentyman (Info) Rochester rohrbeck 2017‑05‑25 Sim(0.27)
Christopher M. Lew (Info) UC Riverside (E-Tree) Chemical Engineering pq 2016‑03‑30 Sim(0.27)
Derek John Fray (Info) Cambridge (Chemistry Tree) enzgzc 2020‑08‑17 Sim(0.27)
Matthew Kummer (Info) University of Utah (Chemistry Tree) echemB614 2020‑02‑19 Sim(0.27)
Anne-Kristin Kaster (Info) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Microtree) morgansobol 2019‑11‑17 Sim(0.27)
Stefan Hartmann (Info) Universität Bamberg (LinguisTree) adonisiium 2018‑07‑13 Sim(0.27)
Jun Guo (Info) City University of Hong Kong (Chemistry Tree) hzhang166 2020‑05‑06 Sim(0.27)
Youngjoon Shin (Info) UT Austin (E-Tree) Materials Science Engineering, Energy pq 2016‑01‑26 Sim(0.27)
Bin Hu (Info) Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Chemistry Tree) mlq518 2017‑06‑12 Sim(0.27)
Lloyd Lute Kempe (Info) University of Michigan (Microtree) biochemical engineering jandh 2020‑05‑19 Sim(0.28)
Andreas Hornung (Info) Fraunhofer Umsicht, Sulzbach Rosenberg, Germany (Chemistry Tree) ejaz.alchemy 2019‑06‑07 Sim(0.28)
Sedat Nizamoğlu (Info) Koc University (E-Tree) Neuron-machine bioelectronics, quantum optoelectronics, light-emitting diodes, luminescent solar concentrators, biolasers, nanomaterials polariton 2021‑08‑02 Sim(0.28)
Shunichi Fukuzumi (Info) Ewha Womans University (Chemistry Tree) connectingresearchers 2020‑12‑14 Sim(0.28)
Ayala Lampel (Info) Tel Aviv University (Chemistry Tree) ehudgazit 2020‑10‑05 Sim(0.28)
Robert Huber (Info) University of Lübeck (Chemistry Tree) connectingresearchers 2020‑06‑02 Sim(0.28)
Bairong Shen (Info) Soochow University (FlyTree) michael_0214 2024‑01‑13 Sim(0.28)
Cheng Tang (Info) Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (E-Tree) Nanocarbon Material, Energy Storage, Electrocatalysis, Graphene htz1992213 2017‑04‑17 Sim(0.29)
Anton Hagenbeek (Info) Utrecht (Cell Biology Tree) jandh 2017‑04‑17 Sim(0.29)
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