Joel C. Selcher - Publications

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 

13 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2012 Selcher JC, Xu W, Hanson JE, Malenka RC, Madison DV. Glutamate receptor subunit GluA1 is necessary for long-term potentiation and synapse unsilencing, but not long-term depression in mouse hippocampus. Brain Research. 1435: 8-14. PMID 22197030 DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2011.11.029  0.765
2005 Montgomery JM, Selcher JC, Hanson JE, Madison DV. Dynamin-dependent NMDAR endocytosis during LTD and its dependence on synaptic state. Bmc Neuroscience. 6: 48. PMID 16042781 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2202-6-48  0.755
2003 Selcher JC, Weeber EJ, Christian J, Nekrasova T, Landreth GE, Sweatt JD. A role for ERK MAP kinase in physiologic temporal integration in hippocampal area CA1. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 10: 26-39. PMID 12551961 DOI: 10.1101/lm.51103  0.768
2002 Selcher JC, Weeber EJ, Varga AW, Sweatt JD, Swank M. Protein kinase signal transduction cascades in mammalian associative conditioning. The Neuroscientist : a Review Journal Bringing Neurobiology, Neurology and Psychiatry. 8: 122-31. PMID 11954557 DOI: 10.1177/107385840200800208  0.783
2002 Levenson J, Weeber E, Selcher JC, Kategaya LS, Sweatt JD, Eskin A. Long-term potentiation and contextual fear conditioning increase neuronal glutamate uptake. Nature Neuroscience. 5: 155-61. PMID 11788834 DOI: 10.1038/Nn791  0.707
2001 Selcher JC, Nekrasova T, Paylor R, Landreth GE, Sweatt JD. Mice lacking the ERK1 isoform of MAP kinase are unimpaired in emotional learning. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 8: 11-9. PMID 11160759 DOI: 10.1101/lm.37001  0.735
2000 Adams JP, Roberson ED, English JD, Selcher JC, Sweatt JD. MAPK regulation of gene expression in the central nervous system. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis. 60: 377-94. PMID 11016081  0.76
2000 Weeber EJ, Atkins CM, Selcher JC, Varga AW, Mirnikjoo B, Paylor R, Leitges M, Sweatt JD. A role for the beta isoform of protein kinase C in fear conditioning. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 20: 5906-14. PMID 10934237  0.741
2000 Weeber EJ, Atkins CM, Selcher JC, Varga AW, Mirnikjoo B, Paylor R, Leitges M, Sweatt JD. A Role for the β Isoform of Protein Kinase C in Fear Conditioning The Journal of Neuroscience. 20: 5906-5914. DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.20-16-05906.2000  0.788
1999 Selcher JC, Atkins CM, Trzaskos JM, Paylor R, Sweatt JD. A necessity for MAP kinase activation in mammalian spatial learning. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 6: 478-90. PMID 10541468 DOI: 10.1101/lm.6.5.478  0.76
1999 Roberson ED, English JD, Adams JP, Selcher JC, Kondratick C, Sweatt JD. The mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade couples PKA and PKC to cAMP response element binding protein phosphorylation in area CA1 of hippocampus. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 19: 4337-48. PMID 10341237 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.19-11-04337.1999  0.782
1998 Atkins CM, Selcher JC, Petraitis JJ, Trzaskos JM, Sweatt JD. The MAPK cascade is required for mammalian associative learning. Nature Neuroscience. 1: 602-9. PMID 10196568 DOI: 10.1038/2836  0.782
1997 Shors TJ, Elkabes S, Selcher JC, Black IB. Stress persistently increases NMDA receptor-mediated binding of [3H]PDBu (a marker for protein kinase C) in the amygdala, and re-exposure to the stressful context reactivates the increase. Brain Research. 750: 293-300. PMID 9098555 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(96)01369-8  0.568
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