Areti Chouchourelou, Ph.D. - Publications

2006 Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - Newark, United States 
visual perception, biological motion

7 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2011 Shiffrar M, Kaiser MD, Chouchourelou A. Seeing Human Movement as Inherently Social The Science of Social Vision. DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195333176.003.0015  0.62
2006 Chouchourelou A, Matsuka T, Harber K, Shiffrar M. The visual analysis of emotional actions. Social Neuroscience. 1: 63-74. PMID 18633776 DOI: 10.1080/17470910600630599  0.564
2005 Chouchourelou A, Matsuka T, Kozhevnikov M, Hanson C, Shiffrar M. The visual analysis of bodily emotions Journal of Vision. 5: 933-933. DOI: 10.1167/5.8.933  0.533
2004 Shiffrar M, Chouchourelou A, Pinto J. A Social Visual System? Journal of Vision. 4: 229-229. DOI: 10.1167/4.8.229  0.563
2003 Chouchourelou A, Loula F, Shiffrar M. Meaning influences the perception of apparent human motion Journal of Vision. 3: 554a. DOI: 10.1167/3.9.554  0.555
2002 Chouchourelou A, Shiffrar M. Timing and the interpretation of motion in human and animal displays Journal of Vision. 2: 351a. DOI: 10.1167/2.7.351  0.65
2002 Santiago P, Chouchourelou A, Jacobs A, Danatzko K, Dagan R, Cohen L, Shiffrar M. Recognition of objects and actions Journal of Vision. 2: 346a. DOI: 10.1167/2.7.346  0.583
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