Maggie Shiffrar - Publications

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
visual perception, biological motion

75 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2017 Gorman JL, Harber KD, Shiffrar M, Quigley KS. Ostracism, resources, and the perception of human motion European Journal of Social Psychology. 47: 53-71. DOI: 10.1002/Ejsp.2213  0.483
2016 Vinson DW, Abney DH, Amso D, Chemero A, Cutting JE, Dale R, Freeman JB, Feldman LB, Friston KJ, Gallagher S, Jordan JS, Mudrik L, Ondobaka S, Richardson DC, Shams L, ... Shiffrar M, et al. Perception, as you make it. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 39: e260. PMID 28355860 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X15002678  0.302
2016 Jaywant A, Shiffrar M, Roy S, Cronin-Golomb A. Impaired Perception of Biological Motion in Parkinson's Disease. Neuropsychology. PMID 26949927 DOI: 10.1037/Neu0000276  0.384
2013 Thomas JP, Shiffrar M. Meaningful sounds enhance visual sensitivity to human gait regardless of synchrony. Journal of Vision. 13. PMID 24317426 DOI: 10.1167/13.14.8  0.408
2013 Kaiser MD, Shiffrar M. Variability in the Visual Perception of Human Motion as a Function of the Observer's Autistic Traits People Watching: Social, Perceptual, and Neurophysiological Studies of Body Perception. DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195393705.003.0010  0.76
2013 Golden A, Shiffrar M. What Does "Biological Motion" Really Mean?: Differentiating Visual Percepts of Human, Animal, and Nonbiological Motions Arieta Chouchourelou People Watching: Social, Perceptual, and Neurophysiological Studies of Body Perception. DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195393705.003.0005  0.428
2012 Doerrfeld A, Sebanz N, Shiffrar M. Expecting to lift a box together makes the load look lighter. Psychological Research. 76: 467-75. PMID 22159762 DOI: 10.1007/S00426-011-0398-4  0.372
2012 Kaiser MD, Shiffrar M, Pelphrey KA. Socially tuned: brain responses differentiating human and animal motion. Social Neuroscience. 7: 301-10. PMID 21943047 DOI: 10.1080/17470919.2011.614003  0.797
2012 Gorman J, Harber K, Shiffrar M, Quigley K. Psychosocial Resources Affect Biological Motion Perception Journal of Vision. 12: 468-468. DOI: 10.1167/12.9.468  0.445
2012 Price KJ, Shiffrar M, Kerns KA. Movement perception and movement production in Asperger's Syndrome Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 6: 391-398. DOI: 10.1016/J.Rasd.2011.06.013  0.453
2011 Shiffrar M. People watching: visual, motor, and social processes in the perception of human movement. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Cognitive Science. 2: 68-78. PMID 26301914 DOI: 10.1002/Wcs.88  0.501
2011 Joseph C, Shiffrar M. Do observers’ negative self-evaluations of their own bodies mediate their visual attention towards other bodies? F1000research. 2: 110-110. DOI: 10.7490/F1000Research.1478.1  0.326
2011 Thomas J, Shiffrar M. Footstep sounds increase sensitivity to point-light walking when visual cues are weak F1000research. 11: 693-693. DOI: 10.7490/F1000Research.1282.1  0.365
2011 Doerrfeld A, Shiffrar M. Representational Momentum Varies Across Objects Journal of Vision. 11: 731-731. DOI: 10.1167/11.11.731  0.305
2011 Shiffrar M. The perception of bodily threats Journal of Vision. 11: 13-13. DOI: 10.1167/11.11.13  0.388
2011 Shiffrar M, Kaiser MD, Chouchourelou A. Seeing Human Movement as Inherently Social The Science of Social Vision. DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195333176.003.0015  0.756
2010 Thomas JP, Shiffrar M. I can see you better if I can hear you coming: action-consistent sounds facilitate the visual detection of human gait. Journal of Vision. 10: 14. PMID 21047746 DOI: 10.1167/10.12.14  0.444
2010 Kaiser MD, Delmolino L, Tanaka JW, Shiffrar M. Comparison of visual sensitivity to human and object motion in autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research : Official Journal of the International Society For Autism Research. 3: 191-5. PMID 20533450 DOI: 10.1002/Aur.137  0.779
2010 Serino A, De Filippo L, Casavecchia C, Coccia M, Shiffrar M, Làdavas E. Lesions to the motor system affect action perception. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 22: 413-26. PMID 19302003 DOI: 10.1162/Jocn.2009.21206  0.39
2010 Thomas J, Shiffrar M. Veridical auditory information enhances visual sensitivity to biological motion Journal of Vision. 9: 725-725. DOI: 10.1167/9.8.725  0.444
2010 Oh S, Shiffrar M. Apparent motion of the face Journal of Vision. 7: 127-127. DOI: 10.1167/7.9.127  0.417
2010 Prasad S, Kozhevnikov M, Shiffrar M. Identity perception with and without a body Journal of Vision. 6: 796-796. DOI: 10.1167/6.6.796  0.569
2010 Oh S, Shiffrar M. Ground cues influence the visual perception of rolling Journal of Vision. 6: 1039-1039. DOI: 10.1167/6.6.1039  0.408
2010 Shiffrar M, Franchak J. Body form and position influence the perceived speed of human gait Journal of Vision. 6: 1030-1030. DOI: 10.1167/6.6.1030  0.688
2010 Doerrfeld A, Harber K, Shiffrar M. Visual sensitivity to point-light actors varies with the action observed Journal of Vision. 10: 797-797. DOI: 10.1167/10.7.797  0.385
2010 Shiffrar M, Heinen T. Athletic ability changes action perception: Embodiment in the visual perception of human movement | Die Fähigkeiten von Athleten verändern deren Wahrnehmung von Handlungen "Embodiment" der visuellen Wahrnehmung von menschlichen Bewegungen Zeitschrift Fur Sportpsychologie. 17: 130-142. DOI: 10.1026/1612-5010/A000018  0.356
2009 Kaiser MD, Shiffrar M. The visual perception of motion by observers with autism spectrum disorders: a review and synthesis. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 16: 761-77. PMID 19815780 DOI: 10.3758/Pbr.16.5.761  0.772
2009 Pinto J, Shiffrar M. The visual perception of human and animal motion in point-light displays. Social Neuroscience. 4: 332-46. PMID 19340632 DOI: 10.1080/17470910902826820  0.563
2009 Prasad S, Shiffrar M. Viewpoint and the recognition of people from their movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 35: 39-49. PMID 19170469 DOI: 10.1037/A0012728  0.66
2009 Sebanz N, Shiffrar M. Detecting deception in a bluffing body: the role of expertise. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 16: 170-5. PMID 19145029 DOI: 10.3758/Pbr.16.1.170  0.378
2008 Oh S, Shiffrar M. Rolling perception without rolling motion. Perception. 37: 317-20. PMID 18456929 DOI: 10.1068/P5887  0.494
2007 Virji-Babul N, Cheung T, Weeks D, Kerns K, Shiffrar M. Neural activity involved in the perception of human and meaningful object motion. Neuroreport. 18: 1125-8. PMID 17589311 DOI: 10.1097/Wnr.0B013E32821C5470  0.463
2007 Grosjean M, Shiffrar M, Knoblich G. Fitts's law holds for action perception. Psychological Science. 18: 95-9. PMID 17425525 DOI: 10.1111/J.1467-9280.2007.01854.X  0.378
2007 Blake R, Shiffrar M. Perception of human motion. Annual Review of Psychology. 58: 47-73. PMID 16903802 DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Psych.57.102904.190152  0.496
2007 Kaiser M, Shiffrar M. Systematic variation in sensitivity to biological motion in typical adults Journal of Vision. 7: 488-488. DOI: 10.1167/7.9.488  0.717
2006 Chouchourelou A, Matsuka T, Harber K, Shiffrar M. The visual analysis of emotional actions. Social Neuroscience. 1: 63-74. PMID 18633776 DOI: 10.1080/17470910600630599  0.778
2005 Funk M, Shiffrar M, Brugger P. Hand movement observation by individuals born without hands: phantom limb experience constrains visual limb perception. Experimental Brain Research. 164: 341-6. PMID 15818499 DOI: 10.1007/S00221-005-2255-4  0.507
2005 Loula F, Prasad S, Harber K, Shiffrar M. Recognizing people from their movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 31: 210-20. PMID 15709874 DOI: 10.1037/0096-1523.31.1.210  0.807
2005 Jacobs A, Shiffrar M. Walking perception by walking observers. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 31: 157-69. PMID 15709870 DOI: 10.1037/0096-1523.31.1.157  0.695
2005 Prasad S, Loula F, Shiffrar M. Person recognition across multiple viewpoints Journal of Vision. 5: 941-941. DOI: 10.1167/5.8.941  0.732
2005 Sebanz N, Kozhevnikov M, Shiffrar M. Unintentional movements during action observation: Copying or compensating? Journal of Vision. 5: 939-939. DOI: 10.1167/5.8.939  0.34
2005 Chouchourelou A, Matsuka T, Kozhevnikov M, Hanson C, Shiffrar M. The visual analysis of bodily emotions Journal of Vision. 5: 933-933. DOI: 10.1167/5.8.933  0.76
2004 Jacobs A, Pinto J, Shiffrar M. Experience, context, and the visual perception of human movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 30: 822-35. PMID 15462623 DOI: 10.1037/0096-1523.30.5.822  0.689
2004 Shiffrar M, Chouchourelou A, Pinto J. A Social Visual System? Journal of Vision. 4: 229-229. DOI: 10.1167/4.8.229  0.762
2004 Loula F, Prasad S, Shiffrar M. People watching: visual and motor experience define sensitivity to human movement. Journal of Vision. 4: 219-219. DOI: 10.1167/4.8.219  0.781
2003 Jacobs A, Shiffrar M. Multifaceted vision: How desert anti navigate - Mini brains, mega tasks, smart solutions Journal of Vision. 3: 88a. DOI: 10.1167/3.9.88  0.52
2003 Chouchourelou A, Loula F, Shiffrar M. Meaning influences the perception of apparent human motion Journal of Vision. 3: 554a. DOI: 10.1167/3.9.554  0.775
2002 Thornton IM, Rensink RA, Shiffrar M. Active versus passive processing of biological motion. Perception. 31: 837-53. PMID 12206531 DOI: 10.1068/P3072  0.421
2002 Chouchourelou A, Shiffrar M. Timing and the interpretation of motion in human and animal displays Journal of Vision. 2: 351a. DOI: 10.1167/2.7.351  0.794
2002 Santiago P, Chouchourelou A, Jacobs A, Danatzko K, Dagan R, Cohen L, Shiffrar M. Recognition of objects and actions Journal of Vision. 2: 346a. DOI: 10.1167/2.7.346  0.75
2002 Jacobs A, Pinto J, Shiffrar M. Frequency, context, and human motion perception Journal of Vision. 2: 338a. DOI: 10.1167/2.7.338  0.661
2002 Pinto J, Parke K, Shiffrar M. Change mindfulness: Attention to human movement Journal of Vision. 2: 335a. DOI: 10.1167/2.7.335  0.348
2002 Shiffrar M, Pinto J. Are we visual animals? Journal of Vision. 2: 334a. DOI: 10.1167/2.7.334  0.376
2001 Kourtzi Z, Shiffrar M. Visual representation of malleable and rigid objects that deform as they rotate. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 27: 335-55. PMID 11318051 DOI: 10.1037/0096-1523.27.2.335  0.622
2001 Shiffrar M. 15 The visual interpretation of object and human movement Advances in Psychology. 130: 483-507. DOI: 10.1016/S0166-4115(01)80035-2  0.541
2000 Loula F, Kourtzi Z, Shiffrar M. Surface segmentation cues influence negative priming for novel and familiar shapes. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 26: 929-44. PMID 10946372 DOI: 10.1037//0278-7393.26.4.929  0.737
2000 Stevens JA, Fonlupt P, Shiffrar M, Decety J. New aspects of motion perception: selective neural encoding of apparent human movements. Neuroreport. 11: 109-15. PMID 10683840 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-200001170-00022  0.505
1999 Kourtzi Z, Shiffrar M. Dynamic representations of human body movement. Perception. 28: 49-62. PMID 10627852 DOI: 10.1068/P2870  0.708
1999 Pinto J, Shiffrar M. Subconfigurations of the human form in the perception of biological motion displays. Acta Psychologica. 102: 293-318. PMID 10504885 DOI: 10.1016/S0001-6918(99)00028-1  0.521
1999 Kourtzi Z, Shiffrar M. The visual representation of three-dimensional, rotating objects. Acta Psychologica. 102: 265-92. PMID 10504884 DOI: 10.1016/S0001-6918(98)00056-0  0.643
1999 Lorenceau J, Shiffrar M. The linkage of visual motion signals Visual Cognition. 6: 431-460. DOI: 10.1080/135062899395055  0.496
1997 Shiffrar M, Lichtey L, Heptulla Chatterjee S. The perception of biological motion across apertures. Perception & Psychophysics. 59: 51-9. PMID 9038407 DOI: 10.3758/Bf03206847  0.518
1997 Kourtzi Z, Shiffrar M. One-shot view invariance in a moving world Psychological Science. 8: 461-466. DOI: 10.1111/J.1467-9280.1997.Tb00462.X  0.641
1997 Shiffrar M, Pinto J. What is biological motion? Parti: Constituents of human form Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 38: S74.  0.349
1996 Shiffrar M, Lorenceau J. Increased motion linking across edges with decreased luminance contrast, edge width and duration. Vision Research. 36: 2061-7. PMID 8776472 DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(95)00283-9  0.461
1996 Chatterjee SH, Freyd JJ, Shiffrar M. Configural processing in the perception of apparent biological motion. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 22: 916-29. PMID 8756959 DOI: 10.1037//0096-1523.22.4.916  0.701
1995 Ben-Av MB, Shiffrar M. Disambiguating velocity estimates across image space. Vision Research. 35: 2889-95. PMID 8533328 DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(95)00048-5  0.312
1995 Shiffrar M, Li X, Lorenceau J. Motion integration across differing image features. Vision Research. 35: 2137-46. PMID 7667926 DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(94)00299-1  0.45
1994 Shiffrar M. When What Meets Where Current Directions in Psychological Science. 3: 96-101. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8721.Ep10770450  0.304
1993 Lorenceau J, Shiffrar M, Wells N, Castet E. Different motion sensitive units are involved in recovering the direction of moving lines. Vision Research. 33: 1207-17. PMID 8333170 DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(93)90209-F  0.369
1993 Shiffrar M, Freyd JJ. Timing and Apparent Motion Path Choice With Human Body Photographs Psychological Science. 4: 379-384. DOI: 10.1111/J.1467-9280.1993.Tb00585.X  0.674
1992 Lorenceau J, Shiffrar M. The influence of terminators on motion integration across space. Vision Research. 32: 263-73. PMID 1574843 DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(92)90137-8  0.436
1991 Shiffrar M, Pavel M. Percepts of rigid motion within and across apertures. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 17: 749-61. PMID 1834788 DOI: 10.1037//0096-1523.17.3.749  0.441
1991 Shiffrar MM, Shepard RN. Comparison of cube rotations around axes inclined relative to the environment or to the cube. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 17: 44-54. PMID 1826321 DOI: 10.1037/0096-1523.17.1.44  0.573
1990 Shiffrar M, Freyd JJ. Apparent Motion of the Human Body Psychological Science. 1: 257-264. DOI: 10.1111/J.1467-9280.1990.Tb00210.X  0.694
Show low-probability matches.