
Larry F. Hodges - Publications

Clemson University, Clemson, SC, United States 

36 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2010 Davis ET, Scott K, Hailston KW, Pair J, Hodges L. Ambient sounds can enhance visual perception and memory performance in virtual environments Journal of Vision. 6: 170-170. DOI: 10.1167/6.6.170  0.535
2010 Rothbaum BO, Hodges L, Kooper R. Virtual reality exposure therapy The Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research. 6: 219-226. DOI: 10.1002/9780470479216.Corpsy1024  0.306
2009 Ulinski AC, Wartell Z, Goolkasian P, Suma EA, Hodges LF. Selection performance based on classes of bimanual actions 3dui - Ieee Symposium On 3d User Interfaces 2009 - Proceedings. 51-58. DOI: 10.1109/3DUI.2009.4811205  0.627
2007 Ulinski A, Wartell Z, Hodges LF. Bimanual task division preferences for volume selection Proceedings of the Acm Symposium On Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Vrst. 217-218. DOI: 10.1145/1315184.1315228  0.635
2007 Ulinski A, Zanbaka C, Wartell Z, Goolkasian P, Hodges LF. Two handed selection techniques for volumetric data Ieee Symposium On 3d User Interfaces 2007 - Proceedings, 3dui 2007. 107-114. DOI: 10.1109/3DUI.2007.340782  0.637
2002 Wartell Z, Hodges LF, Ribarsky W. A geometric comparison of algorithms for fusion control in stereoscopic HTDs Ieee Transactions On Visualization and Computer Graphics. 8: 129-143. DOI: 10.1109/2945.998666  0.661
2001 Bowman DA, Johnson DB, Hodges LF. Testbed evaluation of virtual environment interaction techniques Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 10: 75-95. DOI: 10.1162/105474601750182333  0.386
2000 Kessler GD, Bowman DA, Hodges LF. The simple virtual environment library: An extensible framework for building VE applications Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 9: 187-208. DOI: 10.1162/105474600566718  0.336
2000 Leibe B, Starner T, Ribarsky W, Wartell Z, Krum D, Weeks J, Singletary B, Hodges L. Toward spontaneous interaction with the perceptive workbench Ieee Computer Graphics and Applications. 20: 54-65. DOI: 10.1109/38.888008  0.688
2000 Leibe B, Starner T, Ribarsky W, Wartell Z, Krum D, Singletary B, Hodges L. Perceptive Workbench: Toward spontaneous and natural interaction in semi-immersive virtual environments Proceedings - Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium. 13-20.  0.679
1999 Rothbaum BO, Hodges LF. The use of virtual reality exposure in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Behavior Modification. 23: 507-25. PMID 10533438 DOI: 10.1177/0145445599234001  0.312
1999 Rothbaum BO, Hodges L, Alarcon R, Ready D, Shahar F, Graap K, Pair J, Hebert P, Gotz D, Wills B, Baltzell D. Virtual reality exposure therapy for PTSD Vietnam Veterans: a case study. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 12: 263-71. PMID 10378165 DOI: 10.1023/A:1024772308758  0.316
1999 Davis ET, Scott K, Pair J, Hodges LF, Oliverio J. Can Audio Enhance Visual Perception and Performance in a Virtual Environment? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 43: 1197-1201. DOI: 10.1177/154193129904302206  0.517
1999 Bowman DA, Davis ET, Hodges LF, Badre AN. Maintaining spatial orientation during travel in an immersive virtual environment Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 8: 618-631. DOI: 10.1162/105474699566521  0.588
1999 Bowman DA, Hodges LF, Allison D, Wineman J. The educational value of an information-rich virtual environment Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 8: 317-331. DOI: 10.1162/105474699566251  0.69
1999 Rothbaum BO, Hodges L, Smith S. Virtual reality exposure therapy abbreviated treatment manual: Fear of flying application Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 6: 234-244. DOI: 10.1016/S1077-7229(99)80081-9  0.33
1999 Bowman DA, Hodges LF. Formalizing the design, evaluation, and application of interaction techniques for immersive virtual environments Journal of Visual Languages and Computing. 10: 37-53. DOI: 10.1006/Jvlc.1998.0111  0.371
1999 Wartell Z, Ribarsky W, Hodges L. Third-person navigation of whole-planet terrain in a head-tracked stereoscopic environment Proceedings - Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium. 141-148.  0.651
1998 Bowman DA, Hodges LF, Bolter J. The virtual venue: User-computer interaction in information-rich virtual environments Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 7: 478-493. DOI: 10.1162/105474698565866  0.388
1998 Bowman DA, Wineman J, Hodges LF, Allison D. Designing animal habitats within an immersive VE Ieee Computer Graphics and Applications. 18: 9-13. DOI: 10.1109/38.708555  0.67
1998 Hodges LF, Rothbaum BO. Virtually Betterâ„¢ virtual reality system Cyberpsychology and Behavior. 1: 405-408. DOI: 10.1089/Cpb.1998.1.405  0.307
1998 Bowman DA, Koller D, Hodges LF. A methodology for the evaluation of travel techniques for immersive virtual environments Virtual Reality. 3: 120-131. DOI: 10.1007/Bf01417673  0.368
1997 Bowman DA, Hodges LF. Toolsets for the Development of Highly Interactive and Information-Rich Environments International Journal of Virtual Reality. 3: 1-19. DOI: 10.20870/IJVR.1997.3.2.2622  0.374
1997 Reddy M, Watson B, Walker N, Hodges LF. Managing level of detail in virtual environments: A perceptual framework Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 6: 658-666. DOI: 10.1162/Pres.1997.6.6.658  0.358
1997 Watson B, Walker N, Hodges LF, Reddy M. An evaluation of level of detail degradation in head-mounted display peripheries Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 6: 630-637. DOI: 10.1162/Pres.1997.6.6.630  0.333
1997 Surdick RT, Davis ET, King RA, Hodges LF. The perception of distance in simulated visual displays: A comparison of the effectiveness and accuracy of multiple depth cues across viewing distances Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 6: 513-531. DOI: 10.1162/Pres.1997.6.5.513  0.546
1997 Watson B, Walker N, Hodges LF, Worden A. Managing level of detail through peripheral degradation Acm Transactions On Computer-Human Interaction (Tochi). 4: 323-346. DOI: 10.1145/267135.267137  0.332
1997 Allison D, Wills B, Bowman D, Wineman J, Hodges LF. The virtual reality gorilla exhibit Ieee Computer Graphics and Applications. 17: 30-38. DOI: 10.1109/38.626967  0.682
1996 Turner G, Haus J, Newton G, Ribarsky W, Faust NL, Hodges LF. 4D symbology for sensing and simulation Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 2740: 31-41. DOI: 10.1117/12.242982  0.312
1996 Hodges LF, Watson BA, Kessler GD, Rothbaum BO, Opdyke D. Virtually conquering fear of flying Ieee Computer Graphics and Applications. 16: 42-49. DOI: 10.1109/38.544071  0.314
1995 Bolter J, Hodges LF, Meyer T, Nichols A. Integrating Perceptual and Symbolic Information in VR Ieee Computer Graphics and Applications. 15: 8-11. DOI: 10.1109/38.391481  0.352
1995 Hodges L, Kooper R, Meyer T, Rothbaum B, Opdyke D, de Graaff J, Williford J, North M. Virtual environments for treating the fear of heights Computer. 28: 27-34. DOI: 10.1109/2.391038  0.341
1994 Troy Surdick R, Davis ET, King RA, Corso GM, Shapiro A, Hodges L, Elliot K. Relevant cues for the visual perception of depth: is where you see it where it is? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 2: 1305-1309.  0.476
1993 Hodges LF, Davis ET. Geometric Considerations for Stereoscopic Virtual Environments Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 2: 34-43. DOI: 10.1162/pres.1993.2.1.34  0.557
1993 Adelson SJ, Allen J, Badre AN, Hodges LF, Lawrence A. Performance Comparison of Multiple Image Depth and Shape Cues International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 5: 347-360. DOI: 10.1080/10447319309526073  0.339
1991 Hodges LF, McWhorter SW. Stereoscopic display for design visualization Signal Processing: Image Communication. 4: 3-13. DOI: 10.1016/0923-5965(91)90055-7  0.339
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