Douglas A. Hershey - Publications

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United States 
Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Women's Studies, Gerontology

44 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2019 Tsotsoros CE, Hershey DA, Kiso H, Koposko JL. Racial Differences in Anticipated Satisfaction With Life during Retirement Work, Aging and Retirement. 5: 236-254. DOI: 10.1093/Workar/Waz002  0.787
2019 Tsotsoros C, Mooney A, Earl J, Hershey D. PSYCHOLOGICAL MECHANISMS THAT UNDERLIE GOAL EXPECTANCY AMONG RETIREES Innovation in Aging. 3: S128-S128. DOI: 10.1093/Geroni/Igz038.466  0.435
2018 Henkens K, van Dalen HP, Ekerdt DJ, Hershey DA, Hyde M, Radl J, van Solinge H, Wang M, Zacher H. What We Need to Know About Retirement: Pressing Issues for the Coming Decade. The Gerontologist. 58: 805-812. PMID 31287535 DOI: 10.1093/Geront/Gnx095  0.305
2018 França LHF, Hershey DA. Financial Preparation for Retirement in Brazil: a Cross-Cultural Test of the Interdisciplinary Financial Planning Model. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology. PMID 29455323 DOI: 10.1007/S10823-018-9343-Y  0.456
2018 Hershey DA, Tsotsoros CE, Van Dalen HP, Bojórquez MI, Pérez AE. PRE-RETIREES’ PERCEPTIONS OF ANTICIPATED RETIREMENT INCOME: EVIDENCE FROM THREE COUNTRIES Innovation in Aging. 2: 840-840. DOI: 10.1093/Geroni/Igy023.3132  0.306
2017 Gupta R, Hershey DA. Time perspective as an antecedent of trust in a manager and its impact on employee attitudes Time & Society. 28: 124-152. DOI: 10.1177/0961463X17716552  0.551
2017 Hershey D, Bojórquez M, Pérez A, Koposko J, Kiso H. FINANCIAL PLANNING IN MEXICO: A TEST OF THE INTERDISCIPLINARY RETIREMENT PLANNING MODEL Innovation in Aging. 1: 988-988. DOI: 10.1093/Geroni/Igx004.3573  0.363
2016 Gupta R, Hershey DA. Cross-National Differences in Goals for Retirement: the Case of India and the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology. PMID 27432371 DOI: 10.1007/S10823-016-9298-9  0.569
2016 Gerrans P, Hershey DA. Financial Adviser Anxiety, Financial Literacy, and Financial Advice Seeking Journal of Consumer Affairs. 51: 54-90. DOI: 10.1111/Joca.12120  0.342
2016 Kiso H, Hershey DA. Working Adults’ Metacognitions Regarding Financial Planning for Retirement Work, Aging and Retirement. 3: 77-88. DOI: 10.1093/Workar/Waw021  0.779
2016 Leandro-França C, Giardini Murta S, Hershey DA, Barbosa Martins L. Evaluation of retirement planning programs: A qualitative analysis of methodologies and efficacy Educational Gerontology. 42: 497-512. DOI: 10.1080/03601277.2016.1156380  0.329
2016 VAN DALEN HP, HENKENS K, HERSHEY DA. Why do older adults avoid seeking financial advice? Adviser anxiety in the Netherlands Ageing and Society. 37: 1268-1290. DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X16000222  0.37
2015 Koposko JL, Kiso H, Hershey DA, Gerrans P. Perceptions of Retirement Savings Relative to Peers Work, Aging and Retirement. 2: 65-72. DOI: 10.1093/Workar/Wav019  0.758
2015 Koposko JL, Hershey DA. When I First Learned about Retirement: Financial and Retirement Concept Recognition among College Students Current Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/S12144-015-9319-9  0.383
2014 Gutierrez HC, Hershey DA. Age differences in expected satisfaction with life in retirement. International Journal of Aging & Human Development. 78: 93-114. PMID 24956920 DOI: 10.2190/Ag.78.2.A  0.439
2014 Thomas DG, Copeland CT, Hershey DA, Abramson CI. Cemetery Demography as a Tool for Teaching Psychological Research Methods to Undergraduate Students Comprehensive Psychology. 3: 03.09.IT.3.7. DOI: 10.2466/03.09.It.3.7  0.306
2013 Gutierrez HC, Hershey DA. Impact of retirement worry on information processing Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics. 6: 264-277. DOI: 10.1037/Npe0000013  0.331
2012 Gupta R, Hershey DA, Gaur J. Time Perspective and Procrastination in the Workplace: An Empirical Investigation Current Psychology. 31: 195-211. DOI: 10.1007/S12144-012-9136-3  0.587
2012 Hershey DA, Jacobs-Lawson JM. Bridging the Gap: Anticipated Shortfalls in Future Retirement Income Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 33: 306-314. DOI: 10.1007/S10834-012-9281-8  0.744
2011 Brougham RR, Jacobs-Lawson JM, Hershey DA, Trujillo KM. Who pays your debt? An important question for understanding compulsive buying among American college students International Journal of Consumer Studies. 35: 79-85. DOI: 10.1111/J.1470-6431.2010.00923.X  0.708
2010 Hershey DA, Henkens K, van Dalen HP. What drives retirement income worries in Europe? A multilevel analysis. European Journal of Ageing. 7: 301-311. PMID 28798636 DOI: 10.1007/S10433-010-0167-Z  0.411
2010 Igreja V, Dias-Lambranca B, Hershey DA, Racin L, Richters A, Reis R. The epidemiology of spirit possession in the aftermath of mass political violence in Mozambique. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 71: 592-9. PMID 20542612 DOI: 10.1016/J.Socscimed.2010.04.024  0.314
2010 Hershey DA, Henkens K, Van Dalen HP. Aging and financial planning for retirement: interdisciplinary influences viewed through a cross-cultural lens. International Journal of Aging & Human Development. 70: 1-38. PMID 20377164 DOI: 10.2190/Ag.70.1.A  0.478
2010 Van Dalen HP, Henkens K, Hershey DA. Perceptions and expectations of pension savings adequacy: A comparative study of Dutch and American workers Ageing and Society. 30: 731-754. DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X09990651  0.406
2007 Stawski RS, Hershey DA, Jacobs-Lawson JM. Goal clarity and financial planning activities as determinants of retirement savings contributions. International Journal of Aging & Human Development. 64: 13-32. PMID 17390963 DOI: 10.2190/13Gk-5H72-H324-16P2  0.767
2007 Hershey DA, Henkens K, Van Dalen HP. Mapping the minds of retirement planners: A cross-cultural perspective Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 38: 361-382. DOI: 10.1177/0022022107300280  0.467
2007 Padawer EA, Jacobs-Lawson JM, Hershey DA, Thomas DG. Demographic indicators as predictors of future time perspective Current Psychology. 26: 102-108. DOI: 10.1007/S12144-007-9008-4  0.738
2007 Hershey DA, Jacobs-Lawson JM, McArdle JJ, Hamagami F. Psychological foundations of financial planning for retirement Journal of Adult Development. 14: 26-36. DOI: 10.1007/S10804-007-9028-1  0.786
2004 Jacobs-Lawson JM, Hershey DA, Neukam KA. Gender differences in factors that influence time spent planning for retirement. Journal of Women & Aging. 16: 55-69. PMID 15778169 DOI: 10.1300/J074V16N03_05  0.765
2003 Hershey DA, Mowen JC, Jacobs-Lawson JM. AN EXPERIMENTAL COMPARISON OF RETIREMENT PLANNING INTERVENTION SEMINARS Educational Gerontology. 29: 339-359. DOI: 10.1080/713844333  0.704
2003 Hershey DA, Mowen JC, Jacobs-Lawson JM. An experimental comparison of retirement planning intervention seminars Educational Gerontology. 29: 339-359. DOI: 10.1080/713844333  0.725
2003 Hershey DA, Jacobs-Lawson JM, Walsh DA. Influences of age and training on script development Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition. 10: 1-19. DOI: 10.1076/Anec.  0.739
2002 Hershey DA, Jacobs-Lawson JM, Neukam KA. Influences of age and gender on workers' goals for retirement. International Journal of Aging & Human Development. 55: 163-79. PMID 12513037 DOI: 10.2190/6Wcp-Tmjr-Ar8B-Bfc6  0.77
2002 Jacobs-Lawson JM, Hershey DA. Concept Maps as an Assessment Tool in Psychology Courses Teaching of Psychology. 29: 25-29. DOI: 10.1207/S15328023Top2901_06  0.687
2001 Hershey DA, Jacobs-Lawson JM. Developmental Differences in the Quality of Life: A Classroom Teaching Exercise Teaching of Psychology. 28: 114-117. DOI: 10.1207/S15328023Top2802_10  0.712
2000 Hershey DA, Mowen JC. Psychological determinants of financial preparedness for retirement. The Gerontologist. 40: 687-97. PMID 11131085 DOI: 10.1093/Geront/40.6.687  0.376
2000 Hershey DA, Walsh DA. Knowledge versus experience in financial problem solving performance Current Psychology. 19: 261-291. DOI: 10.1007/S12144-000-1020-X  0.476
1999 Hershey DA, Boyd ML, Coutant KM, Turner K. Cognitive aging psychology: Significant advances, challenges, and training issues Educational Gerontology. 25: 349-364. DOI: 10.1080/036012799267783  0.318
1999 Hershey DA, Farrell AH. Age Differences on a Procedurally Oriented Test of Practical Problem Solving Journal of Adult Development. 6: 87-104. DOI: 10.1023/A:1021668708039  0.317
1998 Hershey DA, Walsh DA, Brougham R, Carter S, Farrell A. CHALLENGES OF TRAINING PRE‐RETIREES TO MAKE SOUND FINANCIAL PLANNING DECISIONS Educational Gerontology. 24: 447-470. DOI: 10.1080/0360127980240503  0.519
1997 Hershey DA, Wilson JA. Age differences in performance awareness on a complex financial decision-making task. Experimental Aging Research. 23: 257-73. PMID 9248819 DOI: 10.1080/03610739708254283  0.33
1997 Hershey DA, Farrell AH. Perceptions of wisdom associated with selected occupations and personality characteristics Current Psychology. 16: 115-130. DOI: 10.1007/S12144-997-1019-7  0.344
1995 Hershey DA. Influence of age and gender on estimates of long-term financial growth functions Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition. 2: 231-250. DOI: 10.1080/13825589508256600  0.344
1990 Hershey DA, Walsh DA, Read SJ, Chulef AS. The effects of expertise on financial problem solving: Evidence for goal-directed, problem-solving scripts Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 46: 77-101. DOI: 10.1016/0749-5978(90)90023-3  0.482
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