Penny Mirrett - Publications

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
Educational Psychology Education, Reading Education, Special Education

14 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2015 Klusek J, Hunt AW, Mirrett PL, Hatton DD, Hooper SR, Roberts JE, Bailey DB. Reading and phonological skills in boys with fragile x syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 45: 1699-711. PMID 25448919 DOI: 10.1007/S10803-014-2328-Y  0.392
2009 Roberts JE, Mankowski JB, Sideris J, Goldman BD, Hatton DD, Mirrett PL, Baranek GT, Reznick JS, Long AC, Bailey DB. Trajectories and predictors of the development of very young boys with fragile X syndrome. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 34: 827-36. PMID 19074489 DOI: 10.1093/Jpepsy/Jsn129  0.377
2008 Ornstein PA, Schaaf JM, Hooper SR, Hatton DD, Mirrett P, Bailey DB. Memory skills of boys with fragile X syndrome. American Journal of Mental Retardation : Ajmr. 113: 453-65. PMID 19127656 DOI: 10.1352/2008.113:453-465  0.409
2008 Baranek GT, Roberts JE, David FJ, Sideris J, Mirrett PL, Hatton DD, Bailey DB. Developmental trajectories and correlates of sensory processing in young boys with fragile X syndrome. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics. 28: 79-98. PMID 18399048 DOI: 10.1300/J006V28N01_06  0.385
2008 Hooper SR, Hatton D, Sideris J, Sullivan K, Hammer J, Schaaf J, Mirrett P, Ornstein PA, Bailey DP. Executive functions in young males with fragile X syndrome in comparison to mental age-matched controls: baseline findings from a longitudinal study. Neuropsychology. 22: 36-47. PMID 18211154 DOI: 10.1037/0894-4105.22.1.36  0.373
2006 Barnes EF, Roberts J, Mirrett P, Sideris J, Misenheimer J. A comparison of oral structure and oral-motor function in young males with fragile X syndrome and Down syndrome. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 49: 903-17. PMID 16908884 DOI: 10.1044/1092-4388(2006/065)  0.327
2006 Hatton DD, Sideris J, Skinner M, Mankowski J, Bailey DB, Roberts J, Mirrett P. Autistic behavior in children with fragile X syndrome: prevalence, stability, and the impact of FMRP. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A. 140: 1804-13. PMID 16700053 DOI: 10.1002/Ajmg.A.31286  0.441
2005 Skinner M, Hooper S, Hatton DD, Roberts J, Mirrett P, Schaaf J, Sullivan K, Wheeler A, Bailey DB. Mapping nonverbal IQ in young boys with fragile X syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A. 132: 25-32. PMID 15551333 DOI: 10.1002/Ajmg.A.30353  0.379
2004 Mirrett PL, Bailey DB, Roberts JE, Hatton DD. Developmental screening and detection of developmental delays in infants and toddlers with fragile X syndrome. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics : Jdbp. 25: 21-7. PMID 14767352 DOI: 10.1097/00004703-200402000-00004  0.327
2003 Mirrett PL, Roberts JE, Price J. Early Intervention Practices and Communication Intervention Strategies for Young Males With Fragile X Syndrome. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. 34: 320-331. PMID 27764460 DOI: 10.1044/0161-1461(2003/026)  0.322
2003 Hatton DD, Wheeler AC, Skinner ML, Bailey DB, Sullivan KM, Roberts JE, Mirrett P, Clark RD. Adaptive behavior in children with fragile X syndrome. American Journal of Mental Retardation : Ajmr. 108: 373-90. PMID 14561110 DOI: 10.1352/0895-8017(2003)108<373:Abicwf>2.0.Co;2  0.435
2002 Roberts JE, Mirrett P, Anderson K, Burchinal M, Neebe E. Early Communication, Symbolic Behavior, and Social Profiles of Young Males With Fragile X Syndrome American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 11: 295-304. DOI: 10.1044/1058-0360(2002/034)  0.429
2001 Roberts JE, Mirrett P, Burchinal M. Receptive and Expressive Communication Development of Young Males With Fragile X Syndrome American Journal On Mental Retardation. 106: 216-230. PMID 11389664 DOI: 10.1352/0895-8017(2001)106<0216:Raecdo>2.0.Co;2  0.372
2001 Bailey DB, Roberts JE, Mirrett P, Hatton DD. Identifying Infants and Toddlers with Fragile X Syndrome Infants & Young Children. 14: 24-33. DOI: 10.1097/00001163-200114010-00006  0.349
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