Karl K. Berggren - Publications

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 

174 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Charaev I, Batson EK, Cherednichenko S, Reidy K, Drakinskiy V, Yu Y, Lara-Avila S, Thomsen JD, Colangelo M, Incalza F, Ilin K, Schilling A, Berggren KK. Single-photon detection using large-scale high-temperature MgB sensors at 20 K. Nature Communications. 15: 3973. PMID 38729944 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-47353-x  0.667
2022 Dane A, Allmaras J, Zhu D, Onen M, Colangelo M, Baghdadi R, Tambasco JL, Morimoto Y, Forno IE, Charaev I, Zhao Q, Skvortsov M, Kozorezov A, Berggren KK. Self-heating hotspots in superconducting nanowires cooled by phonon black-body radiation. Nature Communications. 13: 5429. PMID 36114177 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-32719-w  0.781
2022 Lin CW, Huang S, Colangelo M, Chen C, Wong FNC, He Y, Berggren KK, Belcher AM. Surface Plasmon Enhanced Upconversion Fluorescence in Short-Wave Infrared for In Vivo Imaging of Ovarian Cancer. Acs Nano. PMID 35849731 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.2c05301  0.57
2022 Colangelo M, Walter AB, Korzh BA, Schmidt E, Bumble B, Lita AE, Beyer AD, Allmaras JP, Briggs RM, Kozorezov AG, Wollman EE, Shaw MD, Berggren KK. Large-Area Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors for Operation at Wavelengths up to 7.4 μm. Nano Letters. PMID 35848767 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c05012  0.662
2022 Chiles J, Charaev I, Lasenby R, Baryakhtar M, Huang J, Roshko A, Burton G, Colangelo M, Van Tilburg K, Arvanitaki A, Nam SW, Berggren KK. New Constraints on Dark Photon Dark Matter with Superconducting Nanowire Detectors in an Optical Haloscope. Physical Review Letters. 128: 231802. PMID 35749181 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.231802  0.648
2022 Prentiss M, Chu A, Berggren KK. Finding the infectious dose for COVID-19 by applying an airborne-transmission model to superspreader events. Plos One. 17: e0265816. PMID 35679278 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0265816  0.447
2021 Nardi A, Turchetti M, Britton W, Chen Y, Yang Y, Dal Negro L, Berggren KK, Keathley PD. Nanoscale refractory doped titanium nitride field emitters. Nanotechnology. PMID 33862600 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/abf8de  0.306
2021 Faramarzi F, Day P, Glasby J, Sypkens S, Colangelo M, Chamberlin R, Mirhosseini M, Schmidt K, Berggren KK, Mauskopf P. Initial Design of a W-Band Superconducting Kinetic Inductance Qubit Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 31: 1-5. DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2021.3065304  0.557
2021 Sypkens S, Faramarzi F, Colangelo M, Sinclair A, Stephenson R, Glasby J, Day P, Berggren K, Mauskopf P. Development of an Array of Kinetic Inductance Magnetometers (KIMs) Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 31: 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2021.3056322  0.579
2021 Colangelo M, Zhu D, Santavicca DF, Butters BA, Bienfang JC, Berggren KK. Compact and Tunable Forward Coupler Based on High-Impedance Superconducting Nanowires Physical Review Applied. 15. DOI: 10.1103/PHYSREVAPPLIED.15.024064  0.626
2021 Baghdadi R, Schmidt E, Jahani S, Charaev I, Müller MGW, Colangelo M, Zhu D, Ilin K, Semenov AD, Jacob Z, Siegel M, Berggren KK. Enhancing the performance of superconducting nanowire-based detectors with high-filling factor by using variable thickness Superconductor Science and Technology. 34: 035010. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6668/ABDBA6  0.623
2021 Hallett L, Charaev I, Agarwal A, Dane A, Colangelo M, Zhu D, Berggren KK. Superconducting MoN thin films prepared by DC reactive magnetron sputtering for nanowire single-photon detectors Superconductor Science and Technology. 34: 035012. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6668/ABDA5F  0.645
2021 Verma VB, Korzh B, Walter AB, Lita AE, Briggs RM, Colangelo M, Zhai Y, Wollman EE, Beyer AD, Allmaras JP, Vora H, Zhu D, Schmidt E, Kozorezov AG, Berggren KK, et al. Single-photon detection in the mid-infrared up to 10 μm wavelength using tungsten silicide superconducting nanowire detectors Apl Photonics. 6: 056101. DOI: 10.1063/5.0048049  0.332
2020 Toomey E, Segall K, Castellani M, Colangelo M, Lynch N, Berggren KK. A superconducting nanowire spiking element for neural networks. Nano Letters. PMID 32965119 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c03057  0.605
2020 Yang Y, Turchetti M, Vasireddy P, Putnam WP, Karnbach O, Nardi A, Kärtner FX, Berggren KK, Keathley PD. Light phase detection with on-chip petahertz electronic networks. Nature Communications. 11: 3407. PMID 32641698 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-020-17250-0  0.378
2020 Zhu D, Colangelo M, Chen C, Korzh BA, Wong FNC, Shaw MD, Berggren KK. Resolving Photon Numbers Using a Superconducting Nanowire with Impedance-Matching Taper. Nano Letters. PMID 32271591 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Nanolett.0C00985  0.713
2020 Nguyen MH, Ribeill GJ, Gustafsson MV, Shi S, Aradhya SV, Wagner AP, Ranzani LM, Zhu L, Baghdadi R, Butters B, Toomey E, Colangelo M, Truitt PA, Jafari-Salim A, McAllister D, ... ... Berggren KK, et al. Cryogenic Memory Architecture Integrating Spin Hall Effect based Magnetic Memory and Superconductive Cryotron Devices. Scientific Reports. 10: 248. PMID 31937815 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-019-57137-9  0.617
2020 Onen M, Turchetti M, Butters BA, Bionta MR, Keathley PD, Berggren KK. Single-Photon Single-Flux Coupled Detectors. Nano Letters. 20: 664-668. PMID 31851520 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Nanolett.9B04440  0.441
2020 Holzgrafe J, Sinclair N, Zhu D, Shams-Ansari A, Colangelo M, Hu Y, Zhang M, Berggren KK, Lončar M. Cavity electro-optics in thin-film lithium niobate for efficient microwave-to-optical transduction Optica. 7: 1714. DOI: 10.1364/optica.397513  0.597
2020 Wang X, Dane AE, Berggren KK, Shaw MD, Mookherjea S, Korzh BA, Weigel PO, Nemchick DJ, Drouin BJ, Becker W, Zhao Q, Zhu D, Colangelo M. Oscilloscopic Capture of Greater-Than-100 GHz, Ultra-Low Power Optical Waveforms Enabled by Integrated Electrooptic Devices Journal of Lightwave Technology. 38: 166-173. DOI: 10.1109/Jlt.2019.2954295  0.671
2020 Charaev I, Morimoto Y, Dane A, Agarwal A, Colangelo M, Berggren KK. Large-area microwire MoSi single-photon detectors at 1550 nm wavelength Applied Physics Letters. 116: 242603. DOI: 10.1063/5.0005439  0.71
2020 Korzh B, Zhao Q, Allmaras JP, Frasca S, Autry TM, Bersin EA, Beyer AD, Briggs RM, Bumble B, Colangelo M, Crouch GM, Dane AE, Gerrits T, Lita AE, Marsili F, ... ... Berggren KK, et al. Demonstration of sub-3 ps temporal resolution with a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector Nature Photonics. 14: 250-255. DOI: 10.1038/S41566-020-0589-X  0.711
2019 Toomey E, Onen M, Colangelo M, Butters BA, McCaughan AN, Berggren KK. Bridging the Gap Between Nanowires and Josephson Junctions: A Superconducting Device Based on Controlled Fluxon Transfer. Physical Review Applied. 11. PMID 32166099 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevapplied.11.034006  0.661
2019 Yang Y, Zhu D, Yan W, Agarwal A, Zheng M, Joannopoulos JD, Lalanne P, Christensen T, Berggren KK, Soljačić M. A general theoretical and experimental framework for nanoscale electromagnetism. Nature. 576: 248-252. PMID 31827292 DOI: 10.1038/S41586-019-1803-1  0.312
2019 Hochberg Y, Charaev I, Nam SW, Verma V, Colangelo M, Berggren KK. Detecting Sub-GeV Dark Matter with Superconducting Nanowires. Physical Review Letters. 123: 151802. PMID 31702301 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.123.151802  0.674
2019 Keathley PD, Putnam WP, Vasireddy P, Hobbs RG, Yang Y, Berggren KK, Kärtner FX. Vanishing Carrier-Envelope-Phase-Sensitive Response in Optical-Field Photoemission from Plasmonic Nanoantennas. Nature Physics. 15: 1128-1133. PMID 31700524 DOI: 10.1038/S41567-019-0613-6  0.321
2019 Onen M, Butters BA, Toomey EA, Gokmen T, Berggren KK. Design and Characterization of Superconducting Nanowire-Based Processors for Acceleration of Deep Neural Network Training. Nanotechnology. PMID 31553955 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/Ab47Bc  0.318
2019 Roques-Carmes C, Kooi SE, Yang Y, Massuda A, Keathley PD, Zaidi A, Yang Y, Joannopoulos JD, Berggren KK, Kaminer I, Soljačić M. Towards integrated tunable all-silicon free-electron light sources. Nature Communications. 10: 3176. PMID 31320664 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-019-11070-7  0.361
2019 Turchetti M, Kim CS, Hobbs R, Yang Y, Kruit P, Berggren KK. Design and simulation of a linear electron cavity for quantum electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy. 199: 50-61. PMID 30772718 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ultramic.2019.01.010  0.331
2019 Toomey E, Colangelo M, Berggren KK. Investigation of ma-N 2400 series photoresist as an electron-beam resist for superconducting nanoscale devices Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 37: 051207. DOI: 10.1116/1.5119516  0.682
2019 Medeiros O, Colangelo M, Charaev I, Berggren KK. Measuring thickness in thin NbN films for superconducting devices Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A. 37: 041501. DOI: 10.1116/1.5088061  0.678
2019 Sinclair AK, Schroeder E, Zhu D, Colangelo M, Glasby J, Mauskopf PD, Mani H, Berggren KK. Demonstration of Microwave Multiplexed Readout of DC-Biased Superconducting Nanowire Detectors Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 29: 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/Tasc.2019.2899329  0.689
2019 Charaev I, Dane A, Agarwal A, Berggren KK. Enhancement of Optical Response in Nanowires by Negative-Tone PMMA Lithography Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 29: 1-5. DOI: 10.1109/Tasc.2019.2898677  0.427
2019 Santavicca DF, Noble B, Kilgore C, Wurtz GA, Colangelo M, Zhu D, Berggren KK. Jitter Characterization of a Dual-Readout SNSPD Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 29: 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/Tasc.2019.2895609  0.689
2019 Frasca S, Korzh B, Colangelo M, Zhu D, Lita AE, Allmaras JP, Wollman EE, Verma VB, Dane AE, Ramirez E, Beyer AD, Nam SW, Kozorezov AG, Shaw MD, Berggren KK. Determining the depairing current in superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors Physical Review B. 100. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.100.054520  0.669
2019 Allmaras JP, Kozorezov AG, Korzh BA, Berggren KK, Shaw MD. Intrinsic Timing Jitter and Latency in Superconducting Nanowire Single-photon Detectors Physical Review Applied. 11. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevapplied.11.034062  0.394
2019 Agarwal A, Berggren KK, Staaden YJv, Goyal VK. Reduced damage in electron microscopy by using interaction-free measurement and conditional reillumination Physical Review A. 99: 63809. DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.99.063809  0.31
2019 Zhu D, Colangelo M, Korzh BA, Zhao Q, Frasca S, Dane AE, Velasco AE, Beyer AD, Allmaras JP, Ramirez E, Strickland WJ, Santavicca DF, Shaw MD, Berggren KK. Erratum: “Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector with integrated impedance-matching taper” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 042601 (2019)] Applied Physics Letters. 114: 229901. DOI: 10.1063/1.5110497  0.691
2019 Zhu D, Colangelo M, Korzh BA, Zhao Q, Frasca S, Dane AE, Velasco AE, Beyer AD, Allmaras JP, Ramirez E, Strickland WJ, Santavicca DF, Shaw MD, Berggren KK. Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector with integrated impedance-matching taper Applied Physics Letters. 114: 042601. DOI: 10.1063/1.5080721  0.677
2019 Glasby JS, Sinclair AK, Mauskopf PD, Mani H, Zhu D, Colangelo M, Berggren KK. Properties of a Nanowire Kinetic Inductance Detector Array Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 199: 631-638. DOI: 10.1007/S10909-019-02288-2  0.702
2018 McCaughan AN, Toomey E, Schneider M, Berggren KK, Nam SW. A kinetic-inductance-based superconducting memory element with shunting and sub-nanosecond write times. Superconductor Science & Technology. 32. PMID 32116414 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6668/Aae50D  0.776
2018 Sunter KA, Berggren KK. Optical modeling of superconducting nanowire single photon detectors using the transfer matrix method: publisher's note. Applied Optics. 57: 5672. PMID 30118080 DOI: 10.1364/Ao.57.005672  0.355
2018 Zhu D, Zhao QY, Choi H, Lu TJ, Dane AE, Englund D, Berggren KK. A scalable multi-photon coincidence detector based on superconducting nanowires. Nature Nanotechnology. PMID 29867085 DOI: 10.1038/S41565-018-0160-9  0.811
2018 Lu TJ, Fanto M, Choi H, Thomas P, Steidle J, Mouradian S, Kong W, Zhu D, Moon H, Berggren K, Kim J, Soltani M, Preble S, Englund D. Aluminum nitride integrated photonics platform for the ultraviolet to visible spectrum. Optics Express. 26: 11147-11160. PMID 29716039 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.26.011147  0.395
2018 Flatabø R, Agarwal A, Hobbs R, Greve MM, Holst B, Berggren KK. Exploring proximity effects and large depth of field in helium ion beam lithography: large-area dense patterns and tilted surface exposure. Nanotechnology. PMID 29652671 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/Aabe22  0.31
2018 Toomey E, Colangelo M, Abedzadeh N, Berggren KK. Influence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide on niobium nitride thin films Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 36: 06JC01. DOI: 10.1116/1.5047427  0.669
2018 Toomey E, Zhao Q, McCaughan AN, Berggren KK. Frequency Pulling and Mixing of Relaxation Oscillations in Superconducting Nanowires Physical Review Applied. 9: 64021. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevapplied.9.064021  0.356
2018 Yang Y, Kim C, Hobbs RG, Kruit P, Berggren KK. Efficient two-port electron beam splitter via a quantum interaction-free measurement Physical Review A. 98: 43621. DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.98.043621  0.341
2018 Berggren KK, Zhao Q, Abebe N, Chen M, Ravindran P, McCaughan A, Bardin JC. A superconducting nanowire can be modeled by using SPICE Superconductor Science and Technology. 31: 055010. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6668/Aab149  0.387
2018 Zhao Q, Toomey EA, Butters BA, McCaughan AN, Dane AE, Nam S, Berggren KK. A compact superconducting nanowire memory element operated by nanowire cryotrons Superconductor Science and Technology. 31: 35009. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6668/Aaa820  0.313
2018 Zhao Q, Santavicca DF, Zhu D, Noble B, Berggren KK. A distributed electrical model for superconducting nanowire single photon detectors Applied Physics Letters. 113: 082601. DOI: 10.1063/1.5040150  0.418
2018 Massuda A, Roques-Carmes C, Yang Y, Kooi SE, Yang Y, Murdia C, Berggren KK, Kaminer I, Soljačić M. Smith–Purcell Radiation from Low-Energy Electrons Acs Photonics. 5: 3513-3518. DOI: 10.1021/Acsphotonics.8B00743  0.311
2018 Schroeder E, Mauskopf P, Mani H, Bryan S, Berggren KK, Zhu D. Operation of a Superconducting Nanowire in Two Detection Modes: KID and SPD Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 194: 386-393. DOI: 10.1007/S10909-018-2075-0  0.362
2017 Ivry Y, Surick JJ, Barzilay M, Kim C, Najafi F, Cohen E, Dane A, Berggren KK. Superconductor-superconductor bilayers for enhancing single-photon detection. Nanotechnology. PMID 28850552 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/Aa8902  0.788
2017 Agarwal A, Kim CS, Hobbs R, Dyck DV, Berggren KK. A nanofabricated, monolithic, path-separated electron interferometer. Scientific Reports. 7: 1677. PMID 28490745 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-017-01466-0  0.352
2017 McCaughan AN, Zhao Q, Berggren KK. Corrigendum: nanoSQUID operation using kinetic rather than magnetic induction. Scientific Reports. 7: 40564. PMID 28079183 DOI: 10.1038/Srep40564  0.753
2017 Flatabø R, Greve MM, Eder SD, Kalläne M, Palau AS, Berggren KK, Holst B. Atom sieve for nanometer resolution neutral helium microscopy Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. B. Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena. 35. DOI: 10.1116/1.4994330  0.362
2017 Zhao Q, McCaughan AN, Dane AE, Berggren KK, Ortlepp T. A nanocryotron comparator can connect single-flux-quantum circuits to conventional electronics Superconductor Science and Technology. 30: 44002. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6668/Aa5F33  0.377
2017 Dane AE, McCaughan AN, Zhu D, Zhao Q, Kim C, Calandri N, Agarwal A, Bellei F, Berggren KK. Bias sputtered NbN and superconducting nanowire devices Applied Physics Letters. 111: 122601. DOI: 10.1063/1.4990066  0.409
2017 Zhao Q, Zhu D, Calandri N, Dane AE, McCaughan AN, Bellei F, Wang H, Santavicca DF, Berggren KK. Single-photon imager based on a superconducting nanowire delay line Nature Photonics. 11: 247-251. DOI: 10.1038/Nphoton.2017.35  0.401
2016 McCaughan AN, Abebe NS, Zhao QY, Berggren KK. Using Geometry To Sense Current. Nano Letters. 16: 7626-7631. PMID 27960481 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Nanolett.6B03593  0.759
2016 Nourbakhsh A, Zubair A, Sajjad RN, Tavakkoli K G A, Chen W, Fang S, Ling X, Kong J, Dresselhaus MS, Kaxiras E, Berggren KK, Antoniadis D, Palacios T. MoS2 Field-Effect Transistor with Sub-10 nm Channel Length. Nano Letters. 16: 7798-7806. PMID 27960446 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Nanolett.6B03999  0.328
2016 McCaughan AN, Zhao Q, Berggren KK. nanoSQUID operation using kinetic rather than magnetic induction. Scientific Reports. 6: 28095. PMID 27296586 DOI: 10.1038/Srep28095  0.774
2016 Hobbs RG, Manfrinato VR, Yang Y, Goodman SA, Zhang L, Stach EA, Berggren KK. High-energy surface and volume plasmons in nanopatterned sub-10-nm aluminum nanostructures. Nano Letters. PMID 27295061 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Nanolett.6B01012  0.325
2016 Kruit P, Hobbs RG, Kim CS, Yang Y, Manfrinato VR, Hammer J, Thomas S, Weber P, Klopfer B, Kohstall C, Juffmann T, Kasevich MA, Hommelhoff P, Berggren KK. Designs for a quantum electron microscope. Ultramicroscopy. 164: 31-45. PMID 26998703 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ultramic.2016.03.004  0.367
2016 Bellei F, Cartwright AP, McCaughan AN, Dane AE, Najafi F, Zhao Q, Berggren KK. Free-space-coupled superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors for infrared optical communications. Optics Express. 24: 3248-57. PMID 26906988 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.24.003248  0.773
2016 Cheng JJ, Nicaise SM, Berggren KK, Gradečak S. Dimensional Tailoring of Hydrothermally Grown Zinc Oxide Nanowire Arrays. Nano Letters. 16: 753-9. PMID 26708095 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Nanolett.5B04625  0.326
2016 Schroeder E, Mauskopf P, Pilyavsky G, Sinclair A, Smith N, Bryan S, Mani H, Morozov D, Berggren K, Zhu D, Smirnov K, Vakhtomin Y. On the measurement of intensity correlations from laboratory and astronomical sources with SPADs and SNSPDs Proceedings of Spie. 9907. DOI: 10.1117/12.2233536  0.387
2016 Calandri N, Zhao QY, Zhu D, Dane A, Berggren KK. Superconducting nanowire detector jitter limited by detector geometry Applied Physics Letters. 109. DOI: 10.1063/1.4963158  0.437
2016 Santavicca DF, Adams JK, Grant LE, McCaughan AN, Berggren KK. Microwave dynamics of high aspect ratio superconducting nanowires studied using self-resonance Journal of Applied Physics. 119: 234302. DOI: 10.1063/1.4954068  0.332
2015 Sunter KA, Dane AE, Lang CI, Berggren KK. Infrared transmissometer to measure the thickness of NbN thin films. Applied Optics. 54: 5743-9. PMID 26193024 DOI: 10.1364/Ao.54.005743  0.793
2015 Nicaise SM, Cheng JJ, Kiani A, Gradečak S, Berggren KK. Control of zinc oxide nanowire array properties with electron-beam lithography templating for photovoltaic applications. Nanotechnology. 26: 075303. PMID 25642895 DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/26/7/075303  0.353
2015 Najafi F, Mower J, Harris NC, Bellei F, Dane A, Lee C, Hu X, Kharel P, Marsili F, Assefa S, Berggren KK, Englund D. On-chip detection of non-classical light by scalable integration of single-photon detectors. Nature Communications. 6: 5873. PMID 25575346 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms6873  0.779
2015 Najafi F, Mower J, Harris N, Bellei F, Dane A, Lee C, Hu X, Mouradian S, Schröder T, Kharel P, Marsili F, Assefa S, Berggren KK, Englund D. Low-jitter single-photon detector arrays integrated with silicon and aluminum nitride photonic chips Cleo: Qels - Fundamental Science, Cleo_qels 2015. 1551p. DOI: 10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2015.FF2A.1  0.309
2015 Shehata BA, Ruggeri A, Stellari F, Weger AJ, Song P, Sunter K, Najafi F, Berggren KK, Anant V. Effect of temperature on superconducting nanowire single-photon detector noise Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 9555. DOI: 10.1117/12.2188234  0.405
2015 Murphy RP, Grein ME, Gudmundsen TJ, McCaughan A, Najafi F, Berggren KK, Marsili F, Dauler EA. Large-Area NbN superconducting nanowire avalanche photon detectors with saturated detection efficiency Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 9492. DOI: 10.1117/12.2178322  0.433
2015 Najafi F, Dane A, Bellei F, Zhao Q, Sunter KA, McCaughan AN, Berggren KK. Fabrication process yielding saturated nanowire single-photon detectors with 24-ps jitter Ieee Journal On Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 21. DOI: 10.1109/Jstqe.2014.2372054  0.456
2014 Hobbs RG, Yang Y, Fallahi A, Keathley PD, De Leo E, Kärtner FX, Graves WS, Berggren KK. High-yield, ultrafast, surface plasmon-enhanced, Au nanorod optical field electron emitter arrays. Acs Nano. 8: 11474-82. PMID 25380557 DOI: 10.1021/Nn504594G  0.355
2014 Hobbs RG, Yang Y, Keathley PD, Swanwick ME, Velásquez-Garcíia LF, Kärtner FX, Graves WS, Berggren KK. High-density Au nanorod optical field-emitter arrays. Nanotechnology. 25: 465304. PMID 25354583 DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/25/46/465304  0.346
2014 Zhao Q, McCaughan AN, Dane AE, Najafi F, Bellei F, De Fazio D, Sunter KA, Ivry Y, Berggren KK. Eight-fold signal amplification of a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector using a multiple-avalanche architecture. Optics Express. 22: 24574-81. PMID 25322033 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.22.024574  0.768
2014 McCaughan AN, Berggren KK. A superconducting-nanowire three-terminal electrothermal device. Nano Letters. 14: 5748-53. PMID 25233488 DOI: 10.1021/Nl502629X  0.809
2014 Manfrinato VR, Wen J, Zhang L, Yang Y, Hobbs RG, Baker B, Su D, Zakharov D, Zaluzec NJ, Miller DJ, Stach EA, Berggren KK. Determining the resolution limits of electron-beam lithography: direct measurement of the point-spread function. Nano Letters. 14: 4406-12. PMID 24960635 DOI: 10.1021/Nl5013773  0.328
2014 Ross CA, Berggren KK, Cheng JY, Jung YS, Chang JB. Three-dimensional nanofabrication by block copolymer self-assembly. Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.). 26: 4386-96. PMID 24706521 DOI: 10.1002/Adma.201400386  0.315
2014 Ivry Y, Kim C, Dane AE, Fazio DD, McCaughan AN, Sunter KA, Zhao Q, Berggren KK. Universal scaling of the critical temperature for thin films near the superconducting-to-insulating transition Physical Review B. 90: 214515. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.90.214515  0.323
2014 McCaughan AN, Berggren KK. A superconducting-nanowire three-terminal electrothermal device Nano Letters. 14: 5748-5753. DOI: 10.1021/nl502629x  0.324
2013 Csete M, Sipos A, Szalai A, Najafi F, Szabó G, Berggren KK. Improvement of infrared single-photon detectors absorptance by integrated plasmonic structures. Scientific Reports. 3: 2406. PMID 23934331 DOI: 10.1038/Srep02406  0.369
2013 Manfrinato VR, Zhang L, Su D, Duan H, Hobbs RG, Stach EA, Berggren KK. Resolution limits of electron-beam lithography toward the atomic scale. Nano Letters. 13: 1555-8. PMID 23488936 DOI: 10.1021/Nl304715P  0.336
2013 Manfrinato VR, Wanger DD, Strasfeld DB, Han HS, Marsili F, Arrieta JP, Mentzel TS, Bawendi MG, Berggren KK. Controlled placement of colloidal quantum dots in sub-15 nm clusters. Nanotechnology. 24: 125302. PMID 23466608 DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/24/12/125302  0.31
2013 Hu X, Najafi F, Mower J, Bellei F, Mao X, Kharel P, Dane A, Ivry Y, McCaughan A, Cheong LL, Berggren KK, Englund DR. On-fiber assembly of membrane-integrated superconducting-nanowire single-photon detectors Frontiers in Optics. DOI: 10.1364/Fio.2013.Fw1C.5  0.353
2013 Zhao Q, McCaughan A, Bellei F, Najafi F, De Fazio D, Dane A, Ivry Y, Berggren KK. Superconducting-nanowire single-photon-detector linear array Applied Physics Letters. 103. DOI: 10.1063/1.4823542  0.442
2013 Berggren KK, Dauler EA, Kerman AJ, Nam SW, Rosenberg D. Detectors Based on Superconductors Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences. 45: 185-216. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-387695-9.00006-8  0.425
2012 Marsili F, Bellei F, Najafi F, Dane AE, Dauler EA, Molnar RJ, Berggren KK. Efficient single photon detection from 500 nm to 5 μm wavelength Nano Letters. 12: 4799-4804. PMID 22889386 DOI: 10.1021/Nl302245N  0.801
2012 Tavakkoli K G A, Gotrik KW, Hannon AF, Alexander-Katz A, Ross CA, Berggren KK. Templating three-dimensional self-assembled structures in bilayer block copolymer films. Science (New York, N.Y.). 336: 1294-8. PMID 22679094 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1218437  0.304
2012 Correa RE, Dauler EA, Nair G, Pan SH, Rosenberg D, Kerman AJ, Molnar RJ, Hu X, Marsili F, Anant V, Berggren KK, Bawendi MG. Single photon counting from individual nanocrystals in the infrared. Nano Letters. 12: 2953-8. PMID 22624846 DOI: 10.1021/Nl300642K  0.431
2012 Chang JB, Son JG, Hannon AF, Alexander-Katz A, Ross CA, Berggren KK. Aligned sub-10-nm block copolymer patterns templated by post arrays. Acs Nano. 6: 2071-7. PMID 22356624 DOI: 10.1021/Nn203767S  0.305
2012 Csete M, Sipos A, Najafi F, Berggren KK. Optimized polar-azimuthal orientations for polarized light illumination of different superconducting nanowire single-photon detector designs Journal of Nanophotonics. 6. DOI: 10.1117/1.Jnp.6.063523  0.31
2012 Witharana S, Phillips B, Strobel S, Kim HD, McKrell T, Chang JB, Buongiorno J, Berggren KK, Chen L, Ding Y. Bubble nucleation on nano- to micro-size cavities and posts: An experimental validation of classical theory Journal of Applied Physics. 112. DOI: 10.1063/1.4752758  0.309
2012 Hortensius HL, Driessen EFC, Klapwijk TM, Berggren KK, Clem JR. Critical-current reduction in thin superconducting wires due to current crowding Applied Physics Letters. 100: 182602. DOI: 10.1063/1.4711217  0.334
2012 Najafi F, Marsili F, Dauler EA, Molnar RJ, Berggren KK. Timing performance of 30-nm-wide superconducting nanowire avalanche photodetectors Applied Physics Letters. 100: 152602. DOI: 10.1063/1.3703588  0.441
2012 Marsili F, Najafi F, Dauler E, Molnar RJ, Berggren KK. Afterpulsing and instability in superconducting nanowire avalanche photodetectors Applied Physics Letters. 100: 112601. DOI: 10.1063/1.3691944  0.436
2011 Csete M, Sipos Á, Najafi F, Hu X, Berggren KK. Numerical method to optimize the polar-azimuthal orientation of infrared superconducting-nanowire single-photon detectors. Applied Optics. 50: 5949-56. PMID 22086019 DOI: 10.1364/Ao.50.005949  0.371
2011 Son JG, Chang JB, Berggren KK, Ross CA. Assembly of sub-10-nm block copolymer patterns with mixed morphology and period using electron irradiation and solvent annealing. Nano Letters. 11: 5079-84. PMID 21992516 DOI: 10.1021/Nl203445H  0.314
2011 Winston D, Manfrinato VR, Nicaise SM, Cheong LL, Duan H, Ferranti D, Marshman J, McVey S, Stern L, Notte J, Berggren KK. Neon Ion Beam Lithography (NIBL). Nano Letters. 11: 4343-7. PMID 21899279 DOI: 10.1021/Nl202447N  0.317
2011 Duan H, Yang JKW, Berggren KK. Controlled collapse of high-aspect-ratio nanostructures Small. 7: 2661-2668. PMID 21809444 DOI: 10.1002/Smll.201100892  0.311
2011 Son JG, Gwyther J, Chang JB, Berggren KK, Manners I, Ross CA. Highly ordered square arrays from a templated ABC triblock terpolymer. Nano Letters. 11: 2849-55. PMID 21678903 DOI: 10.1021/Nl201262F  0.316
2011 Marsili F, Najafi F, Dauler E, Bellei F, Hu X, Csete M, Molnar RJ, Berggren KK. Single-photon detectors based on ultranarrow superconducting nanowires. Nano Letters. 11: 2048-53. PMID 21456546 DOI: 10.1021/Nl2005143  0.466
2011 Hu X, Dauler EA, Molnar RJ, Berggren KK. Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors integrated with optical nano-antennae. Optics Express. 19: 17-31. PMID 21263538 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.19.000017  0.407
2011 Csete M, Sipos A, Najafi F, Berggren KK. Polar-azimuthal angle dependent efficiency of different infrared superconducting nanowire single-photon detector designs Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 8155. DOI: 10.1117/12.893879  0.348
2011 Oven JCv, Berwald F, Berggren KK, Kruit P, Hagen CW. Electron-beam-induced deposition of 3-nm-half-pitch patterns on bulk Si Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 29. DOI: 10.1116/1.3640743  0.315
2011 Dauler EA, Kerman AJ, Rosenberg D, Pan S, Grein ME, Molnar RJ, Correa RE, Bawendi MG, Berggren KK, Moores JD, Boroson DM. Superconducting nanowire single photon detectors Ieee Photonic Society 24th Annual Meeting, Pho 2011. 350-351. DOI: 10.1109/Pho.2011.6110571  0.442
2011 Clem JR, Berggren KK. Geometry-dependent critical currents in superconducting nanocircuits Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 84. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.84.174510  0.316
2011 Marsili F, Najafi F, Herder CH, Berggren KK. Electrothermal simulation of superconducting nanowire avalanche photodetectors Applied Physics Letters. 98: 93507. DOI: 10.1063/1.3560458  0.376
2011 Manfrinato VR, Cheong LL, Duan H, Winston D, Smith HI, Berggren KK. Sub-5 keV electron-beam lithography in hydrogen silsesquioxane resist Microelectronic Engineering. 88: 3070-3074. DOI: 10.1016/J.Mee.2011.05.024  0.345
2011 Berggren KK, Anant V, Baek B, Dauler E, Hu X, Kerman AJ, Marsili F, Mirin RP, Molnar R, Nam SW, Najafi F, Stevens MJ, Wong F, Zhong T. Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.336
2010 Strobel S, Kirkendall C, Chang JB, Berggren KK. Sub-10 nm structures on silicon by thermal dewetting of platinum. Nanotechnology. 21: 505301. PMID 21098926 DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/21/50/505301  0.314
2010 Duan H, Berggren KK. Directed self-assembly at the 10 nm scale by using capillary force-induced nanocohesion. Nano Letters. 10: 3710-6. PMID 20704183 DOI: 10.1021/Nl102259S  0.329
2010 Zhong T, Hu X, Wong FN, Berggren KK, Roberts TD, Battle P. High-quality fiber-optic polarization entanglement distribution at 1.3 microm telecom wavelength. Optics Letters. 35: 1392-4. PMID 20436580 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.35.001392  0.359
2010 Stevens MJ, Baek B, Dauler EA, Kerman AJ, Molnar RJ, Hamilton SA, Berggren KK, Mirin RP, Nam SW. High-order temporal coherences of chaotic and laser light. Optics Express. 18: 1430-7. PMID 20173970 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.18.001430  0.402
2010 Jung YS, Chang JB, Verploegen E, Berggren KK, Ross CA. A path to ultranarrow patterns using self-assembled lithography. Nano Letters. 10: 1000-5. PMID 20146429 DOI: 10.1021/Nl904141R  0.31
2010 Ross CA, Jung YS, Chuang VP, Son JG, Gotrik KW, Mickiewicz RA, Yang JKW, Chang JB, Berggren KK, Gwyther J, Manners I. Templated self-assembly of Si-containing block copolymers for nanoscale device fabrication Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 7637. DOI: 10.1117/12.848502  0.328
2010 Duan H, Manfrinato VR, Yang JKW, Winston D, Cord BM, Berggren KK. Metrology for electron-beam lithography and resist contrast at the sub-10 nm scale Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 28. DOI: 10.1116/1.3501359  0.35
2010 Duan H, Winston D, Yang JKW, Cord BM, Manfrinato VR, Berggren KK. Sub-10-nm half-pitch electron-beam lithography by using poly(methyl methacrylate) as a negative resist Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. B. Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena. 28. DOI: 10.1116/1.3501353  0.358
2009 Hu X, Zhong T, White JE, Dauler EA, Najafi F, Herder CH, Wong FN, Berggren KK. Fiber-coupled nanowire photon counter at 1550 nm with 24% system detection efficiency. Optics Letters. 34: 3607-9. PMID 19953135 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.34.003607  0.385
2009 Morecroft D, Yang JKW, Schuster S, Berggren KK, Xia Q, Wu W, Williams RS. Sub- 15 nm nanoimprint molds and pattern transfer Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 27: 2837-2840. DOI: 10.1116/1.3264670  0.308
2009 Yang JKW, Cord B, Duan H, Berggren KK, Klingfus J, Nam SW, Kim KB, Rooks MJ. Understanding of hydrogen silsesquioxane electron resist for sub-5-nm-half-pitch lithography Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 27: 2622-2627. DOI: 10.1116/1.3253652  0.321
2009 Cord B, Yang J, Duan H, Joy DC, Klingfus J, Berggren KK. Limiting factors in sub- 10 nm scanning-electron-beam lithography Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 27: 2616-2621. DOI: 10.1116/1.3253603  0.345
2009 Fucetola CP, Korre H, Berggren KK. Low-cost interference lithography Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 27: 2958-2961. DOI: 10.1116/1.3245990  0.331
2009 Hu X, Holzwarth CW, Masciarelli D, Dauler EA, Berggren KK. Efficiently Coupling Light to Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 19: 336-340. DOI: 10.1109/Tasc.2009.2018035  0.383
2009 Yang JKW, Kerman AJ, Dauler EA, Cord B, Anant V, Molnar RJ, Berggren KK. Suppressed critical current in superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors with high fill-factors Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 19: 318-322. DOI: 10.1109/Tasc.2009.2017953  0.446
2009 Bylander J, Rudner MS, Shytov AV, Valenzuela SO, Berns DM, Berggren KK, Levitov LS, Oliver WD. Pulse imaging and nonadiabatic control of solid-state artificial atoms Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 80. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.80.220506  0.306
2009 Kerman AJ, Yang JKW, Molnar RJ, Dauler EA, Berggren KK. Electrothermal feedback in superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 79. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.79.100509  0.423
2009 Dauler EA, Kerman AJ, Robinson BS, Yang JKW, Voronov B, Goltsman G, Hamilton SA, Berggren KK. Photon-number-resolution with sub-30-ps timing using multi-element superconducting nanowire single photon detectors Journal of Modern Optics. 56: 364-373. DOI: 10.1080/09500340802411989  0.451
2008 Wu W, Tong WM, Bartman J, Chen Y, Walmsley R, Yu Z, Xia Q, Park I, Picciotto C, Gao J, Wang SY, Morecroft D, Yang J, Berggren KK, Williams RS. Sub-10 nm nanoimprint lithography by wafer bowing. Nano Letters. 8: 3865-9. PMID 18837563 DOI: 10.1021/Nl802295N  0.308
2008 Anant V, Kerman AJ, Dauler EA, Yang JK, Rosfjord KM, Berggren KK. Optical properties of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. Optics Express. 16: 10750-61. PMID 18607491 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.16.010750  0.426
2008 Dauler E, Molnar R, Kerman AJ, Robinson BS, Anant V, Hu X, Yang J, Berggren KK. High-fidelity photon-number-resolution using multi-element superconducting nanowire single photon detectors Conference On Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (Qels) - Technical Digest Series. DOI: 10.1109/QELS.2008.4553066  0.314
2008 Dauler EA, Stevens MJ, Baek B, Molnar RJ, Hamilton SA, Mirin RP, Nam SW, Berggren KK. Measuring intensity correlations with a two-element superconducting nanowire single-photon detector Physical Review A. 78. DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.78.053826  0.312
2007 Robinson BS, Kerman AJ, Dauler EA, Boroson DM, Hamilton SA, Yang JKW, Anant V, Berggren KK. Demonstration of Gigabit-per-second and higher data rates at extremely high efficiency using superconducting nanowire single photon detectors Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 6709. DOI: 10.1117/12.738498  0.398
2007 Yang JKW, Berggren KK. Using high-contrast salty development of hydrogen silsesquioxane for sub-10-nm half-pitch lithography Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 25: 2025-2029. DOI: 10.1116/1.2801881  0.306
2007 Cord B, Lutkenhaus J, Berggren KK. Optimal temperature for development of poly(methylmethacrylate) Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 25: 2013-2016. DOI: 10.1116/1.2799978  0.31
2007 Moon EE, Kupec J, Mondol MK, Smith HI, Berggren KK. Atomic-force lithography with interferometric tip-to-substrate position metrology Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 25: 2284-2287. DOI: 10.1116/1.2787794  0.314
2007 Harrer S, Yang JKW, Salvatore GA, Berggren KK, Ilievski F, Ross CA. Pattern Generation by Using Multistep Room-Temperature Nanoimprint Lithography Ieee Transactions On Nanotechnology. 6: 639-644. DOI: 10.1109/Tnano.2007.907769  0.321
2007 Yang JKW, Kerman AJ, Dauler EA, Anant V, Rosfjord KM, Berggren KK. Modeling the electrical and thermal response of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 17: 581-585. DOI: 10.1109/Tasc.2007.898660  0.383
2007 Dauler EA, Robinson BS, Kerman AJ, Yang JKW, Rosfjord KM, Anant V, Voronov B, Gol'tsman G, Berggren KK. Multi-element superconducting nanowire single-photon detector Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 17: 279-284. DOI: 10.1109/Tasc.2007.897372  0.418
2007 Kerman AJ, Dauler EA, Yang JKW, Rosfjord KM, Anant V, Berggren KK, Gol'tsman GN, Voronov BM. Constriction-limited detection efficiency of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors Applied Physics Letters. 90. DOI: 10.1063/1.2696926  0.426
2006 Rosfjord KM, Yang JK, Dauler EA, Kerman AJ, Anant V, Voronov BM, Gol'tsman GN, Berggren KK. Nanowire single-photon detector with an integrated optical cavity and anti-reflection coating. Optics Express. 14: 527-34. PMID 19503367 DOI: 10.1364/Opex.14.000527  0.435
2006 Valenzuela SO, Oliver WD, Berns DM, Berggren KK, Levitov LS, Orlando TP. Microwave-induced cooling of a superconducting qubit. Science (New York, N.Y.). 314: 1589-92. PMID 17158325 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1134008  0.307
2006 Robinson BS, Kerman AJ, Dauler EA, Barron RJ, Caplan DO, Stevens ML, Carney JJ, Hamilton SA, Yang JK, Berggren KK. 781 Mbit/s photon-counting optical communications using a superconducting nanowire detector. Optics Letters. 31: 444-6. PMID 16496881 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.31.000444  0.386
2006 Yang JKW, Anant V, Berggren KK. Enhancing etch resistance of hydrogen silsesquioxane via postdevelop electron curing Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 24: 3157-3161. DOI: 10.1116/1.2395949  0.307
2006 Cord B, Dames C, Berggren KK, Aumentado J. Robust shadow-mask evaporation via lithographically controlled undercut Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 24: 3139-3143. DOI: 10.1116/1.2375090  0.338
2006 Dauler EA, Kerman AJ, Robinson BS, Yang JKW, Voronov BM, Gol'tsman GN, Berggren KK. Achieving high counting rates in superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors Conference On Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Cleo/Qels 2006. DOI: 10.1109/CLEO.2006.4628619  0.314
2006 Kerman AJ, Dauler EA, Keicher WE, Yang JKW, Berggren KK, Gol'tsman G, Voronov B. Kinetic-inductance-limited reset time of superconducting nanowire photon counters Applied Physics Letters. 88. DOI: 10.1063/1.2183810  0.424
2005 Oliver WD, Yu Y, Lee JC, Berggren KK, Levitov LS, Orlando TP. Mach-Zehnder interferometry in a strongly driven superconducting qubit. Science (New York, N.Y.). 310: 1653-7. PMID 16282527 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1119678  0.345
2005 Anant V, Rädmark M, Abouraddy AF, Killian TC, Berggren KK. Pumped quantum systems: Immersion fluids of the future? Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 23: 2662-2667. DOI: 10.1116/1.2121732  0.328
2005 Lee JC, Oliver WD, Orlando TP, Berggren KK. Resonant readout of a persistent current qubit Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 15: 841-844. DOI: 10.1109/Tasc.2005.850077  0.305
2005 Yang JKW, Dauler E, Ferri A, Pearlman A, Verevkin A, Gol'tsman G, Voronov B, Sobolewski R, Keicher WE, Berggren KK. Fabrication development for nanowire GHz-counting-rate single-photon detectors Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 15: 626-630. DOI: 10.1109/Tasc.2005.849971  0.444
2004 Crankshaw DS, Segall K, Nakada D, Orlando TP, Levitov LS, Lloyd S, Valenzuela SO, Markovic N, Tinkham M, Berggren KK. dc measurements of macroscopic quantum levels in a superconducting qubit structure with a time-ordered meter Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 69: 144518-1-144518-9. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.69.144518  0.333
2003 Segall K, Crankshaw DS, Nakada D, Singh B, Lee J, Orlando TP, Berggren KK, Markovic N, Valenzuela SO, Tinkham M. Experimental characterization of the two current states in a Nb persistent-current qubit Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 13: 1009-1012. DOI: 10.1109/Tasc.2003.814126  0.313
2003 Nakada D, Berggren KK, Macedo E, Liberman V, Orlando TP. Improved critical-current-density uniformity by using anodization Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 13: 111-114. DOI: 10.1109/Tasc.2003.813658  0.348
2003 Segall K, Crankshaw D, Nakada D, Orlando TP, Levitov LS, Lloyd S, Markovic N, Valenzuela SO, Tinkham M, Berggren KK. Impact of time-ordered measurements of the two states in a niobium superconducting qubit structure Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 67: 2205061-2205064. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.67.220506  0.331
2002 Orlando TP, Lloyd S, Levitov LS, Berggren KK, Feldman MJ, Bocko MF, Mooij JE, Harmans CJP, Van Der Wal CH. Flux-based superconducting qubits for quantum computation Physica C: Superconductivity and Its Applications. 372: 194-200. DOI: 10.1016/S0921-4534(02)00652-4  0.332
1999 Berggren KK, Macedo EM, Feld DA, Sage JP. Low Tc superconductive circuits fabricated on 150-mm-diameter wafers using a doubly planarized Nb/AlOx/Nb process Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 9: 3271-3274. DOI: 10.1109/77.783727  0.362
1998 Johnson KS, Thywissen JH, Dekker NH, Berggren KK, Chu AP, Younkin R, Prentiss M. Localization of metastable atom beams with optical standing waves: nanolithography at the heisenberg limit Science (New York, N.Y.). 280: 1583-6. PMID 9616117 DOI: 10.1126/Science.280.5369.1583  0.779
1998 Johnson KS, Thywissen JH, Dekker NH, Chu AP, Younkin R, Berggren KK, Prentiss M. Atom lithography using standing-wave quenching Technical Digest - European Quantum Electronics Conference. 166-167.  0.736
1997 Younkin RJ, Berggren KK, Cheung EL, Johnson KS, Prentiss MG, Black AJ, Whitesides GM, Ralph DC, Black CT, Tinkham M. Demonstration of a nanolithographic system using a self-assembled monolayer resist for neutral atomic cesium Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 2995: 109-120. DOI: 10.1117/12.273747  0.47
1997 Bard A, Berggren KK, Wilbur JL, Gillaspy JD, Rolston SL, McClelland JJ, Phillips WD, Prentiss M, Whitesides GM. Self-assembled monolayers exposed by metastable argon and metastable helium for neutral atom lithography and atomic beam imaging Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 15: 1805-1810. DOI: 10.1116/1.589529  0.557
1997 Thywissen JH, Johnson KS, Younkin R, Dekker NH, Berggren KK, Chu AP, Prentiss M, Lee SA. Nanofabrication using neutral atomic beams Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 15: 2093-2100. DOI: 10.1116/1.589227  0.784
1997 Younkin R, Berggren KK, Johnson KS, Prentiss M, Ralph DC, Whitesides GM. Nanostructure fabrication in silicon using cesium to pattern a self-assembled monolayer Applied Physics Letters. 71: 1261-1263. DOI: 10.1063/1.119867  0.581
1997 Johnson KS, Berggren KK, Black AJ, Black CT, Chu AP, Dekker NH, Ralph DC, Thywissen JH, Younkin RJ, Prentiss MG, Tinkham M, Whitesides GM. Using neutral metastable argon atoms and contamination lithography to form nanostructures in silicon, silicon dioxide, and gold Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 2995: 97-108. DOI: 10.1063/1.117671  0.775
1997 Prentiss M, Berggren KK, Younkin R, Cheung E, Tinkham M, Ralph DC, Black CT, Whitesides GM, Black AJ. Demonstration of a nanolithographic technique using a self-assembled monolayer resist for neutral atomic cesium Advanced Materials. 9: 52-55. DOI: 10.1002/Adma.19970090111  0.523
1996 Johnson KS, Chu AP, Berggren KK, Prentiss M. Demonstration of a blazed grating beam splitter for two-level atoms Optics Communications. 126: 326-338. DOI: 10.1016/0030-4018(96)00045-4  0.568
1995 Johnson KS, Chu A, Lynn TW, Berggren KK, Shahriar MS, Prentiss M. Demonstration of a nonmagnetic blazed-grating atomic beam splitter. Optics Letters. 20: 1310-2. PMID 19859509 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.20.001310  0.565
1995 Berggren KK, Bard A, Wilbur JL, Gillaspy JD, Helg AG, McClelland JJ, Rolston SL, Phillips WD, Prentiss M, Whitesides GM. Microlithography by using neutral metastable atoms and self-assembled monolayers. Science (New York, N.Y.). 269: 1255-7. PMID 7652572 DOI: 10.1126/Science.7652572  0.547
1992 Timp G, Behringer RE, Tennant DM, Cunningham JE, Prentiss M, Berggren KK. Using light as a lens for submicron, neutral-atom lithography. Physical Review Letters. 69: 1636-1639. PMID 10046275 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.69.1636  0.58
1992 Hemmer PR, Shahriar MS, Prentiss M, Katz DP, Berggren K, Mervis J, Bigelow NP. First observation of forces on three-level atoms in Raman resonant standing-wave optical fields. Physical Review Letters. 68: 3148-3151. PMID 10045626 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.68.3148  0.558
Show low-probability matches.