Stanford University & HHMI

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ali CetinNeuronal Circuitry2019 Mark Schnitzer (research scientist)
Shanna H. CoopVisual system, Attention, and Primate Behavior Neurobiology2022 Tirin Moore (post-doc)
Vardhan S. Danineocortex, development Biology Liqun Luo (grad student)
Antonia DrinnenbergNeuronal circuits, Mammalian visual system Department of Bioengineering2018 Karl Deisseroth (post-doc)
R Becket Ebitzattention, decision-making, internal states20132017 Tirin Moore (post-doc)
Ellen C Gingrich Biology2018 Liqun Luo (grad student)
Cheng HuangOlfactory learning memory of drosophila Biology20172023 Mark Schnitzer (post-doc), Mark Schnitzer (research scientist)
Man Jiangsynapse, microcircuit2013 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Jan H. LuiCortical Development and Connectivity2014 Liqun Luo (post-doc)
Fujun Luosynapse formation and function20132019 Thomas C. Sudhof (research scientist)
Jesse D. MarshallMotor Systems, Striatum, Technology Development Biology & Applied Physics20102016 Mark Schnitzer (grad student)
Siavash Moghadami Chemistry2022 Carolyn R. Bertozzi (grad student)
Susanne ResslSynapse, receptors, adhesion, structure biology MCB MCB20102014 Axel Brunger (post-doc), Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Justin H. Trottercellular and molecular mechanisms involved in learning and memory MCP Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Christopher P. Tzeng
Robert J. Wechsler-ReyaCerebellar development, brain tumors19972001 Matthew P. Scott (post-doc)
Yunming Wu
Peng YuanAlzheimer's disease, microscopy Biology2016 Mark Schnitzer (post-doc)
Mengyang Zhang Neurology20162022 Jaime Grutzendler (grad student)
Qiangjun ZhouMolecular Neuroscience, Structural biology