University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
José Ricardo Arruda Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de RIbeirão Preto Oswaldo Baffa (grad student)
Oswaldo Baffa
Heitor BaldoBrain Networks, Graph Theory, Algebraic Topology
Romariz S. Barros19951998 Maria Helena Leite (grad student)
Luciano Basso
Vitor Ferreira Camposexperimental psychology
Luciano DF CoastNetwork Science
Gabriel Araujo CostaNeuroscience, Alcohol, Epigenetics Pharmacology20152020 Rosana Camarini (grad student)
Alexandre S. Cristino Luciano DF Coast (grad student), Zila Simoes (grad student)
Marcus Bentes de Maria Amélia Matos (grad student)
Emmanuel Dias-Neto
Breno Diniz Department of Psychiatry20102014 Orestes Vicente Forlenza (grad student)
Rebekah Coleman EvansBasal Ganglia Merav Opher (grad student)
Orestes Vicente Forlenza
Flavia Freitas Alexandre S. Cristino (grad student)
Wagner F. Gattaz Emmanuel Dias-Neto (collaborator)
Maria Fernanda Rodrigues GuimarãesVisual attention Department of Phisiology2022 Gustavo Rohenkohl (grad student)
Francisco Silveira Guimaraescannabinoids, nitric oxide, anxiety, depression, stress, glutamate Antonio Waldo Zuardi (grad student)
Fernanda Krieger Argyris Stringaris (research scientist)
Maria Helena Leite
Sabrina Francesca de Souza Lisboa Francisco Silveira Guimaraes (grad student)
Dielly LopesEstrogen, Endocrine, Hypoxia, Ischemia Carolina Demarchi Munhoz (grad student)
Aldo Bolten Lucion Physiology Miguel Covian (grad student)
Rodrigo S MaedaSensorimotor Neuroscience, Motor Control, Neurophysiology School of Physical Education and Sport20112011 Luis A. Teixeira (grad student)
Lucas Murrins MarquesSocial and Affective Neuroscience
Daniel Martins-de-SouzaProteomics, Psychiatry, Biomarkers, Schizophrenia, Depression, Mass Spectrometry20042008 Emmanuel Dias-Neto (grad student), Wagner F. Gattaz (grad student)
Carla Mazzitellielectrophysiology, vision, visual evoked potential Experimental Psychology19982002 Dora Selma Fix Ventura (grad student)
Gabriela Mueller de MeloPerception, Vision Gustavo Rohenkohl (grad student)
Carolina Demarchi Munhoz
Shirley Steffany Muñoz FernándezNutrition in Neuropsychiatry
Matheus M Pachecomotor control, motor learning, motor development School of Physical Education and Sport Luciano Basso (grad student)
Marcos V PaisAlzheimer's disease, biomarkers, dementia, cognition Department of Psychiatry2020 Orestes Vicente Forlenza (grad student)
Pedro Rosa Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory, Department of Psychiatry and Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School20132013 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (grad student)
Matheus Teixeira RossignoliCannabidiol, endocannabinoid, electrophysiology, ketamine, animal models, stress
Leonardo Santana NovaesBody-brain circuit, Neuropharmacology, Neuropsychopharmacology, Stress, Behavioral neuroscience Pharmacology20182023 Carolina Demarchi Munhoz (post-doc)
Zila SimoesApis Mellifera
Paulo Dillon Soares-FilhoBehavior Analysis, Behavior Economics, Choice, Substance Use Department of Psychology20102014 Gerson Tomanari (grad student)
Victor H. SouzaBrain stimulation, Neuronavigation, Neuroscience, Brain, Motor system Departamento de Física20142018 Oswaldo Baffa (grad student)
Luis A. Teixeira
Ana TerzianNeuroscience, pharmacology, psychopharmacology
Gerson Tomanari
Sergio Akira UyemuraMitochondria