Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Percival Baileyneurology, neurosurgery19321932 Otfrid Foerster (research scientist)
Alfred BielschowskyOphthalmology, Eye movements
Ferdinand Julius CohnPlant physiologist, bacteriologist
Richard FoersterTextual Criticism, Art Histoy, Greek orators of Late Antiquity, Physiognomonics, Classical Tradition, Greek Mythology18611866 Martin Hertz (grad student)
Otfrid Foerster
Kurt Goldstein psychiatry and neurology, Gestalt Psychollogy1903 Carl Wernicke (grad student)
Adolph Eduard GrubeZoology, crustaceans, annelids
Rudolf HeidenhainPhysiology
Martin Hertz
Ernst Laqueurpharmacology, sex hormones (testosterone)1905 Franz Röhmann (grad student)
Otto Richard Lummer
Wilder Penfieldneurosurgery, stimulation19281928 Otfrid Foerster (research scientist)
Adolf StrümpellNeurology
Gabriel Gustav Valentin Jan Evangelista Purkinje (grad student)
Erich Waetzmann1907 Otto Richard Lummer (post-doc)
Karl WeigertNeuropathology Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz (grad student)
Carl WernickeNeurology, neuropsychiatry, neuropathology