Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ruedi AebersoldProteomics
Ashish KUmar AgrawalComputer Vision
John AllisonSensory systems neurophysiology19961999 Kevan A. Martin (post-doc)
Lukas Christoph Bachmannbrainstem, spinal cord injury, locomotion, deep brain stimulation Ueli Suter (research assistant), Martin E. Schwab (grad student)
Yawen Bai
Joshua Henk BalstersCognitive Neuroscience Nicole Wenderoth (post-doc)
Kanchan BishtMicroglia, Dark microglia, Stress, Spinal cord injury, stroke20122014 Martin E. Schwab (grad student)
Chris BoeschBiophysics1979 Kurt Wüthrich (grad student)
James Frederick Bonner1935 Albert Frey-Wyssling (post-doc)
Alexandre MJJ BonvinProtein-protein interactions, docking19961998 Wilfred F. van Gunsteren (research scientist)
Daniel Brantonbiophysics1963 Hans J. Moor (post-doc), Kurt Mühlethaler (post-doc)
Mustafa Cavusoglu Kamil (Kâmil Uğurbil) Ugurbil (grad student)
Christophe Chassard Christophe Lacroix (post-doc)
Francis Colas
Minor J. Cooncytochrome P450 Chemistry1961 Vladimir Prelog (research scientist)
Jihong Cuimammary stem cell and breast cancer stem cell20112015 Michael Detmar (grad student)
Reinhard Dechant
William P. Dempsey20122013 Periklis Pantazis (post-doc)
Michael Detmar
Denniz Dönmez Management, Technology, and Economics20152016 Matthew James/J. Kerry (grad student)
Sylvain Nicolas DubroquaLearning and memory, GlyT1, NMDAR20082011 Joram Feldon (grad student)
Lewis Libman EngelSteroid Hormones19351936 Leopold Ružička (post-doc)
Bernhard Englitzcomputation & theory, auditory system Peter König (research assistant)
David M. FerreroOlfactory system20052006 Richard H.R. Hahnloser (research assistant)
Amalia Floriou-Servou D-HEST20162020 Johannes Bohacek (grad student)
Peter K. GieseLearning & Memory19891992 Melitta Schachner (grad student)
Markus Gross
Rolf Gruettermagnetic resonance in medicine1990 Kurt Wüthrich (grad student)
Daniel Arturo GutierrezCardiac Ca signaling
jonas hauserneuroscience, behaviour
Michael HeidelbergerImmunology1912 Richard Willstätter (post-doc)
Jakob HeinzleNeural Computation, fMRI2012 Klaas Enno Stephan (research scientist)
Sonja Seraina HohlVisual system20022003 Peter König (research assistant)
Zhikai Huangcomputational neuroscience
Peter Jost Huber1962 Heinz Hopf (grad student), Beno Eckmann (grad student)
Andrea B. Huber BrösamleDevelopment, Axon Guidance, Neurodegeneration19971999 Martin E. Schwab (grad student)
Khadeesh Imtiaz Brain Research Institute20152021 Sebastian Jessberger (grad student)
Sebastian Jessberger
Pegah Kassraian
Christoph KayserVisual system Kevan A. Martin (research scientist)
Sanne Kikkert Nicole Wenderoth (post-doc)
Louis Kollros
Guy LabanHuman-Robot interaction, Social Robotics, Affective Computing, Conversational Agents20192023 Emily S. Cross (grad student)
Marie A Labouessecircuit neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, postnatal development D-HEST D-HEST20122015 Wolfgang Langhans (grad student), Urs Meyer (grad student)
Christophe Lacroix
Alexandra LandsmanLaser physics
Wolfgang Langhans
Simon Leipold
Quanying Liubrain connectivity Nicole Wenderoth (grad student)
Samir K MajiNeurodegenerative diseases, Synucleins, p53, amyloid Chemistry and Applied Biosciences20062008 Roland Riek (post-doc)
Christoph Mathyssystems neuroscience, predictive coding, disorders of the mind20092012 Klaas Enno Stephan (grad student), Klaas Pruessmann (grad student)
Gerlinde A.S. MetzParkinson's disease, stroke, spinal cord injury, recovery of function19961999 Martin E. Schwab (grad student), Joram Feldon (grad student)
Urs Meyer
Kenny John MitchellComputer Graphics CGAL Markus Gross (research scientist)
Manuel Alexander Mohr Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE)20152018 Periklis Pantazis (grad student)
Chrit MoonenfMRI1983 Kurt Wüthrich (post-doc)
Alice C. MosbergerMotor control and rehabilitation, motor learning Dept of Biology20112015 Martin E. Schwab (grad student)
Johann Jakob Müllerphysiology, physics
Anna MuraTNF, Parkinson's disease
Ruiqing NiAlzheimer's disease. PET, MRI, Photoacoustics, Neuroimaging; Diagnosis
Yuri Anatoly OvchinnikovBiochemistry, Molecular Biology Vladimir Prelog (post-doc)
Saee G. PaliwalMachine Learning
Matthias Peter
Randall J Platt
Rafael PolaniaDecision-making, brain stimulation, reward, neuroeconomics
Helen HJ PothuizenBehavioural neuroscience20012005 Joram Feldon (grad student)
Horst Michael PrasserFluid mechanics, Multiphase flows, Measurement technology, Nuclear reactor safety, Heat and mass transfer
Klaas Pruessmann2000 Peter Boesiger (grad student)
Roland Riek
Shady Saad D-Biol20112016 Matthias Peter (grad student), Reinhard Dechant (grad student)
Alessandro Santuzlocomotion, proprioception, motor control Institute for Biomechanics20202021 Navrag Singh (post-doc)
Hamdy ShabanNeuroscience19992002 Christopher Richter (research scientist)
Navrag Singh
Leo SternbachPharmocology
Volker Steubercomputational neuroscience, systems biology, biocomputation Melitta Schachner (research assistant)
Wenfei Sun HEST20142021 Christian Wolfrum (grad student)
Arjun VijaykumarTissue Engineering D-MATL André Studart (grad student)
Pascal VrtickaSocial Cognitive Affective Neuroscience20042006 Martin E. Schwab (grad student)
Jean-Claude Walser
Adrian A WannerNeuroscience, connectomics, electron microscopy, neuronal circuits Institute for Neuroinformatics20092016 Richard H.R. Hahnloser (grad student)
Rebecca Zoe WeberNeuroscience Biology Biology20182019 Ruslan Rust (grad student), Martin E. Schwab (grad student)
Felix W. WehrliStructural NMR Imaging1970 Wilhelm Simon (grad student)
Victor Frederick Weisskopf19331936 Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (research scientist)
Alfred Werner1890 Georg Lunge (research assistant)
Christian Wolfrum
Min WuNeuroscience, Genomics, Evolution Jean-Claude Walser (grad student)
Abdullah Giray Yaglikcicomputer architecture Onur Mutlu (grad student)
Hongzhi YouaVLSI, Computational Neuroscience
Valerio Zerbi
Jianbo ZhangBioengineering Department of Health Science and Technology Department of Health Science and Technology20142018 Shana J. Sturla (grad student), Christophe Lacroix (collaborator)