National Institute on Drug Abuse-IRP

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Yosuke ArimaNeurocircuits for motivation20202025 Satoshi Ikemoto (post-doc)
Yuan Hao Chen Cellular and Neurocomputational Systems20072009 Carl R. Lupica (grad student)
Kauê Machado CostaDopamine, Orbitofrontal Cortex, Reinforcement learning Behavioral Neurophysiology Neuroscience Sect.2018 Geoffrey Schoenbaum (post-doc)
Harshawardhan Deshpande Harshawardhan Deshpande2019 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
Xioyu (Sherry) Ding Neuroimaging Research Branch20132018 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
Dilyan I. DryanovskiBasal ganglia, dopamine, Parkinson's disease20162021 Carl R. Lupica (post-doc)
Sergi Ferre
Sarah Aronson Fischell Neuroimaging Research Branch20162020 Elliot A. Stein (grad student)
Cameron H. Good Cellular and Neurocomputational Systems20052010 Carl R. Lupica (post-doc)
Britta Hahn Neuroimaging Research Branch20022007 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
Eun-Kyung Hwang20152020 Carl R. Lupica (grad student)
Nora Laaris Cellular and Neurocomputational Systems20062008 Carl R. Lupica (post-doc)
Brenton T LaingNeuroscience, metabolism, electrophysiology, optogenetics Cellular Neuroscience Research Branch Yeka Aponte (post-doc)
Elise Lesage Neuroimaging Research Branch20142017 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
Qingfang Liu2021 Thorsten Kahnt (post-doc)
Alice H. Luo Cellular and Neurocomputational Systems20092011 Carl R. Lupica (post-doc)
Rajtarun Madangopal
Meredith McHugh Neuroimaging Research Branch20102015 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
Murat Oz Cellular and Neurocomputational Systems20022005 Carl R. Lupica (post-doc)
Ryan G. Palaganas20202022 Katherine E. Savell (research assistant)
Vani PariyadathTime perception, Drug addiction Neuroimaging Research Branch20102015 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
Kayla M PittsNeuropsychopharmacology, Addiction, Reward and Motivation
Arthur C. RiegelPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology Cellular and Neurocomputational Systems20022006 Carl R. Lupica (post-doc)
Emma Jane Rose Neuroimaging Research Branch20042009 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
William N. Sanchez LunaNeuroscience, drug abuse, dopamine Integrative Neurobiology Section Integrative Neurobiology Section20232022 Sergi Ferre (grad student), Sergi Ferre (post-doc)
Katherine E. Savell
Simona Spinelli Neuroimaging Research Branch20052007 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
Vaughn R. Steele Neuroimaging Research Branch20152019 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
Michael Tennekoon Neuroimaging Research Branch20152018 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
Huikun Wang Cellular and Neurocomputational Systems20111016 Carl R. Lupica (post-doc)
Sophia Weber Neuronal Ensembles of Addiction20172019 Rajtarun Madangopal (research assistant)
Phillip P Witkowski Learning and Decision Making Unit2023 Thorsten Kahnt (post-doc)
Hideaki Yano Cellular and Neurocomputational Systems20142019 Carl R. Lupica (post-doc)
Yantao Zhang Neuroimaging Research Branch20052009 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
Xiaochu Zhang Neuroimaging Research Branch20052010 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)