Hideaki Yano

2014-2019 Cellular and Neurocomputational Systems National Institute on Drug Abuse-IRP 
"Hideaki Yano"
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Semeano A, Garland R, Bonifazi A, et al. (2024) Linkers in Bitopic Agonists Shape Bias Profile among Transducers for the Dopamine D2 and D3 Receptors. Acs Pharmacology & Translational Science. 7: 2333-2349
Yano H, Chitsazi R, Lucaj C, et al. (2023) Subtle Structural Modification of a Synthetic Cannabinoid Receptor Agonist Drastically Increases its Efficacy at the CB1 Receptor. Acs Chemical Neuroscience. 14: 3928-3940
Yano H, Chitsazi R, Lucaj C, et al. (2023) A subtle structural modification of a synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist drastically increases its efficacy at the CB1 receptor. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Park JC, Luebbers A, Dao M, et al. (2023) Fine-tuning GPCR-mediated neuromodulation by biasing signaling through different G protein subunits. Molecular Cell
Pavletić P, Semeano A, Yano H, et al. (2022) Highly Potent and Selective Dopamine D Receptor Antagonists Potentially Useful for the Treatment of Glioblastoma. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 65: 12124-12139
Adhikari P, Xie B, Semeano A, et al. (2021) Chirality of Novel Bitopic Agonists Determines Unique Pharmacology at the Dopamine D3 Receptor. Biomolecules. 11
Yano H, Adhikari P, Naing S, et al. (2020) Positive allosteric modulation of the 5-HT receptor by indole-based synthetic cannabinoids abused by humans. Acs Chemical Neuroscience
Sanchez-Soto M, Verma RK, Willette BKA, et al. (2020) A structural basis for how ligand binding site changes can allosterically regulate GPCR signaling and engender functional selectivity. Science Signaling. 13
Lane JR, Abramyan AM, Adhikari P, et al. (2020) Distinct inactive conformations of the dopamine D2 and D3 receptors correspond to different extents of inverse agonism. Elife. 9
Köfalvi A, Moreno E, Cordomí A, et al. (2020) Control of glutamate release by complexes of adenosine and cannabinoid receptors. Bmc Biology. 18: 9
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