National University of Singapore

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ido Amihaicognitive neuroscience
Egor Ananyevvision, motion perception, consciousness, mental imagery Psychology20132018 Trevor B. Penney (grad student)
Costanza Ferrari Bardile Medicine20152020 Mahmoud A. Pouladi (grad student)
Peter Bartelscalcium channels Department of Physiology2013 Tuck-Wah Soong (grad student)
Mohammad Zaki Bin Ibrahimsynaptic plasticity Sajikumar Sreedharan (grad student)
Olesya Blazhenkova Psychology20102012 Maria Kozhevnikov (post-doc)
Yiyu CaiVirtual & Augmented Reality, Computer-aided Engineering Mechanical Engineering19921995 Andrew Nee (grad student)
Panpan Cai Yiyu Cai (grad student)
Yu Zong Chen
Susu Chen20112015 George J. Augustine (grad student)
Tuoyuan Cheng
Gavin Stewart DaweBevhavioural neuroscience, Neuropsychopharmacology
Thameem DheenMicroglia Eng-Ang Ling (collaborator)
Vinh Dang DoStem cell, cell signalling, epigenetics
Jin Song Dong
Andrei DragomirSensory perception, cognition
Nicolas EscoffierAuditory cognition, temporal attention, cross-modal attention
Satrajit S. GhoshNeuroinformatics, Neuroimaging, Speech communication19951997 Lonce Wyse (research assistant)
Joshua O. GohVisual Processing, Aging, Culture, fMRI, Eye-tracking, Adaptation, Attention, Memory, Neural Networks Psychology20002002 Richard C. Howard (grad student)
Gui Yin Grace Department of Physiology20092014 Kah Leong Lim (grad student)
Shifeng GUOFlexible Sensors and Sensor Network; High resolution imaging (photoacoustic, ultrasound); Smart Materials and Structures; Human-machine interaction; Ultrasonic non-destructive testing and structural health monitoring; micro-nano mechanics and machine lear Mechanical Engineering20092013 Heow Pueh LEE (grad student)
Nim, Tri Hieu Lisa C. Tucker-Kellogg (grad student)
New Fei Ho2009 Gavin Stewart Dawe (grad student)
Gayathri KarthikCalcium channels
Charanjit Kaur Eng-Ang Ling (grad student)
R Manjunatha Kini
Ru(by) Kongbrain parcellation, human behavior, machine learning Electrical and Computer Engineering20142018 Thomas Yeo (grad student)
Seetha KrishnanNeuroscience, Zebrafish Electrical and Computer Engineering20112017 Shih-Cheng Yen (grad student)
M Ganesh KumarComputational neuroscience, Reinforcement learning SINAPSE Physiology2018 Shih-Cheng Yen (grad student), Andrew Yong-Yi Tan (grad student)
Yoanna Kurnianingsih Psychology20122016 O'Dhaniel A. Mullette-Gillman (grad student)
Heow Pueh LEEAcoustics and vibration, computational methods, mechanics in medicine, composites
Hu Li Computational Biology Yu Zong Chen (grad student)
Yong Lian
Ee Peng Lim2007 Gavin Stewart Dawe (grad student)
Yong Ching Lim“Digital Signal Processing”
Jing-Xuan Limbrain states, sensorimotor transformations Physiology20162017 Yu Fu (research assistant)
Kah Leong LimMolecular Mechanisms underlying Parkinson’s disease
Xuzheng LINcommunication engineering,
Eng-Ang LingMicroglia Charles Philippe Leblond (post-doc)
Hang Liting Department of Physiology2015 Kah Leong Lim (grad student)
Bin Liu2003 Lai Yee Xing (grad student)
Denise L. Liuemotions, facial emotion recognition20052006 Michael Zorawski (research assistant)
Kerwin Low
Jinhua Lu Kenneth B.M. Reid (grad student)
Weiming Lun
Daniella MahfoudVisual Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Behavioral Neuroscience Department of Ophthalmology2023 Raymond P. Najjar (grad student)
Shubhanshu MishraMachine Learning, Social Network Analysis, Data Mining, Bibliometrics Institute of Systems Science20092009 Gloria Ng (research assistant)
O'Dhaniel A. Mullette-GillmanDecision Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Decision Making, Executive Functions, Value-to-Utility Transformation, Moral Judgments
Madhuvika MuruganMicroglia20082013 Charanjit Kaur (grad student)
Aditya NairParkinson's Disease; Neuronal Reconstruction; Computer Vision Department of Physiology20152017 Kah Leong Lim (research assistant)
Raymond P. NajjarVisual Neurosciences, Melanopsin, Pupillometry, Myopia, Light, Artificial Intelligence
Andrew Nee
Gloria Ng
DongWon OhSocial perception, face processing, face perception, stereotypes
Garrick M. OrchardVision
Radhika Patnala2012 Thameem Dheen (grad student)
Trevor B. Penney
Jacob Phelps
Hanwei Poh
Mahmoud A. PouladiHuntington's disease, Fragile X Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis
Marlena Natalia Raczkowskabioelectronics, neurotechnology, closed-loop algorithms Biomedical Engineering Nitish V. Thakor (grad student)
Rajkumar RamamoorthySystems neurobiology, Neuropsychopharmacology of antidepressants and antipsychotics20082014 Gavin Stewart Dawe (post-doc)
Susan Rickard Max Coltheart (grad student)
Mahima Sharma
Mahesh S ShettySynaptic plasticity, Leraning and memory, LTP, synaptic tagging Physiology20122016 Sajikumar Sreedharan (grad student)
Judy CG SngEpigenetics, neuroscience20002001 Kerwin Low (research assistant)
Tuck-Wah Soongcalcium channels
Sajikumar Sreedharan
Sriganesh SrihariComputational Biology, Bioinformatics20082012 Hon Wai Leong (grad student)
Yixun SuFunction of Stat3, Neurogenesis Department of Biochemistry20142019 Xin-Yuan Fu (grad student)
Jing Sun Computer Science Department Jin Song Dong (grad student)
Pin Kwang TanVision and Consciousness20192020 Camilo Libedinsky (research assistant)
Hui Min Tan
Xiao Wei Tan2006 Gavin Stewart Dawe (grad student)
Seok Hui Tan
Cheng TangNeuroscience20172020 Camilo Libedinsky (research assistant)
Shijie Tao20042009 Karuna Sampath (grad student)
Kwong Ming (KM) TseBiomechanics; Protective Equipment; Impact Mechanics; Injury Prevention; Finite Element Modelling; Mechanics in Medicine
Tayfun TumkayaLearned and innate behaviours
Y V. VenkateshComputational vision, Pattern recognition, Image processing
Vivek Verma2006 Gavin Stewart Dawe (grad student)
Yin Wang
Wei Wangbiophysics, information processing Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering2008 Vikram Srinivasan (grad student), Kee-Chaing Chua (grad student)
Edward L. WebbTropical ecology, forest management, conservation
So C. Wing CheeGesture, bilingualism
Shih-Cheng Yen
Thomas Yeo
Sean Qing Zhang YeowCalcium channels, cerebellum Physiology Physiology20162016 Tuck-Wah Soong (grad student), Kah Leong Lim (research assistant)
Jung Sun YooFluorescence molecular imaging, Multimodality imaging, Intraoperative/Intravital imaging, Department of Chemistry20112013 Young-Tae Chang (post-doc)
Si Qi Yoong
Yajun Yu“Digital Signal Processing”
Xiaoyu ZhangNMDA
Yong ZhangMaterials Science20072008 Bin Liu (post-doc)
Jidan Zhong Clinical Imaging Research Center Anqi Qiu (grad student)
Jimmy Y. ZhongAging; Artificial Intelligence; Aviation Psychology; fMRI; Neuroscience; Psychometrics; Spatial Cognition and Navigation Psychology20102013 Maria Kozhevnikov (grad student)
Amin Ziaei Medicine20152020 Mahmoud A. Pouladi (grad student)
Michael ZorawskiLearning and Memory