Nanyang Technological University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Yusuf Ali20112013 Weiping Han (post-doc)
Egor Ananyevvision, motion perception, consciousness, mental imagery Psychology2018 Gerrit W. Maus (post-doc)
Jit Wei (Aaron) AngVision; Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology2017 Gerrit W. Maus (grad student)
Archana Ashokan Biology Biology Rupshi Mitra (grad student), Rupshi Mitra (grad student)
Vibhavari Bansal Toh Hean Ch'ng (grad student)
Yamini Bhaskar Biology biology Archana Ashokan (grad student), Rupshi Mitra (grad student)
Yiyu CaiVirtual & Augmented Reality, Computer-aided Engineering
Toh Hean Ch'ng
Anna Hei Chan
Feng Chen NTU LKCMedicine Toh Hean Ch'ng (post-doc)
Zach ChiaClaustrum, Electrophysiology, Optogenetics, Anterior Cingulate Cortex, Anterior Insular Cortex Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine School of Biological Sciences20142020 George J. Augustine (grad student), Ajai Vyas (research assistant)
Patricia Chiang Yiyu Cai (grad student)
SinHui Chongemployee well-being, work-life management, emotions, coworker relations
Souravik DuttaIntelligent Robotics and Autonomous Systems Interdisciplinary Graduate School20172022 Yiyu Cai (grad student)
Gianluca EspositofNIRS, Social Interaction, Hyperscanning
Zhaowei FAN Yiyu Cai (research scientist)
Xiaofeng Fanapplied physics
Yeli FENG Yiyu Cai (grad student)
Giulio Gabrieli Psychology20182022 Gianluca Esposito (grad student)
Jessica Gaunt Toh Hean Ch'ng (post-doc)
Martin Graf Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine2015 George J. Augustine (post-doc)
Alexander Gravier Computer Engineering20092015 Wlodzislaw Duch (grad student)
Helen GuoNeuroscience20142018 Albert I. Chen (grad student)
Gao Xiang HamClaustrum, Circuits, Synchrony, Development, Social, Parent-offspring, Critical periods Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine School of Social Sciences School of Social Sciences20222024 George J. Augustine (grad student), Victoria Leong (research assistant), Victoria Leong (post-doc)
Tiantian HeArtificial Intelligence CCDS20192021 Yew-Soon Ong (post-doc)
Akshaya Hegde Biology Archana Ashokan (grad student)
Helen Ho20182020 Albert I. Chen (research scientist)
Lihui HUANG Yiyu Cai (grad student)
Chandrasekran Indhumathi Yiyu Cai (grad student)
Kristy Lee Jia Psychology2016 Peipei Setoh (grad student)
Lee Yan Jun NTU LKCMedicine Toh Hean Ch'ng (grad student)
Sandhya Kamath20132018 Albert I. Chen (grad student)
Jiawen Kangblockchain
Donghwan Richie KimBiomaterials, Neural electrodes
Seetha KrishnanNeuroscience, Zebrafish Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine20132017 Suresh Jesuthasan (grad student)
Jason KuenComputer Vision, Machine Learning
SINHA ANOOP KUMAR Yiyu Cai (grad student)
Wee Kiat Lau2016 Gerrit W. Maus (grad student)
Victoria Leong
Hoi Yeung Y. Litransition from interphase to mitosis
Mengyu Limrole-play, psychodrama, fNIRS, hyperscanning, clinical psychology, abnormal psychology
Agnes Fang Yi Lim NTU LKCMedicine Toh Hean Ch'ng (grad student)
Wei Lee Lim NTU LKCMedicine Toh Hean Ch'ng (research scientist)
Yong Ching Lim“Digital Signal Processing”
Jing-Xuan Limbrain states, sensorimotor transformations Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine20152016 George J. Augustine (research assistant)
Guigao LiuPhotochemistry; 2D materials School of Materials Science and Engineering MSE20172020 Hua Zhang (post-doc), Hua Zhang (post-doc)
Terry Tianrui LIU Yiyu Cai (grad student)
Matthew Lou-Magnuson20082013 Luca Onnis (grad student)
Aloysius Low20182019 Albert I. Chen (post-doc)
Kalaga Venu MadhavAstrophotonics, Optics, Photonics, Fibre optics, Instrumentation Electric and Electronic Engineering20072008 Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan (post-doc)
Hiroshi Makino
Gerrit W. MausVisual perception
Aditya NairNeural dynamics; Machine learning Synaptic Circuitry Laboratory20172019 George J. Augustine (research assistant)
Yew-Soon Ong
Desiree Y. Phua
Yulia RevinaVisual system, perception, top-down signals Division of Psychology20172020 Gerrit W. Maus (post-doc)
Soon Hui Rong Toh Hean Ch'ng (grad student)
Peipei SetohSocial moral cognition
Ananda E. Sidartasensorimotor neuroscience, neural plasticity, rehabilitation technology Mechanical Engineering20082010 Ang Weitech (grad student)
Zhao Siqi Psychology2017 Peipei Setoh (grad student)
Sang-Ho SongNeuroscience
Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan
Martesa Tantra20142017 Albert I. Chen (post-doc)
Ayumu Tashiro
Ayesha Thanawalla20142019 Albert I. Chen (grad student)
John ThomasMachine learning, Neural engineering, epilepsy
Victoria Turner20142016 Albert I. Chen (research scientist)
Nora Turomanmultisensory processing, selective attention, working memory, cognitive development Humanities and Social Sciences20142015 Suzy J Styles (research assistant)
Arnold Tan Weijun Toh Hean Ch'ng (research assistant)
Ang Weitech
Sunny Wong
Yi-Sheng Wongmind wandering; attention; cognitive neuroscience
Kelly Wong Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine School of Biological Sciences20172017 George J. Augustine (grad student), Albert I. Chen (research assistant)
Yuan XIE Yiyu Cai (grad student)
HUI YEEnergy homeostasis, Food function. Nutrition. Neuroendocrinology
Haojiang YingVision science; Face perception Psychology20142019 Hong Xu (grad student)
Alaric Yip2019 Albert I. Chen (post-doc)
Yajun Yu“Digital Signal Processing”
Norliyana Binte Zainolabidin2019 Albert I. Chen (post-doc)
Shannon L. ZandyNeuropharmacology Doug B. Matthews (grad student)
Yuzhe Zhang College of Engineering Yiyu Cai (research scientist)
Dongbo Zhang Keiko Koda (grad student), G. Richard Tucker (grad student)