Yulia Revina

2012-2016 Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom 
 2017-2020 Division of Psychology Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore 
 2020- Pain Perception Group Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig 
Visual system, perception, top-down signals
"Yulia Revina"
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Revina Y, Maus GW. (2020) Stronger perceptual filling-in of spatiotemporal information in the blind spot compared with artificial gaps. Journal of Vision. 20: 20
Revina Y, Maus G. (2018) Comparing filling-in of spatiotemporal patterns in the blind spot, under occlusion, and across artificial scotomata Journal of Vision. 18: 804
Revina Y, Petro LS, Muckli L. (2017) Cortical feedback signals generalise across different spatial frequencies of feedforward inputs. Neuroimage
Revina Y, Petro L, Denk-Florea C, et al. (2016) Meaningful feedback to occluded V1 is improved by increasing local information in the surround Journal of Vision. 16: 572
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