Kurt Gottschaldt, PhD

1929-1935 Rheinischen Provinzialanstalt für seelisch Abnorme in Bonn 
 1935-1949 Institute for Psychology Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Prussia, Germany 
 1949-1960 Institute for Psychology Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany 
 1962-1970 Institute for Psychology Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany 
"Kurt Gottschaldt"

[Many of Gottschaldt's academic students from his time at Humboldt University (HU) became university lecturers:
Walter Gutjahr (lecturer for clinical psychology, HU),
Johannes Helm (professor for clinical psychology, HU and later painter in the artist colony Drispeth),
Rolf Jakuszek (lecturer for educational psychology, HU),
Friedhart Klix (professor for general psychology, Jena, HU),
Gerhard Rosenfeld (professor for educational psychology, HU),
Hans-Dieter Schmidt (professor for developmental and personality psychology, HU),
Jürgen Mehl (Senior Assistant HU),
Hans Szewczyk (Professor of Medical Psychology at the Charité Psychiatric Clinic),
Hans-Dieter Rösler (Rostock),
Erich Kurth (Rostock),
Gisela Prillwitz (Professor of Pedagogical Psychology, HU),
Hans-Jürgen Lander (Professor at the HU and later in Leipzig),
Edith Kasielke (Professor of Psychodiagnostics, HU),
Lothar Sprung (Professor of Methodology and Methodology, HU),
Lothar Sprung (Professor of Psychodiagnostics, HU),
Lothar Sprung (Professor of Methodology and Methodology, HU).
His students from the Göttingen period included:
Ernst Plaum (Professor of Differential and Personality Psychology, Eichstätt) and
Peter Fassheber (Professor in Göttingen, who began his studies in Berlin).]
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Kurt Koffka grad student 1926-1929 Berlin University
 (PhD: "Über den Einfluss der Erfahrung auf die Wahrnehmung von Figuren" [The influence of experience on the perception of figures])
Wolfgang Köhler grad student 1926-1929 Berlin University
 (PhD: "Über den Einfluss der Erfahrung auf die Wahrnehmung von Figuren" [The influence of experience on the perception of figures])
Otto Lowenstein post-doc 1929-1933
 (Habilitation thesis: "Der Aufbau des Kindeslichen Handelns" (Source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Gottschaldt))
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