Bradford L. Schroeder

2013-2018 Psychology University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, United States 
Human Factors, Experimental Psychology
"Bradford Schroeder"
Mean distance: 20.2 (cluster 60)


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Valerie Sims grad student 2013-2018
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Schroeder BL, Sims VK. (2018) Texting as a multidimensional behavior: Individual differences and measurement of texting behaviors. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 7: 361-383
Schroeder BL, Whitmer DE, Sims VK. (2016) Toward a User-Centered Approach for Emergency Warning Distribution Ergonomics in Design: the Quarterly of Human Factors Applications. 25: 4-10
Claypoole VL, Schroeder BL, Mishler AD. (2016) Keeping in Touch: Tactile Interface Design for Older Users Ergonomics in Design. 24: 18-24
Schroeder BL, Sims VK. (2014) Texting behind the wheel and beyond: A look at problematic habits Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 2014: 1376-1380
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